Part 13 (1/2)

James raised his eyebrows in mock shock. ”Me? What?”

”Before you say anything.” She gave him a wry grin and headed after Joshua, who had reached a solid-looking wooden door.

”The south wing of the house is where my rooms are, Janet takes the upstairs over the middle section of the house, and James takes the north side. It gives us privacy...the walls are thick,” he added poignantly.

They pa.s.sed through what Rachael considered a portal to Joshua's inner sanctum. She was intrigued by what lay beyond. They walked into a sizable study with dark brown leather easy chairs and an impressive, wooden, antique-looking boardroom table. In one corner was an office desk with computer and other such equipment. Books lined one wall, along with a large plasma screen. It was elegant yet practical, and Rachael immediately felt comfortable. She liked the smell of leather, polish, and man, and she couldn't help taking an audible sniff.

”Smells lovely,” she explained when she noticed him watching her closely.

He smiled and led the way through another door.

”This is my bedroom, obviously.”

A ma.s.sive, dark wooden platform bed dominated the plain but stylish room. The headboard was a beautiful lattice work of wood.


The decor was brown and white, leather and linen. A s.p.a.cious walk-in wardrobe and bathroom existed through two other doors. However, what Rachael noticed first was the large folding gla.s.s doors along the west gable end.

”Wow, you must get a spectacular view of the sunset in here. This room must turn orange. I bet it's beautiful.”

”It is. I'll show you later.” He gave a soft chuckle.


”Nothing. It's just that most people notice things like the huge bed or the wall mirror. Straight away you pinned the real reason I love this room. A few years ago I had the house redesigned so that all of the bedrooms and the back veranda have a view of the sunset.”

She ignored the fact that ”most people” probably alluded to other women. h.e.l.l, it was to be expected. d.a.m.n. Now that he'd mentioned the bed, she did think that it was impressive and that mirror looked strategically placed. Oh, for heaven's sake. Of course, he's had a s.e.x life before me. She should just consider herself lucky that she was benefiting from his experience because he sure knew his way around the female form. Still, she began to wonder just how much action that mirror had reflected. Stop it, stop it right now!

”It's all very lovely. You live well,” she said pleasantly.

”I do, but it could be better. Come here.”

”No. You come here.” She lifted her chin defiantly.

He smiled like a hunter who had his prey in easy sight and took a step forward. She took a corresponding step back. They repeated the maneuver and her s.h.i.+ns. .h.i.t the end of the bed causing her to stumble onto her back. Quickly, he moved over her and planted his hands firmly either side of her shoulders, forming a human cage.

”Well, now, you're not being very obedient, sweetheart. Have you forgotten our deal already?” he teased.

Waving her red flag of challenge, she replied, ”Remind me.” She was flushed and breathing hard, her chest rose and fell deeply, and her nipples hardened.


”You are mine to do with as I see fit.”

He inched closer until his nose almost touched hers. Rachael forgot all her smart quips and comebacks and, for a moment, did a good impression of a bunny caught in headlights. She wanted to feel his mouth on hers and to experience the unique pleasure of his kiss.

She closed the gap, entwining one arm around his neck and the other over his shoulder for support. She brushed her lips over his then increased the pressure, slipping her tongue inside his mouth as he yielded. Time became irrelevant. She had no idea how long they kissed that way, but at some point Joshua leaned over to one side and, without breaking the kiss, rolled and pulled her on top of him. She had forgotten just how wonderful a good kiss could be-full of promise and antic.i.p.ation. When they finally eased apart, she opened her eyes and found herself afloat in a vision of sky blue. His pa.s.sion-heavy lids lent a s.e.xy intensity to his gaze as he looked deeply into her eyes. She felt a pressure in her chest that she couldn't explain, almost as if she were going to cry, such was the level of emotion. It frightened her. It consumed her.

Oh, man! Her lips tasted like sweet, swollen grapes ready for harvest, and her kiss intoxicated him as much as the resulting wine.

He needed to think straight, although at that precise moment he couldn't think why. That was it-if he didn't move away now, they'd never leave his room. What's so bad about that? With a considerable effort that tested his strength of character to the limit, he backed off the bed, carefully hiding the sudden desire he had to tell her that he loved her. He thought that such a declaration might just scare her a little. It sure scared the h.e.l.l out of him.

”If that is your opening act, I may not survive the play.” She chuckled softly.


”Well, the main scene may just be a showstopper.” He winked playfully. ”But, as much as I want to spend all our time in bed, I am trying to behave and...court you.”

He felt a bit embarra.s.sed. He was great at coaxing cattle and horses but could count on both thumbs the times he'd actually wooed a woman. She must have guessed because she immediately tried to put him at ease.

”It's okay. I like that. I appreciate it, and, as you said earlier, this morning, it's just us.” She smiled warmly at him. ”It's a good thing to get to know each other.” Then, to lighten the mood, she added, ”I confess, though, the part about being in bed all day sounded pretty good, too.” She held out her hand, and he pulled her off the bed.

”Anyway, you did promise to cook for me, and you wouldn't want me to feel shortchanged now, would you?”

No, he certainly would not. Holding Rachael's hand, Joshua led her back to the kitchen where two still-cold beers waited for them.

They found James and Janet lazing in the comfy chairs on the back deck that extended out from the veranda.

”I'm just going to call Colin about Crossling's horse.” She backed away with her cell.

Joshua explained to the others what had happened that morning.

When Rachael snapped her phone shut, she looked troubled.

”Colin said that the horse is doing well, but he wants to keep him longer under observation, just in case. Roy, however, is insisting on the horse going back to his place tonight. Somewhere, there's a village missing an idiot.”

”It sounds as if you did all you could. It's his horse, unfortunately.

He's a tight b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Probably didn't want to pay the extra fee.” James grimaced.

”You've had an interesting day,” Janet observed. ”And it's only halfway through.”

”Speaking of interesting, I see that the deputy got you home in one piece,” Rachael teased.


”What do you mean? Did Mitch take you home last night?” James looked concerned.

”Yeah, what of it? Don't you approve of Mitch?” Janet challenged.

”Oh, he's a great guy, as a friend. He's too...big for anything else.”