Part 17 (1/2)

”Yes, we did, but the movie was a bit disappointing. Hot Lesbian Vampires Do Dallas wasn't half as good as we thought it was going 127.

to be. Good night, James.” She quietly laughed to herself and got ready for bed.

Janet drove carefully, avoiding the potholes and keeping alert for any animals that may have strayed onto the old country road. She was therefore surprised and a little worried when halfway home a flas.h.i.+ng blue light appeared behind her and a short blast of a siren told her to pull over. I wasn't speeding. I only had two of wine and ate a full dinner. I'm not over the limit, surely. Even so, she popped a mint into her mouth and crunched it down quickly in a guilty fas.h.i.+on, not quite knowing why she did it.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, she watched in her rear view mirror as the hulking silhouette of a police officer came into view and alongside her SUV. He knocked on the window, blinding her with his torchlight. Squinting and s.h.i.+elding her eyes, she put the window down.

”Good evening, Officer. What's the problem?”

Still s.h.i.+ning the light in her face, he said sternly, ”Step out of the vehicle please, ma'am.”

”Certainly, just as soon as you stop s.h.i.+ning that torch in my eyes and show some ID.”

”Step out of the vehicle now,” the semi-recognizable voice repeated more harshly.

”I'm not going anywhere until you show me some ID. I know my rights.” Actually, she didn't, but it sounded good. Her eyes were uncomfortable, and he was p.i.s.sing her off.

Her door was tugged open, and she was pulled out faster than she thought possible. So much for her plan of holding on to the steering wheel.

The torch swung away from her face, and she was hauled around to the front of her SUV and was pushed against the hood.


”If you don't show me some ID right now, I'm getting back to my car,” she said bravely, all the time feeling terrified.

She heard a deep laugh. ”Spread 'em.” He kicked her legs apart and placed her arms wide, holding her down easily with a big hand on the center of her back.

”What are you doing?” she shouted fearfully.

”Frisking you. Don't move.”

”The h.e.l.l I won't.” She started to struggle in earnest.

”Shush, Janet. It's me, Mitch,” he crooned softly into her ear as he leaned over her, holding her arms against the hood.

”Mitch? What are you playing at? Let me up.” Her fear quickly morphed into relief, and she relaxed her tense stance.

”I'm being imaginative,” he drawled.

”Ah, yes, about that-”

”Not so c.o.c.k sure of yourself now, are you? Now stay still why I do my job.”

She was so shocked that she complied, staying stock-still as he ran his hands firmly all over her. Jesus, if this was a normal frisk, she'd break the law every day. When he got to her chest, the efficient sweep became a lingering cup and squeeze. When he moved to her thighs, he placed his hand between her legs, flat against her s.e.x, and rubbed back and forth. She couldn't help but moan. He pressed up against her, and she could feel the heat of his big body and the outline of his hard c.o.c.k through his clothes. The sudden relief she had experienced now turned to raging desire.

He pulled her to stand upright, turned her around, and kissed her deeply, tasting her minty mouth.

”Have you been drinking?”

”Nano,” she stammered. He narrowed his eyes. ”Well, yes, just two of wine with dinner.” She'd never really mastered the art of lying. Joshua had never given her the chance.

”Walk in a straight line.”

”What? Mitch! You know I'd never drive drunk.”


”Just do it.”

G.o.d, he sounded so different, sort of masterful, really. It was very s.e.xy.

She sighed theatrically and walked in a dead-straight line and back again.

”I'm not convinced. Bend over and touch your toes.”

”Now, Mitch, you're just being ridicul-ow!” He had smacked her bottom. She felt her p.u.s.s.y tremble as she slowly leaned forward.

He unclipped his police baton and lifted her skirt with the end. She heard him hiss when he exposed her backside. She was only wearing a skimpy thong so she knew he was getting an eye full.

”Spread your legs wider. That's it, good girl.”

This was a new side to the deputy-one she wasn't really prepared for, but ignited a longing for intimacy like she'd never experienced before.

He stared at her almost bare a.s.s, clad in a white lace thong. The pure but s.e.xy look always did it for him. The urge to grab her hips and sink deep into her until he bounced against her full b.u.t.tocks was fierce. Taking a steadying breath, he rubbed the end of the baton across her a.s.s before sliding it on the fabric between her legs.

She stumbled forward.

”You look a little tipsy to me.” He laughed softly.

Janet straightened and turned around. He moved in quickly, taking her in his arms and kissing her hard.

”I just wanted to get your attention,” she murmured as he moved his mouth to her neck.

”You've got it, and you'll be getting a whole lot more in a minute.” He felt her tremble against him as she tentatively ran her hands down his back to his b.u.t.t.


”I want you, but you'll have to show me the way,” she said demurely.

G.o.d, how did she know that the whole shy, virginal act turned him on?

His hand found its way under her skirt, his finger into her v.a.g.i.n.a.

Lord, she was sopping but very tight. He'd never fit if she didn't relax. He carried her to the back of his police cruiser, opened the tailgate with one hand, and seated her on the edge.

”You need to relax, baby. I'm going conduct a thorough body search, starting here.” He opened her legs wide and placed his hand on her mound. ”I don't have a sniffer dog, so I'll have to do it myself.” He wiggled his eyebrow and was pleased when she laughed.

It would go some way to easing her nerves.