Part 5 (1/2)

All clear.”

”So there's no problem then, except,” he paused, eyes widening, ”what about contraception?”


”I had a hormone implant. I'm a belt-and-braces kind of girl. I had planned to get it removed. Thank goodness I didn't. I'm hopefully good for another three months or so.”

He tenderly lowered his forehead to hers. ”So we're good, then?”

he sighed in relief.

”! I can't believe I behaved so irresponsibly.”

”Contraception is a joint responsibility. If it's any consolation, I feel the same way. I just lost control. It doesn't happen often, Rachael, but I've got to say, it felta you felt amazing.”

She glared at him for making her a quick f.u.c.k by the side of the road, but then softened it to a small smile because she couldn't regret the spontaneous, amazing s.e.x.

”It felt great for me, too, but, Josh, I don't know much about you and you know next to nothing about me.”

”I know there's something between us, Rachael.”

She looked pointedly down at his semi-erect c.o.c.k. ”You don't say.”

But she knew he was right. There was some kind of connection between them. When she had bought her small house in England two years ago, she had known as soon as she saw the front door that she would want it. It was the same certainty with Joshua Ryden. That didn't mean it couldn't all end horribly and in tears. She got dressed without her panties, which were unsalvageable, and he rearranged his clothes. He tenderly pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head before he helped her into the cab.

They didn't speak much for the rest of the journey, both deep within their own thoughts.

”Thanks for the ride.” She gave a little quirky grin as they arrived at Colin's home.

”My pleasure,” he said seriously. ”I want to see you again.”


”Yes, but give me a few days. A lot has happened to me in a short s.p.a.ce of time. I think I need to get my bearings.”

”Okay. I'll call you.”

He got out of the truck and opened the door for her. As he helped her down, his big hands lingered on her neat waist. Her breathing seemed shallower as she stared at him with chocolate brown eyes.

Already he wanted her again. Her gaze lowered slowly to his crotch and the very obvious large, uncomfortable-looking bulge that nestled there. She raised her eyebrows in a look he interpreted as surprise and possibly admiration. He wasn't a braggart, but he knew that he packed an impressive weaponamore of a bazooka than a love gun. She stepped forward and lightly rubbed against him.

”Until then,” she murmured, then turned and walked away.

It took all his resolve not to throw her over his shoulder and carry her off to the nearest hotel. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he didn't have the time because he had to pick his sister up from the airport. He understood that Rachael needed time to process what had happened. h.e.l.l, they both did. He had never had such a strong compulsion to f.u.c.k anyone like that before. He hadn't wanted it to end. The need to take her completelyato have her come around his c.o.c.k as he came inside herahad been fierce. So much so that he had been stupid enough to forget to use a condom, something that had never happened before. The pleasure of warm, wet flesh to flesh contact while riding her bareback made all other experiences pale in comparison.

There was something about her that called to him, and his instinct was to hunt it down. Joshua knew that he had to be more patient. He didn't want to scare Rachael off. If only she guessed his thoughts about what he would like to do to her. Would she run from him and never want to see him again? He wanted to be honest about his desires. Otherwise, it would be unfair to them both. He remembered her submitting to his control today, so perhaps she wasn't averse to a 44 bit of domination in the bedroom. He hoped he'd find out soon enough.


Chapter 3.

Rachael was glad that no one was home when she entered the house. She needed to clean herself up and time to absorb what had just happened. A long, hot shower would help, although she was reluctant to wash his scent away. The s.e.x had been incredible. She had the sneaking suspicion that she'd been short changed in the past.

Now she finally knew what it was to be ”taken” by a real man, and the corporeal knowledge of it had an addictive quality, stimulating feel-good endorphinsainfusing her blood, her flesh, and her very bones with desire, and leaving her desperate for more. Jesus, her mouth watered and she was short of breath just thinking about him. It wouldn't do, no, not at all. She'd better pull herself together before she unravelled completely. I can't just fall for the first attractive man I've met here. He can't be ”the one,” can he? It all seemed so unlikely, yet a simple word tugged on the treads of her tangled thoughts-fate.

She was determined to keep busy to avoid the warring cycles of thoughts developing-one a vicious circle that always ended in disappointment and her professional reputation in tatters, the other a virtuous one leading to satisfaction and happily ever after. It was uncomfortable and distracting and better not to be thought about at all. Yes, she should be able ignore her turbulent emotions-she was half-English after all.

After a quick lunch, armed with the materials that she had just purchased from the local hardware store, she headed to her cabin. She was going to paint the main room a bright suns.h.i.+ne yellowaSummer Memory it said on the tin. She hoped it would lighten her mood and 46 take her mind off things. She docked her iPod into the small but powerful sound system that she had brought with her from England and chose her exercise playlist. The fast, energetic music lifted her spirits, and she sang along as she got to work cleaning the walls and taping areas to be kept paint-free.

By late afternoon, she was finis.h.i.+ng the first coat of paint and realized that she would need another ten liters. She resolved to finish the job the next morning. Just before she was about to leave, the department store called and asked if she would be at the cabin around noon tomorrow to receive the king-size mattress she had ordered the day before. Great. With any luck, she would spend night in her new home, in her grandma's four-poster fairytale bed.

When she arrived at her cousin's house, Susan and Colin were there. Mark was making an air delivery to a more remote ranch and would be home later.

”Hey, guys, you'll be glad to know that you'll have the house to yourselves after tomorrow night. I'm moving into Flora's Place on”

”Now, you know we love having you here, I'll miss the female company,” Susan said kindly. ”You are still coming to the county dance with us on night at the high school, aren't you? It's a real community event. Everyone goes.”

”Yeah, sure, I wouldn't miss it. Sounds fun.”

”Great. Because both my men love to dance, and it can get pretty tiring. I'll need some support.” She giggled.

”I think our Rachael will be kept busy enough. She had plenty attention today at the ranch.”

You have no idea. She couldn't prevent her blus.h.i.+ng.

”They'll be more than one cowboy hoping for a turn around the dance floor,” Colin continued.