Part 11 (1/2)
It was shortly after the clocks had done their midnight work that Betty Vivian raised herself very slowly and cautiously on her elbow, and touched Sylvia on her low, white forehead. The little girl started, opened her eyes, and was about to utter an exclamation when Betty whispered, ”Don't make a sound, silly Sylvia! It's only me--Betty. I want you to get very wide awake. And now you are wide awake, aren't you?”
”Yes, oh yes,” said Sylvia; ”but I don't know where I am. Oh yes, of course I remember; I am in----”
”You are in prison!” whispered Betty back to her. ”Now, lie as still as a statue while I waken Hester.”
Soon the two little sisters were wide awake.
”Now, both of you creep very softly into my bed. We can all squeeze up together if we try hard.”
”Lovely, darlingest Betty!” whispered Sylvia.
”You are nice, Bet!” exclaimed Hester.
”Now I want to speak,” said Betty. ”You know the packet?”
The two younger girls squeezed Betty's hands by way of answer.
”You know how _she_ spoke to-night?”
Another squeeze of Betty's hands, a squeeze which was almost ferocious this time.
”Do you think,” continued Betty, ”that she is going to have her way, and we are going to give it up to her?”
”Of course not,” said Sylvia.
”I might,” said Betty--”I _might_ have asked Mrs. Haddo to look after it for me; but never now--never! Girls, we've got to bury it!”
”Oh Bet!” whispered Sylvia.
”We can't!” said Hester with a sort of little pant.
”We can, and we will,” said Betty. ”I've thought it all out. I am going to bury it my own self this very minute.”
”Betty, how--where? Betty, what do you mean?”
”You must help me,” said Betty. ”First of all, I am going to get up and put on my thick skirt of black serge. I won't make a sound, for that creature Fan sleeps next door. Lie perfectly still where you are while I am getting ready.”
The girls obeyed. It was fearfully exciting, lying like this almost in the dark; for there was scarcely any moon, and the dim light in the garden could hardly be called light at all. Betty moved mysteriously about the room, and presently came up to her two sisters.
”Now, you do exactly what you are told.”
”Yes, Betty, we will.”
”I am going, first of all,” said Betty, ”to fetch the little spade.”
”Oh Bet, you'll wake the house!”
”No,” said Betty. She moved towards the door. She was a very observant girl, and had noticed that no door creaked in that well-conducted mansion, that no lock was out of order. She managed to open the door of her bedroom without making the slightest sound. She managed to creep upstairs and reach the Vivian attic. She found the little spade and brought it down again. She re-entered the beautiful big bedroom and closed the door softly.
”Here's the spade!” she whispered to her sisters. ”Did you hear me move?”
”No, Bet. Oh, you are wonderful!”