Chapter 68 (1/2)
Their moist and clear eyes were close. Rain flowed down Ruhae’s hair fell on her cheeks.
She exclaimed before she knew. She opened her lips, not knowing when to close them.
He gazed at her lips quietly. Her lips opened just like a flower bud and were slightly wet. Her shiny lips were adorable.
Momentarily, he felt lustful. He wanted to have her all. He couldn’t convey his feelings with just words. Her glaring eyes, her touch and the atmosphere heightened the feeling.
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The sound of rain gradually faded. The clearer her feelings toward him, the more all her other feelings disappeared. He felt the same way.
His warmth at her fingertips, the scent of her in his nose: there was no distinction between them.
Everything that separated them before was gone. The bondage holding them back disappeared. Only the two of them existed in the scope of their perception. Just like they put their shoulders side by side, they touched their lips together. Just like they interlocked their fingers, the distance between them disappeared, and their upper and lower lips touched.
He cautiously approached her, and she didn’t avoid him. She leaned on his shoulders and turned her chin upward as if she was looking for his sweet touch.
Hard to get. Again and again.
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Their lips with the different warmth of their own touched. They kissed cautiously as if they were asking for permission to touch closer and deeper. And she accepted his kiss meekly. Rather she raised her head as if to ask for more.
He got a little more emboldened. Her lips opened again. He kissed her lips a little more deeply this time. She got agitated and surprised a bit but accepted his kiss in no time.
They kissed shyly the first time.
And they got closer and familiar pretty quickly as if they tried to forget about all the difficulties surrounding them.
After she came back from her outing on that rainy day, the day when the rainy season started, she caught a cold. When she was sick again, all the court ladies were on alert mode and made a big fuss about it. They quibbled that she got sick three times in less than six months. It seemed that Kyosul would be remembered as a sick and weak-hearted crown princess.
Even though it was midsummer, her mattress was covered with soft cotton blankets. The window was open so that fresh air could come in and layers of silk curtain were let down to block the wind. Sitting on the mattress, she listened to the rain.
“Ahchooo! Hech!”
Though it was raining hard, she kept coughing and felt like throwing up as she had fever.
Her cheeks, which blushed because she was in love with Ruhae, were redder now.
“Are you going to invite the haetae (ziezhi)? I love it very much. Haetae is a righteous animal that tells right from wrong,” he said.
He tried to play fun with words by alluding to the sound of her coughing using the legendary animal. She looked at him. He offered a tray with a bowl of porridge and a spoon to her, saying, “You should recover quickly in order to be a champion of justice. You should eat well to get over your cold, so you can be up and running.”
As always, he spoke wittily.
With a sullen face, however, Kyosul turned her head. Right next to her was sitting Ruhae holding the bowl of porridge.
“This is unfair.” Swallowing the spoonful of porridge he put into her mouth, she pouted. “Both of us were soaked in the rain. But why do you look good, and why am I sick like this?”
And then she put her hand on her forehead. It was hot with a fever.
With a pleasant laugh, he blew on the hot porridge to cool it down, so she could eat easily.
And then he put it into her mouth and said, “Well, it’s because we can’t see each other if we are sick at the same time. Don’t you think I can come here and see you because I’m okay like this?”
Everything he said was as sweet as ever. He never uttered any words that rubbed her the wrong way.
Though she initially got upset because she alone was sick after getting rained on, her expression softened. She couldn’t look him in the eye and swallowed the porridge he put into her mouth, but she didn’t stop grumbling all along.
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“I’m afraid they might get the impression that I’m a complete weakling when I am sick in bed like this.”
As if to chime in, he seconded the thought. Of course, he did it playfully to please her.
“Weak is thy name, Your Highness!”