Part 20 (1/2)
Glad for an excuse to leave for a moment the ill-savored cellar, Percy hastened on his errand, and Fawkes presently entered, looking keenly about.
”What now, gentlemen?” said he, ”hast made an opening?”
”That have we not, save through this wall of brick,” replied Catesby, ”methinks thy gunpowder could scarce open a further way, friend Guido.
Look thou at yon barrier of stone.”
Taking the lantern, Fawkes followed the suggestion. ”'Tis, in truth, most strongly put together,” said he at length, ”but with due patience and diligence this also may be overcome. Give me a drill.”
Having received one from the hand of Winter he attacked the masonry, striking here, picking there, until, having loosened a goodly portion of cement, he caught up a heavy crowbar, and inserting its point into the narrow opening, bore down upon the iron with all his strength and the block of stone, freed from its fastening, was detached and fell with a dull crash upon the floor at his feet.
The soldier of fortune wiped his brow. ”'Tis of the smallest,” said he, ”but the others will give way in turn. Thou must first be sure that the mortar is removed, when, using sufficient force, the rocks will loosen, thus making the hole larger.”
”There be too few of us,” said Winter. ”I think some word should be sent to my brother Robert, that he join us in this business, and also Master Keyes, who being a man of much resource, and, perchance, skilled in such labor as this, may aid us much.”
”Can he be trusted in so dangerous a venture?” asked Wright. ”Of thy brother Robert there is no fear, but what of this Master Keyes?”
”Friend Guido will answer for his loyalty,” replied Winter; ”the man is reliable, though his zeal turneth to the securing of money.
Already have I examined him, and found that within his mind lay some suspicion as to our object in collecting such a quant.i.ty of powder.
For recompense he will dig most industriously, and promise of reward when our mission is accomplished will make him dumb. Thou hast my word upon it.”
”Then,” said Catesby, ”let him be summoned hither, and thy brother also; much labor lies before us; seven men can scarce accomplish it, and we are now but five.”
It was agreed that on the following night Fawkes should bring Keyes and Robert Winter to the cellar, when, with a greater number to labor, the work of forcing a pa.s.sage through the wall could be accomplished more rapidly. In the meantime, being excessively wearied, the conspirators left the cellar and sought repose.
Two weeks pa.s.sed. The excavation in the wall of the Parliament House had increased day by day, until a hole some five or six feet in length, large enough to admit the body of a man, was bored through the solid masonry. With the a.s.sistance of the two additional members to their little party the conspirators worked with renewed energy. Filled with enthusiasm they had little sense of fatigue, and plied pick and drill vigorously that they might gain entrance to the room beneath the lord's chamber before the convening of Parliament, which, as Percy learned, was to take place on the fifth of November. Confident that their work was appointed by G.o.d, those men of gentle blood curbed their impatience, though laborious and slow was the task, and every muscle and bone ached when the tools were laid aside. For a time the disposal of the earth and rock taken from the tunnel puzzled them, but Fawkes with characteristic quickness found a way;--such of the debris as would attract little attention was scattered about the garden; as for the larger rocks and mortar, the river was close at hand, and, as Robert Keyes had said, it told no tales.
So they worked, beguiling the weary hours with discussions as to what would follow the success of their project. England would be without a king; the machinery of the government shattered, and the way would be open for seating a Catholic upon the throne. Prince Henry, successor to the crown, would perish with his father and the peers in Parliament. They would seize the royal heirs who remained, Prince Charles and the Princess Elizabeth, hold them in durance, while the Catholics would choose the heir-apparent and appoint a Protector for the kingdom. It was a daring plan and the prospect of its execution lightened their toil, and intensified the flame of their zeal.
Somewhat near the middle of the day, when, having ceased for a moment the attack upon the wall, Wright, who had remained in the tunnel after the others had gone out, rushed wildly forth, his face pale under its coat of dust and his limbs trembling strangely.
”What aileth thee?” cried Catesby, alarmed at his companion's aspect, ”hath the wall fallen in upon----”
”Nay,” replied Wright with harsh voice, ”but I go in no more; the devil hath seized this tunnel, and----”
Catesby entered quickly, and in a moment was at the end of the narrow aperture. On either side arose the rough masonry, torn and ragged where the stones had been forced apart; upon a heap of debris stood Wright's lantern, burning dimly, beside it his heavy drill and hammer.
Catesby looked hurriedly about, but all was silent; the air was hot and stifling and the smoke from the lantern filled his nostrils. He turned to retrace his steps, with rough words for Wright upon his lips, when a faint sound fell upon his ears; an unearthly thing, which startled him and sent to his heart a thrill of superst.i.tious terror.
'Twas a measured tinkling, as of a silver bell, which rose and fell with steady cadence. Instinctively his hand went to his left hip, but the familiar hilt was absent; he had left it in the room above, guarded by Robert Winter, who watched with Fawkes.
s.n.a.t.c.hing from his bosom a small silver vial filled with holy water, the trembling conspirator sprinkled a few drops upon the walls--the tinkling ceased, and from the entrance behind sounded the voice of Percy:
”What hast thou found, good Catesby, a goblin, or----”
The answer of the other was upon his lips when, above his head, apparently from the center of the solid masonry itself, came a sound as of the rus.h.i.+ng of mighty waters, which continued for a short s.p.a.ce of time, then died away. The noise reached the ears of those in the room without, and it needed not the white face of Catesby showing in the opening to send them upon their knees with prayers to the Virgin for protection. At that moment Fawkes appeared among them.
”What now?” said he gruffly, much amazed at so strange a sight, ”think ye, good gentlemen, that praying will cause the stones to separate?”