Part 30 (1/2)
His cell phone buzzed once, a text coming in. Exhaling, he s.h.i.+fted in the chair and tugged the phone from his pocket to discover that the message was from Skyler.
Open the d.a.m.n door.
Zeke almost didn't get up. He had never wanted to hurt Skyler, but since Savannah's murder the idea of loving anyone made him want to lock himself in the cellar and never come out. Love meant pain and loss; better to be alone.
But he had known Skyler a long time before they had begun dating, and he knew she would not go away just because he ignored her-seeing her earlier today at the Magic Wagon confirmed that. She had come out here with some purpose in mind and as long as she believed he was at home-and his car out in the driveway had already given him away-she would see it through.
”s.h.i.+t,” he muttered, rising from his chair.
When he opened the door, Skyler barged in without an invitation. She had made no effort to pretty herself up for the visit; her hair was in a ponytail and the only makeup he could see was mascara. Her hooded burgundy sweater fit her tightly enough to show off her curves, but it was frayed at the cuffs and the laces of her boots were untied, as if she'd made the decision to come abruptly and hadn't paused even to tie them.
”Come in, I guess,” he said, letting the irony into his voice.
Skyler spun on him, there in the foyer, stammering nonsense for several seconds, the words crowding each other to get out. She paused and took a breath, so furious with him . . . and she was so beautiful that it made him want to shove her back out the door. He loved the fire in her, the pa.s.sion, but he did not want to love her.
”You guess . . . ? That's the greeting I get after you ignore me?” She looked as if she didn't know whether to cry or slug him. ”I've given you all the s.p.a.ce you could ever have asked for, Ezekiel. I've respected your desire to be alone even though I think it's the opposite of what you need. But I come and bang on your door and you ignore me-”
”I didn't know it was you banging, Skyler.”
”-hush, now, I'm yelling at you!” she said, waving a finger, blue eyes alight with righteous fury.
Zeke couldn't help smiling. ”I can see that.”
Skyler faltered, the corners of her mouth turning upward, tempting a grin. Instead she punched him in the shoulder.
”Don't try to make light,” she said grimly, searching his eyes. She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. ”I figure you know why I'm here.”
Zeke glanced out the still-open door, then slid it slowly shut.
”I'm guessing it's to do with the meeting at the Magic Wagon today.”
”You know it is.”