Part 11 (1/2)

”And the final circle?” Breeze asked. He sat with Allrianne as far away from Cett as the tent would allow. Cett still had a habit of throwing things at Breeze: insults, for the most part, and occasionally knives.

Elend eyed the map. ”a.s.suming the mists keep creeping toward Luthadel at the same rate, that circle represents the area that the scribes feel will get enough sunlight this summer to support crops.”

The room fell silent.

Hope is for the foolish, Reen's voice seemed to whisper in the back of Vin's mind. She shook her head. Her brother, Reen, had trained her in the ways of the street and the underground, teaching her to be mistrustful and paranoid. In doing so, he'd also taught her to survive. It had taken Kelsier to show her that it was possible to both trust and survive-and it had been a hard lesson. Even so, she still often heard Reen's phantom voice in the back of her mind-more a memory than anything else-whispering her insecurities, bringing back the brutal things he had taught her. Reen's voice seemed to whisper in the back of Vin's mind. She shook her head. Her brother, Reen, had trained her in the ways of the street and the underground, teaching her to be mistrustful and paranoid. In doing so, he'd also taught her to survive. It had taken Kelsier to show her that it was possible to both trust and survive-and it had been a hard lesson. Even so, she still often heard Reen's phantom voice in the back of her mind-more a memory than anything else-whispering her insecurities, bringing back the brutal things he had taught her.

”That's a fairly small circle, El,” Ham said, still studying the map. The large-muscled man sat with General Demoux between Cett and Breeze. Sazed sat quietly to the side. Vin glanced at him, trying to judge if their previous conversation had lifted his depression any, but she couldn't tell.

They were a small group: only nine, if one counted Cett's son, Gneorndin. But, it included pretty much all that was left of Kelsier's crew. Only Spook, doing reconnaissance in the North, was missing. Everyone was focused on the map. The final circle was, indeed, very small-not even as big as the Central Dominance, which held the imperial capital of Luthadel. What the map said, and Elend implied, was that over ninety percent of the empire wouldn't be able to support crops this summer.

”Even this small bubble will be gone by next winter,” Elend said.

Vin watched the others contemplate, and realize-if they hadn't already-the horror of what was upon them. It's like Alendi's logbook said, It's like Alendi's logbook said, she thought. she thought. They couldn't fight the Deepness with armies. It destroyed cities, bringing a slow, terrible death. They were helpless They couldn't fight the Deepness with armies. It destroyed cities, bringing a slow, terrible death. They were helpless.

The Deepness. That was what they'd called the mists-or, at least, that was what the surviving records called them. Perhaps the thing they fought, the primal force Vin had released, was behind the obfuscation. There was really no way of knowing for sure what had once been, for the ent.i.ty had the power to change records.

”All right, people,” Elend said, folding his arms. ”We need options. Kelsier recruited you because you could do the impossible. Well, our predicament is pretty impossible.”

”He didn't recruit me,” Cett pointed out. ”I got pulled by my b.a.l.l.s into this little fiasco.”

”I wish I cared enough to apologize,” Elend said, staring at them. ”Come on. I know you have thoughts.”

”Well, my dear man,” Breeze said, ”the most obvious option appears to be the Well of Ascension. It seems the power there was built to fight the mists.”

”Or to free the thing hiding in them,” Cett said.

”That doesn't matter,” Vin said, causing heads to turn. ”There's no power at the Well. It's gone. Used up. If it ever returns, it will be in another thousand years, I suspect.”

”That's a little bit long to stretch the supplies in those storage caches,” Elend said.

”What if we grew plants that need very little light?” Ham asked. As always, he wore simple trousers and a vest. He was a Thug, and could burn pewter-which made him resistant to heat and cold. He'd cheerfully walk around sleeveless on a day that would send most men running for shelter.

Well, maybe not cheerfully. Ham hadn't changed overnight, as Sazed had. Ham, however, had had lost some of his joviality. He tended to sit around a lot, looks of consternation on his face, as if he were considering things very, very carefully-and not much liking the answers he came up with. lost some of his joviality. He tended to sit around a lot, looks of consternation on his face, as if he were considering things very, very carefully-and not much liking the answers he came up with.

”There are plants that don't need light?” Allrianne asked, c.o.c.king her head.

”Mushrooms and the like,” Ham said.

”I doubt we could feed an entire empire on mushrooms,” Elend said. ”Though it's a good thought.”

”There have to be other plants, too,” Ham said. ”Even if the mists come all day, there will be some light that gets through. Some plants have to be able to live on that.”

”Plants we can't eat, my dear man,” Breeze pointed out.

”Yes, but maybe animals can,” Ham said.

Elend nodded thoughtfully.

”Blasted little time left for horticulture,” Cett noted. ”We should have been working on this sort of thing years ago.”

”We didn't know most of this until a few months ago,” Ham said.

”True,” Elend said. ”But the Lord Ruler had a thousand years to prepare. That's why he made the storage caverns-and we still don't know what the last one contains.”

”I don't like relying on the Lord Ruler, Elend,” Breeze said with a shake of his head. ”He must have prepared those caches knowing that he'd be dead if anyone ever had to use them.”

Cett nodded. ”The idiot Soother has a point. If I were the Lord Ruler, I'd have stuffed those caches with poisoned food and p.i.s.sed-in water. If I were dead, then everyone else ought to be as well.”

”Fortunately, Cett,” Elend said with a raised eyebrow, ”the Lord Ruler has proven more altruistic than we might have expected.”

”Not something I ever thought I'd hear,” Ham noted.

”He was emperor,” Elend said. ”We may not have liked his rule, but I can understand him somewhat. He wasn't spiteful-he wasn't even evil, exactly. He just . . . got carried away. Besides, he resisted this thing that we're fighting.”

”This thing?” Cett asked. ”The mists?”

”No,” Elend said. ”The thing that was trapped in the Well of Ascension.”

It is called Ruin, Vin thought suddenly. Vin thought suddenly. It will destroy everything It will destroy everything.

”This is why I've decided we need to secure that last cache,” Elend said. ”The Lord Ruler lived through this once-he knew how to prepare. Perhaps we'll find plants that can grow without sunlight. Each of the caches so far has had repeats-food stores, water-but each one has held something new as well. In Vet.i.tan, we found large stores of the first eight Allomantic metals. The thing in that last cache might be just what we need in order to survive.”

”That's it, then!” Cett said, smiling broadly through his beard. ”We are are marching on Fadrex, aren't we?” marching on Fadrex, aren't we?”

Elend nodded curtly. ”Yes. The main force of the army will march for the Western Dominance once we break camp here.”

”Ha!” Cett said. ”Penrod and Janarle can suck on that that for a few days.” for a few days.”

Vin smiled faintly. Penrod and Janarle were the two other most important kings under Elend's imperial rule. Penrod governed Luthadel, which was why he wasn't with them currently, and Janarle ruled the Northern Dominance-the kingdom that included House Venture's hereditary lands.

The largest city in the north, however, had been seized in a revolt while Janarle-with Elend's father, Straff Venture-had been away laying siege to Luthadel. So far, Elend hadn't been able to spare the troops necessary to take Urteau back from its dissidents, so Janarle ruled in exile, his smaller force of troops used to maintain order in the cities he did did control. control.

Both Janarle and Penrod had made a point of finding reasons to keep the main army from marching on Cett's homeland.

”Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds won't be at all happy when they hear about this,” Cett said.

Elend shook his head. ”Does everything you say have to contain one vulgarity or another?”

Cett shrugged. ”What's the point of speaking if you can't say something interesting?”

”Swearing isn't interesting,” Elend said.

”That's your own d.a.m.ned opinion,” Cett said, smiling. ”And, you really shouldn't be complaining, Emperor. If you think the things I I say are vulgar, you've been living in Luthadel far too long. Where I come from, people are embarra.s.sed to use pretty words like 'd.a.m.n.' ” say are vulgar, you've been living in Luthadel far too long. Where I come from, people are embarra.s.sed to use pretty words like 'd.a.m.n.' ”

Elend sighed. ”Anyway, I-”

He was cut off as the ground began to shake. Vin was on her feet in seconds, looking for danger as the others cursed and reached for stability. She threw back the tent flap, peering through the mists. Yet, the shaking subsided quickly, and it caused very little chaos in the camp, all things considered. Patrols moved about, checking for problems-officers and Allomancers under Elend's command. Most of the soldiers, however, just remained in their tents.

Vin turned back toward the tent's room. A few of the chairs had fallen over, travel furniture disturbed by the earthquake. The others slowly returned to their seats. ”Sure have been a lot of those lately,” Ham said. Vin met Elend's eyes, and could see concern in them.