Part 20 (1/2)
wrapped her legs around him, and he grabbed her a.s.s for extra support as he walked to his bedroom.
He knelt on the edge of his bed and gently lowered her down, staying connected, enclosed within her sheath of tight, soft muscle.
Like a gun sliding from a perfectly fitted holster, he partly withdrew.
Her muscles contracted behind him, snuggly closing the tunnel to her womb. Covering her, he slowly forged forward, parting the still-reluctant walls, easing himself along her slick channel. It was sensationally exquisite to be gripped so tightly by soft, silky, warm flesh. She gasped, and he felt her p.u.s.s.y clench and relax repeatedly, the temporary paralysis obviously over.
”Not a little girl anymore,” he whispered.
He began to stroke slowly in and out, holding back, controlling the pace to one she could contend with. He could have come a dozen times since being fully embedded within her, but he wanted her to fly with him, to hear her scream with o.r.g.a.s.mic pleasure, and to make it a first time that she would want to remember.
It didn't take long. She gripped his forearms tightly and raised her knees, squeezing him with her legs, keeping him close. Soft moans and mewls escaped from deep within her throat. Her hips swayed to meet his slow, deep thrusts and the tension in his c.o.c.k grew like a pulled coil spring. Suddenly, she convulsed as her overstretched pelvic floor muscles contracted over and over again, and her p.u.s.s.y juice gushed, coating his c.o.c.k. The coil snapped back and pure energy raced throughout him, sparking synapses and nerve endings never before so excited.
He covered her mouth with his and stole her climatic scream. He had to have his release now. It was more than enough to hear her moans, to feel her beneath him, to see her pa.s.sion slackened face, but as she climaxed, her p.u.s.s.y tightened farther around him. He came hard with her name on his lips and his heart in her hands.
He pulled her into a close embrace, murmuring words of love and praise. When he finally floated down to earth his bliss was stolen by 152 the feel of fat tears dripping onto his chest and the sound of a tiny sniffle.
”Oh G.o.d, Janet, are you okay? Are you really hurt? I'm sorry, so sorry,” he said, panicking and feeling wretched.
”Shut up, you're ruining our moment. I'm just so happy I could burst. It was everything I thought it would be and more. It surely can't get much better than that.”
He exhaled loudly in relief and satisfaction that he'd made her feel that way.
”I am honored that I was your first. It was wonderful for me, too.
Janet, you felt so tight and responsive that I thought that I was going to lose it at one point. I have to warn you, though, baby, that was just an appetizer-a sort of welcome to Mitch. Between us, it'll only get better and better.”
”Really?” She looked and sounded awestruck.
”I promise.” He kissed her again and withdrew from her body as he rolled her to the side. ”I'll just be a minute,” he said as he headed for the bathroom to dispose of the condom.
While there, he found a clean washcloth and wet it with warm water; it might help to soothe any aches. She s.h.i.+vered as he gently applied the cloth between her legs, dabbing carefully around her red and swollen entrance.
”Mmm, that feels good.”
”I don't want you to be sore. It may be a little tender. For the first few times, we'll need to go gently and slowly. When you can take my c.o.c.k easily, we'll get more imaginative.” He gave her a wicked grin.
Janet chuckled. ”I can't wait.”
”You'll have to, greedy girl. Now come on, let's grab a beer and have something to eat.”
They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company and made love for most of the night, but only had full penetrative s.e.x one more time. Mitch seemed delighted that his c.o.c.k slipped comfortably between her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s and that she quickly mastered the art of sucking a large c.o.c.k and could maintain a strong, steady grip.
She couldn't get enough of his wicked fingers and talented tongue that drove her to multiple When they had full s.e.x again, the little soreness she experienced was overshadowed completely by the divine rapture she felt at being stuffed so full and milking him dry.
She had always thought that Mitch would be a great f.u.c.k. He was fit and athletic-he had a great body, and he knew how to use it-but he was also attentive, responsive, and caring, which made him an exceptional lover-her lover. Janet wanted to shout out in joy.
”One thing is certain, you've ruined s.e.x for me with any other man,” she gently teased and yawned as they lay wrapped around each other, in his bed.
”There won't be any other man,” he murmured, as they drifted off to sleep.
Thursday morning wouldn't slow down in arriving no matter how much Janet wished it. Mitch had to go to work and would be staying on late to give a talk to his colleagues about the course he had attended in Austin. Usually, the guys went out for a few beers after such events, and although Mitch said that he was happy not to join them later, Janet insisted that he should. She had two brothers, and if that had taught her anything at all, it was to give men some room in their lives. They arranged to see each other on Friday evening at Mitch's home again.
She was happy knowing she would see him again soon enough, and, to be honest, it would give her p.u.s.s.y some much-needed recuperation time. She did feel a little sore but was careful not to let on to Mitch, especially when getting into her car. Ouch. Nevertheless, she headed home with a beamer of a smile on her face thinking about 154 last night. James was standing on the veranda when Janet drove up to the house. His gaze narrowed as he watched her gingerly get out of the car and walk carefully up the steps.
”Hey, Jan, are you okay?”
”What? I'm fine, why?” She smiled.
”You're-never mind.”
”I'm fine, just a little-I'm fine,” She felt herself blush and ran awkwardly inside barely catching her brothers curse.
”G.o.d d.a.m.n, I'll kill him.”
She whirled around, ”Just you listen to me, James Ryden. I love that man andaandait was, he was-is-fantastic! I'm so happy I could cry, so back off, cowboy, and be glad that I've found a wonderful man like Mitch Mathews.”
He stared at her, stunned, his mouth gaping open like a stranded fish. Slowly, a sheepish grin crossed his face.
”You're a Ryden, all right. Sorry, Jan, I'll mind my own business, Josh was right. You're all grown up.”
He lifted his hat in a sort of salute and headed across the yard.
I don't believe it. Suddenly the men in her life had woken up and smelled the roses.
Chapter 9.
Rachael was a little miffed that Joshua hadn't called but had only sent a brief SMS saying that he wouldn't be home until Friday afternoon. Out of sight, out of mind. Then she felt miserable for being mean-minded. Thursday came and went slowly. It was too quiet a day. She went for an early morning run and then worked a bit in her garden before mooching around and reading a book. h.e.l.l, what she really wanted to do was go over to Crossling and thrash it out, but that would only make matters worse.
She tried speaking to someone at the Veterinary a.s.sociation in Houston, but all the committee members were in a meeting. She just hated waiting and not being proactive and decided to at least write a draft letter to the a.s.sociation explaining her actions. It would be one less thing to do when they had an inquiry into the allegation.
On Friday, just after lunch, Rachael received a call.
”Ms. Harrison? This is Dr. Volkener, president of the American Medical Veterinary a.s.sociation here in Texas.”
”h.e.l.lo, Dr. Volkener. I'm glad that you called. I rang yesterday to speak to someone about an apparent malpractice allegation.” She kept her voice pleasant and calm.
”Yes, I'm calling about that. I wanted you to know that the complaint had been dealt with and the matter dropped. We understand that there is no evidence or even an official complaint in writing. Mr.
Farley thoroughly explained the facts, and Mr. Ryden has collaborated what happened.”