Part 31 (1/2)

Betty Vivian L. T. Meade 45450K 2022-07-22

Meanwhile the important ceremony of eating the many good things provided went steadily on, until at last even Betty had to own that she was satisfied.

All rose from their seats, and as they did so Mrs. Miles put a pretty little basket into each girl's hand. ”A few new-laid eggs, dearies,” she said, ”and a comb of honey for each of you. You must ask Mrs. Haddo's leave afore you eats 'em, but I know she won't mind. And there's some very late roses, the last of the season, that I've put into the top of your basket, Miss Betty.”

Alack and alas, how good it all was! How pleasant was the air, how genial the simple life! How Betty and Sylvia and Hester rejoiced in it, and how quickly it was over!

Harris appeared, and at this signal the girls knew they must go. Betty presented her canine darlings with a beef-bone each; and then, with a hug to Mrs. Miles, a hearty hand-clasp to the farmer and the boys, and further hugs to both sets of twins, the girls returned to Haddo Court.



The visit to the farm was long remembered by Betty Vivian. It was the one bright oasis, the one brilliant spark of intense enjoyment, in a dark week. For each day the shadow of what lay before her--and of what she, Betty Vivian, had made up her mind to do--seemed to creep lower and lower over her horizon, until, when Thursday morning dawned, it seemed to Betty that there was neither sun, moon, nor stars in her heaven.

But if Betty lacked much and was full of grave and serious thoughts, there was one quality, admirable in itself, which she had to perfection, and that was her undoubted bravery. To make up her mind to do a certain thing was, with Betty Vivian, to do it. She had not quite made up her mind on; but on Sunday morning she had very nearly done so, and on Sunday evening she had quite done so. On Sunday evening, therefore, she knelt rather longer than the others, struggling and praying in the beautiful chapel; and when she raised her small white face, and met the eyes of the chaplain fixed on her, a thrill went through her. He, at least, would understand, and, if necessary, give her sympathy. But just at present she did not need sympathy, or rather she would not ask for it. She had great self-control, and she kept her emotions so absolutely to herself that no one guessed what she was suffering. Every day, every hour, she was becoming more and more the popular girl of the school; for Betty had nothing mean in her nature, and could love frankly and generously. She could listen to endless confidences without dreaming of betraying them, and the girls got to know that Betty Vivian invariably meant what she said. One person, however, she avoided, and that person was f.a.n.n.y Crawford.

Thursday pa.s.sed in its accustomed way: school in the morning, with recess; school in the afternoon, followed by play, games of all sorts, and many another delightful pastime. Betty went for a walk with her two sisters; and presently, almost before they knew, they found themselves surveying their three little plots of ground in the gardens, which they had hitherto neglected. While they were so employed, Mrs. Haddo quite unexpectedly joined them.

”Oh, my dear girls, why, you have done nothing here--nothing at all!”

Sylvia said, ”We are going to almost immediately, Mrs. Haddo.”

And Hetty said, ”I quite love gardening. I was only waiting until Betty gave the word.”

”So you two little girls obey Betty in all things?” said Mrs. Haddo, glancing at the elder girl's face.

”We only do it because we love to,” was the response.

”Well, my dears, I am surprised! Why, there isn't a sight of your Scotch heather! Has it died? What has happened to it?”

”We made a burnt-offering of it,” said Betty suddenly.

”You did what?” said Mrs. Haddo in some astonishment.

”You see,” said Betty, ”it was this way.” She now looked full up at her mistress. ”The Scotch heather could not live in exile. So we burnt it, and set all the fairies free. They are in Aberdeens.h.i.+re now, and quite happy.”

”What a quaint idea!” said Mrs. Haddo. ”You must tell me more about this by-and-by, Betty.”

Betty made no answer.

”Meanwhile,” continued Mrs. Haddo, who felt puzzled at the girl's manner, she scarcely knew why, ”I will tell a gardener to have the gardens well dug and laid out in little walks. I will also have the beds prepared, and then you must consult Birchall about the sort of things that grow best in this special plot of ground. Let me see, this is Thursday. I have no doubt Birchall could have a consultation with you on the subject this very minute if you like to see him.”

”Oh yes, please!” said Sylvia.

But Betty drew back. ”Do you greatly mind if we do nothing about our gardens until next week?” she asked.

”If you prefer it, certainly,” answered Mrs. Haddo. ”The plots of ground are your property while you stay at Haddo Court. You can neglect them, or you can tend them. Some of the girls of this school have very beautiful gardens, full of sweet, smiling flowers; others, again, do nothing at all in them. I never praise those who cultivate their little patch of garden-ground, and I never blame those who neglect it. It is all a matter of feeling. In my opinion, the garden is meant to be a delight; those who do not care for it miss a wonderful joy, but I don't interfere.” As Mrs. Haddo spoke she nodded to the girls, and then walked quietly back towards the house.

”Wasn't it funny of her to say that a garden was meant to be a delight?” said Sylvia. ”Oh Betty, don't you love her very much?”

”Don't ask me,” said Betty, and her voice was a little choked.