Volume 21 afterword (1/2)

Long time no see, it's the author Takehaya This time Volume 21 has been safely delivered As the Golden Princess and the Blue Knight is written on the cover, this volume is centered around Theia But while she is the center, the story is not only about her As all fates are gathering, everyone should have their chance to shi+ne As a result, this story should be the largest scale one yet I will do my best to not betray your hopes

As for the contents of this volu for Forthorthe's solar systee is set in space, the type of story is different froht-years away fro there is an adventure

The highlight this time is Theia I wanted to make Theia stand out this volume This time around, Theia covers all the bases from comedic elements, to combat to serious politics, and t sets for her combat dress, Guardian Yellow and Star Purplefor the Theia fans out there

When talking about Theia, this ti in the true sense of the word The genetic h for that Like Clan and Kiriha say in the volu nor of i the first voluround person and two aliens appeared was correct So like that wouldn't happen without reason But for some reason many readers didn't really push on this irls suddenly appearing is a cootten in the way of any deep thoughts Depending on the circuressed this far, so that part really helped That's right, pursuing that topic would have been pretty dangerous for me (lol)

Another highlight would be the appearances Lord Bandarion and Director-General Granado, who look just like Maxfern and Grevanas As Elexis looks just like Dextro, ed a coup d'état in an atte into that of 2,000 years ago Will Koutarou be able to truly settle the score fro more about that

That's right, as the story is set on the travel to Forthorthe I need to clear up how hyperspace travel over extre distances is done space is bent to create a shortcut through space-ti used However, that brings about a large technical problem

There is about 10 ht-years between Earth and Forthorthe That is a 1 followed by seven 0's And one light-year is about 10 trillion kilometers A trillion is a 1 followed by 13 0's Therefore, 10 ht-years is a 1 followed by 20 0ä's In other words, it would look like this

10 ht-years = 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometers

As this would ive way to a in If we add up any inaccuracies with the observation equipet an error of 0,01, that error of ht-years Even if one were to aim from Earth to a certain solar system, they could end up in a completely unrelated solar system

As a result, it's unreasonable to assule warp It's more natural to assume that warps would be used repeatedly If one were to pick up froin of 0,1 light-years That is about 1 trillion The next ould then have an error of in of about 10,000 kiloation wouldn't be a problem In other words, with an inaccuracy of 001 at least three warps are required

However, that nuards any safetywarp, some kind of countermeasure will be required You wouldn't want to end up inside of a star, or get sucked up in a black hole or end up flying through a swarm of comets In order to counteract that one would need to end up in areas that are considered safe In other words, a space wider than the error of in would allow for safe travels Fortunately, there are countless such areas in space But even then one would need to take things in a roundabout way and warps would require a lot more than three jumps

On top of that, one needs to take into consideration how ine warp drives would be delicate y recharging and more, and I believe it would take quite so refueled, but I believe a spaceshi+p would only be able to warp once or twice a day Well, I suspect they would be used without care in the case of an eh

With that in mind, I decided that it would take about ten days for Theia's Blue Knight to get from Earth to Forthorthe With that as my basis, I decided that a normal space battleshi+p would take about 15 days and a civilian shi+p would take about 30