Part 29 (1/2)
He understood.
”Yes, dear girl, I will be careful,” he said, as he drew her to his side.
For a moment, she stood there, pa.s.sive. Then she went away out of the room.
Thayer was the last guest to arrive, that night, and when he entered the room, he found that both host and _chef_ were anxiously awaiting his coming. He had spent the past two hours with Arlt, listening to of the completed overture, suggesting, praising, criticising it with an which surprised even the young composer, though he was fast learning to attribute omniscience to his friend. After the shabby room with its half-light, after the intent earnestness of Arlt, Thayer felt a pa.s.sing dislike of the gorgeousness and glare and frivolity of the dinner. He was the last man to a.s.sert that good art can only a.s.sociate itself with homely origins, that prosperity is a deadly foe to its growth. Nevertheless, he was fully conscious that Arlt in his meagre surroundings was much nearer to his own ideals than were the immaculate guests of the evening. Thayer loved luxury; but it must not be accompanied by empty-headedness.
Thayer had had a definite purpose in accepting his invitation, that night, a purpose which was quite alien to his mental estimate of his host. Dudley, to his mind, was in some respects a shade or two better than Lloyd Avalons, yet many shades worse in that his caddishness came from deliberate choice, not from lack of training. In any case, Thayer prayed that he might be remote from either of them, at table.
He quickly discovered that his prayer had been unavailing. He found himself at the host's right hand, with Lorimer directly opposite. Lloyd Avalons was next to Lorimer, and, as the dinner progressed by easy stages, Thayer became aware that his purpose in coming was about to be put to the test. The dinner was good and abundant; the wines were better and yet more abundant, and Lloyd Avalons, who appeared to be constructed of some material which alcohol was powerless to attack, saw to it that Lorimer's gla.s.s was filled as often as his own. The result was inevitable. Before Lloyd Avalons felt the slightest exhilaration, Lorimer's brown cheeks were stained with red, and his voice was mounting by semitones, then by whole tones, while his accent took on a curiously insistent note which was quite foreign to the trivial subjects of discussion.
”How did it happen that you were at Eton, Lorimer?” Dudley asked, at the end of an unnecessarily long story.
”My father took me over. He was at St. James, you know, and he thought I would find more fellows of my own cla.s.s at Eton than up here at Andover.”
”That's modest of you, Lorimer,” someone called, from the foot of the table. ”But please remember that I'm an Andover man.”
”And even then wouldn't they accept you for the ministry?” Lorimer asked promptly.
The man laughed with perfect good-temper. Already he was two ahead of Lorimer; but no outward sign betrayed the fact.
”I am willing to bet that they kept you more strict at Eton than the Doctor kept us.”
Lorimer set down his gla.s.s and gave a knowing wink which, at another time, he would have been swift to condemn in his left-hand neighbor.
”They tried; but they couldn' do much about it. Besides, there was college, you know.”
”We all have experienced university discipline,” Dudley suggested. ”It is swift and powerful, and n.o.body ever knows where it will hit next.”
Lorimer appeared to be pondering the matter. Then he turned to Lloyd Avalons.
”D' you ever 'sperience university discipline?” he demanded, with grave anxiety.
Lloyd Avalons flushed angrily, and Thayer judged that it was time to interpose.
”University discipline is more a matter of theory than of fact,” he said lightly. ”If you want real discipline, you'd better go through a course of voice training. How much was my allowance, the last of the time in Berlin, Lorimer? My salamanders were mere tadpoles.”
Lorimer caught at the familiar word.
”_Ein! Zwei! Drei! Salamander! Salamander! Salamander!_” he cried gayly. ”It makesh me homesick for the good ol' days in Berlin.”
”You were over, in January; weren't you?” Lloyd Avalons asked.
”Yes, aft' a fas.h.i.+on; but 't wasn' the ol' fas.h.i.+on. A studen' an' a married man's two differen' things. I took Mrs. Lorimer everywhere an'
to show her grat'tude she took me in han'.” And Lorimer's own laugh rang out merrily at what seemed to him a superlatively good joke.
The next moment, Thayer's level voice, low, yet so perfectly trained that it reached the farthest corner of the room, broke in upon Lorimer's mirth and quenched it. There was no bitterness in his voice, no excitement; he spoke as quietly as if he had been wis.h.i.+ng his friend good-morning.