Part 64 (1/2)
ELEND AND VIN STOOD ATOP the Fadrex City fortifications. The rock ledge had once held the bonfires they'd watched in the night sky-she could see the blackened scar from one of them just to her left. the Fadrex City fortifications. The rock ledge had once held the bonfires they'd watched in the night sky-she could see the blackened scar from one of them just to her left.
It felt good to be held by Elend again. His warmth was a comfort, particularly when looking out of the city, over the field that Elend's army had once occupied. The koloss army was growing. It stood silently in the blizzard-like ash, thousands strong. More and more of the creatures were arriving each day, ama.s.sing to an overwhelming force.
”Why don't they just attack?” Yomen asked with annoyance. He was the only other one who stood on the overlook; Ham and Cett were down below, seeing to the army's preparation. They'd need to be ready to defend the moment that the koloss a.s.saulted the city.
”He wants us to know just how soundly he's going to beat us,” Vin said. Plus, Plus, she added in her mind, she added in her mind, he's waiting. Waiting on that last bit of information. he's waiting. Waiting on that last bit of information.
Where is the atium?
She'd fooled Ruin. She'd proven to herself that it could be done. Yet, she was still frustrated. She felt like she'd spent the last few years of her life reacting to every wiggle of Ruin's fingers. Each time she thought herself clever, wise, or self-sacrificing, she discovered that she'd simply been doing his will the entire time. It made her angry.
But what could she do?
I have to make Ruin play his hand, she thought. Make Make him him act act, expose himself. expose himself.
For a brief moment, back in Yomen's throne room, she had felt something amazing. With the strange power she'd gained from the mists, she'd touched Ruin's own mind-via Marsh-and seen something therein.
Fear. She remembered it, distinct and pure. At that moment, Ruin had been afraid of her. That's why Marsh had fled.
Somehow, she'd taken the power of the mists into her, then used them to perform Allomancy of surpa.s.sing might. She'd done it before, when fighting the Lord Ruler in his palace. Why could she only draw on that power at random, unpredictable times? She'd wanted to use it against Zane, but had failed. She'd tried a dozen times during the last few days, just as she'd tried during the days following the Lord Ruler's death. She'd never been able to access even a hint of that power.
It struck like a thunderclap.
A ma.s.sive, overpowering quake rolled across the land. The rock ledges around Fadrex broke, some of them tumbling to the ground. Vin remained on her feet, but only with the help of pewter, and she barely s.n.a.t.c.hed Yomen by the front of his obligator robes as he careened and almost fell from their ledge. Elend grabbed her arm, reinforcing her as the sudden quake shook the land. Inside the city, several buildings fell.
Then, all went still. Vin breathed heavily, forehead slicked with sweat, Yomen's robes clutched in her grip. She glanced at Elend.
”That one was far worse than the previous ones,” he said, cursing quietly to himself.
”We're doomed,” Yomen said softly, forcing himself to his feet. ”If the things you say are true, then not only is the Lord Ruler dead, but the thing he spent his life fighting has now come to destroy the world.”
”We've survived this long,” Elend said firmly. ”We'll make it yet. Earthquakes may hurt us, but they hurt the koloss too-look, and you'll see that some of them were crushed by toppling rocks. If things get rough up here, we can retreat inside the cavern.”
”And will it survive quakes like that one?” Yomen asked.
”Better than the buildings up here will. None of this was built for earthquakes-but if I know the Lord Ruler, he antic.i.p.ated the quakes, and picked caverns that were solid and capable of withstanding them.”
Yomen seemed to take little comfort in the words, but Vin smiled. Not because of what Elend said, but because of how he said it. Something about him had changed. He seemed confident in a way he'd never been before. He had some of the same idealistic air he'd expressed when he'd been a youth at court-yet he also had the hardness of the man who'd led his people in war.
He'd finally found the balance. And, oddly enough, it had come from deciding to retreat.
”He does have a point, however, Vin,” Elend said in a softer tone. ”We need to figure out our next step. Ruin obviously intended to defeat us here, but he has been pushed back for a time, at least. What now?”
We have to trick him, she thought. Perhaps . . . use the same strategy Yomen used on me?
She paused, considering the idea. She reached up, fingering her earring. It had been mangled after its trip through Marsh's head, of course, but it had been a simple matter to have a smith bend it back into shape.
The first time she'd met with Yomen, he'd given her back the earring. It had seemed like a strange move, giving metal to an Allomancer. Yet, in a controlled environment, it had been very clever. He'd been able to test and see if she had any hidden metals-all the while reserving the fact that he could burn atium and protect himself.
Later, he'd been able to get her to reveal her hand, to attack and show him what she was planning, so that he could defuse it in a situation where he was in power. Could she do the same to Ruin?
That thought mixed with another one. Both times when the mists had helped her, they had come in a moment of pure desperation. It was as if they reacted to her need. So, was there a way to put herself in a situation where her need was even greater than before? It was a thin hope, but-mixed with her desire to force Ruin's hand-it formed a plan in her head.
Put herself in danger. Make Ruin bring his Inquisitors, putting Vin in a situation where the mists had had to help her. If that didn't work, maybe she could get Ruin to play his hand or spring any hidden traps he had waiting for her. to help her. If that didn't work, maybe she could get Ruin to play his hand or spring any hidden traps he had waiting for her.
It was incredibly risky, but she could feel that she didn't have much time. Ruin would win soon-very soon-unless she did something. something. And, this was all she could think of to do. But, how could she make it happen without explaining it to Elend? She couldn't speak of the plan, lest she reveal to Ruin what she was doing. And, this was all she could think of to do. But, how could she make it happen without explaining it to Elend? She couldn't speak of the plan, lest she reveal to Ruin what she was doing.
She looked up at Elend, a man she seemed to know better than herself. He hadn't needed to tell her that he'd reconciled the two halves of himself, she'd simply been able to tell it from looking at him. With a person like that, did she even really need to speak her plans? Perhaps . . . ”Elend,” she said, ”I think there's only one way to save this city.”
”And that is?” he said slowly.
”I have to go get it it.”
Elend frowned, then opened his mouth. She looked into his eyes, hoping. He paused.
”The . . . atium?” he guessed.
Vin smiled. ”Yes. Ruin knows that we have it. He'll find it even if we don't use it. But, if we bring it here, at least we can fight.”
”It would be safer here anyway,” Elend said slowly, eyes confused, but trusting her. ”I'd rather have an army between those riches and our enemies. Perhaps we could use it to bribe some local warlords to help us.”
It seemed a flimsy ruse to her. And yet, she knew that was because she could see Elend's confusion, could read his lies in his eyes. She understood him, as he understood her. It was an understanding that required love.
And she suspected that was something that Ruin would never be able to comprehend.
”I need to leave, then,” she said, embracing him tightly, closing her eyes.
”I know.”
She held him close for a few moments longer, feeling the ash fall around her, blow against her skin and cheek. Feeling Elend's heart beat beneath her ear. She leaned up and kissed him. Finally, she pulled back, then checked her metals. She met his eyes, and he nodded, so she jumped down into the city to gather some horseshoes.
A few moments later, she was shooting through the ashy air toward Luthadel, a maelstrom of metal around her. Elend stood silently behind, on the rock ledge, watching her go.
Now, she thought to Ruin, who she knew was watching her carefully, even though he hadn't revealed himself since she'd drawn upon the mists. she thought to Ruin, who she knew was watching her carefully, even though he hadn't revealed himself since she'd drawn upon the mists. Let's have a chase, you and I. Let's have a chase, you and I.
When the Lord Ruler offered his plan to his Feruchemist friends-the plan to change them into mistwraiths-he was making them speak on behalf of all the land's Feruchemists. Though he changed his friends into kandra to restore their minds and memories, the rest he left as nonsentient mistwraiths. These bred more of their kind, living and dying, becoming a race unto themselves. From these children of the original mistwraiths, he made the next generations of kandra.
However, even G.o.ds can make mistakes, I have learned. Rashek, the Lord Ruler, thought to transform all of the living Feruchemists into mistwraiths. However, he did not think of the genetic heritage left in the other Terris people, whom he left alive. So it was that Feruchemists continued being born, if only rarely.
This oversight cost him much, but gained the world so much more.
SAZED WALKED IN WONDER, led by his guards. He saw kandra after kandra, each one with a more interesting body than the one before. Some were tall and willowy, with bones made of white wood. Others were stocky, with bones thicker than any human's. All stuck generally to human body shapes, however. led by his guards. He saw kandra after kandra, each one with a more interesting body than the one before. Some were tall and willowy, with bones made of white wood. Others were stocky, with bones thicker than any human's. All stuck generally to human body shapes, however.