Volume 18 bonus (2/2)

“What do you mean, ho-!?”

The Haniwa’s faces were shocked at Maki’s words The blank faces cohtly overawed Maki as she explained

“You need to be born with the ability for ic If you don’t have the ability, even if I teach you, you won’t be able to use it, that’s what I mean”

Maki’s worry was that they weren’t huic if they didn’t have the ability And the probability a person would have the ability was low With the Haniwa, that probability was probably even lower

“Making the impossible possible, we’ll definitely beat it, ho!”

“We’re japanese Men, ho! We’ll definitely becoirls, ho!”

“It’s good that you’re ready, but…”

If they knew they ht it was strange, but she’d try and teach theic

The first ic that Maki would teach the Hanias the basics of basics The weakest aic users started learning

“Let’s go, Karama!”

“Right, Korama!”

“Fire Bug, ho-!”

“Fire Bug, ho-!”

They raised their chopstick sized ic staffs and simultaneously chanted the incantation As they did, their bodies began to gloeakly

“They did it!?”

Maki was hugely surprised at that Not matter that they had a soul, their bodies were definitely artificial It could be called a ic Because Maki understood how ic worked well, Maki was deeply surprised

“It went out, ho-”

“It was just a little, ho-”

However, the Haniwa really couldn’t use uished shortly

“We really don’t have the talent then, ho-”

“We’re not suited for it, ho-”

They dejectedly dropped their shoulders Wanting to becoer

“That’s not true For you, the fact that you could use ”

If you asked Maki, the Haniwa had an astounding talent for ic as Haniwa It really was a ic

“Why don’t you try a little more, yeah?”


“We’ll do our best, ho–!!”

The Haniwa apprenticed theical girls Of course, they couldn’t use aic to ic to cool a little, and succeed in adding value to themselves The drone couldn’t do that, so they were satisfied with it

