Chapter 268 - No need to endure anymore (2/2)

Everyone could not believe what they had just witnessed, was this person really Xiao Luo? Was this still that Xiao Luo, the silent, low-key, and average kid in college?

Only Zhao Mengqi knew that Xiao Luo was just being himself. He could endure insults for the sake of past friends.h.i.+ps once or twice, but beyond that, he would not hold back. The others had all forgotten their old friends.h.i.+ps, so why should he care?

Fl.u.s.tered, Qin Guiyue clenched her jaw and glowered angrily at Xiao Luo and Zhang Dashan.

“…If you’re fake enough, you can even beat the demon…

If you’ve plotted it well, who’s gonna be n.o.bler…”

The moment Xiao Luo got through the first verse of the lyrics, the crowd was immediately taken with his clear and melodious voice. He expressed the lyrics with a perfect articulation of its subtle inflections, which drew the listener in, as if in a conversation. And as he hummed the tune in the chorus, the crowd joined in and hummed along. They were beside themselves with admiration.

Here was a voice that could converse with their souls.

Tang Wantian stopped her texting and immediately looked at Xiao Luo as she listened to his captivating voice.

“Did someone turn on the original mode?”

A man raised this question softly, but he shut up as soon as he saw that the system screen on vocal mode.

This was a very popular song, and anyone would immediately recognize whether it was the original track. It was a testament to Xiao Luo’s talent that anyone even thought that this was the original.

“F*ck my life!”

Well aware that he would be last in place, Hu Shuiping sat gloomily watching Xiao Luo’s performance. It was bad enough to be in the last place, but to be relegated to that spot with a score of only 11 points was both embarra.s.sing and hurtful.

“Daddy, Bei Bei wants to sing too!”

The little loli wanted to join the fun and immediately jumped off the sofa and ran excitedly over to Xiao Luo, begging him by hugging onto his thigh.

Seeing her so excited, Xiao Luo smiled and decided to let her have a go. He knelt down and pa.s.sed the mic to her.

“Can the ugly hag keep the lights off, the love I wanted only exist in a pitch-dark stage.

In these times of ambiguity, my existence is not much of a surprise.”

It was by sheer coincidence that this was also the highlight of the song, and even though she was only three or four years old, she could sing really well. Her innocent voice had produced a rather special effect on this song, she was like a nightingale that sang with a very pleasing voice. This made everyone laud her excellent singing with encouraging applause.

Xiao Luo was a little surprised, as he did not expect that she could sing so well, and she made no mistake in enunciating the lyrics. She had mentioned to him earlier that she only sang nursery rhymes, but this song was nothing like that.

He patted the little loli on her head to express his admiration and encouragement.

The duet by “father and daughter” had elevated this song to a new height, and the listeners were enraptured with their fabulous performance.

Everyone remained mesmerized for the song’s duration, enthralled by their beautiful voices and the exceptional rendition of the song. The fusion of both the voices of father and child had produced harmonics with dramatic ups and downs, which captured everyone’s soul.

“Congratulations, your score is: 100 points!”

The high-pitched female announcer from the karaoke sound system echoed in the room, and the giant screen showed: 100. The entire screen erupted with bursts of fireworks, and the dis...o...b..ll in the room started to flas.h.i.+ng at a vigorous tempo. At the same time, the whole room was filled with strobes of different colors, accompanied by thunderous applause and cheers from the sound system.
