Chapter 669 - A protective umbrella (2/2)
Both w.a.n.g Ling and Zhong Meili were equally startled as they did not expect that the man that everyone was talking about was Xiao Luo.
Zhong Meili felt nauseous when she looked at Lyon lying unconscious on the ground drenched in blood, and with both arms broken. She could not believe that it was the work of Xiao Luo. In her mind, Xiao Luo was an outstanding student who could debate with Huang Ruoran on the monetary theories in fluent English. That lesson was one of the most memorable that she had ever taught in all her teaching years, and it was still fresh in her memory. She could still vividly recall their debate.
What had happened?
Why did Xiao Luo a.s.sault Lyon in public? Why did he hurt him to the point of crippling him?
Seeing what had happened, Zhong Meili was bewildered, as the person standing there was not the Xiao Luo she thought she knew.
“Hero Luo… What happened to him?”
w.a.n.g Ling was horrified and could not believe what Xiao Luo had done. She saw Huang Ruoran, who stood beside Xiao Luo, and she looked equally shocked. w.a.n.g Ling knew that the incident probably had something to do with Huang Ruoran, but daunted by what had happened, she did not dare to approach her.
They could hear police sirens screaming toward the university from afar. Three police cars with flas.h.i.+ng red and blue lights soon sped arrived and halted in front of the school gate. A dozen police officers alighted from the vehicles with their pistols drawn as they surrounded the crime scene.
That was the only word that came to Zhu Xiaofei’s and Ding Kai’s minds. Xiao Luo had severely a.s.saulted and crippled someone and the police would probably put him behind bars for a few years. The casualty was Lyon, who belonged to the influential Kennedy family. There wasn’t much of a chance that Brother Luo could talk his way out of a jail term.
The two gritted their teeth and clenched their fists as they wanted to do something for Xiao Luo, but realized there was nothing they could do to help him. All they could do was gaze at him helplessly.
The police officers took immediate action when they arrived, pus.h.i.+ng the crowd back and taking control of the scene.
The officer-in-charge was a police superintendent, and he broke out in a cold sweat when he laid eyes on Xiao Luo. He immediately took out his phone to check on Xiao Han, the Thousand-faced Killer, and confirmed this man was him. The instructions from his superiors were explicit–no one was to confront nor antagonize Xiao Han.
“Wait… put your guns away. Don’t point them at that man. If anyone of you fire, you are dead meat. Quickly put away your guns!” The police superintendent yelled to his men.
The police officers suddenly wavered as they stared at each other. They could not understand why they were ordered to stand down. That severely injured man lying on the ground was Lyon from the Kennedy family. If anyone shot that Hua national dead, they would undoubtedly not charge him with a violation, and might even receive a reward for it. The Kennedy family would certainly approve and would probably a.s.sist that person with future promotion.
Although confused, the police officers still obeyed the instruction and holstered their handguns.
The police superintendent composed himself and approached Xiao Luo cautiously. He smiled and asked, “Err, Mr. Xiao… Mr. Xiao Han, can we take Lyon away for medical care?”
He was overly courteous and bowed repeatedly to Xiao Luo.
Oh, my G.o.d. What are we seeing here?
Everyone who had witnessed that exchange widened their eyes in surprise as they stared at the police superintendent in disbelief. These were the federal police officers. How could they be so respectful to a criminal who had a.s.saulted someone in public? What the heck was going on? Did that Hua national have a more powerful background than the young master Lyon Kennedy?
Most of the police officers dropped their jaws in shock. None of them had expected their leader to act in such a manner. What on earth was he doing? Were they not there to arrest that criminal? Why were they acting as a protective umbrella for him instead?