Chapter 139: Gluttony Attacked (2/2)

“Hhm? Even you can’t see?”

Gula waved her right hand in the empty space. Lapis strained her eyes, but she couldn’t see what had erased those macho men from this world.

“What… is this…”


Hearing the voice beside her, Lapis reflexively touched Loren’s arm. Since he had fallen face down, he still lied on the ground. He slightly opened his eyes and let out a groan.

“Are you alright?! Can you move?!”

“I can’t… What happened…?”

Loren lifted his head. He placed his hands on the ground to lift himself up but couldn’t, as if there was no strength in his arms.

Noticing that, Lapis turned him to a face-up position and helped him sit up.

“You suddenly collapsed. Did something happen?”

“I don’t know. I suddenly lost all my strength… When I came to, I was on the ground…”

“Sorry, I took a bite at you.”

Gula made a praying gesture with her left hand while waving her right hand. Just that, and the upper half body of the naked man rushing at Lapis from behind vanished without a sound or any piece of scattered meat. Before blood could even spurt out from his lower half body, it also disappeared abruptly at a wave of Gula’s hand.

“Loren, can you see anything?”

“This… is it Shayna’s vision? I can kind of see… a lot of huge mouths.”

Loren, who still couldn’t move and was being held sitting up by Lapis, could see things that look like gigantic transparent mouths flying about Gula. They leapt into the air at Gula’s signals and bit the attacking men.

As for where in the world the eaten bodies disappeared to, he had no clue. This information was hard to get from his vision. However, as Gula was controlling the mouths, it was natural to think that the bodies were being digested somewhere connected to her.

“How can you see it? Ah, the one inside helped you, right? That’s quite a being, to be able to see my >.”

Gula signalled for the flying transparent mouths to come back. They gathered around her at her command and snapped their teeth while Loren stared at them.

“I used this mouth to eat delicious things, but it’s hard to fill my stomach with it.”

Gula pointed at her own lips with an index finger. She licked it with a loud slurp, then turned her clouded gaze to the remaining naked men. They didn’t falter even after receiving gaze, but Lapis shuddered. She had noticed that Gula was looking at them not as on humans but as on something close to livestock, something to eat.

“Well, I have lots of mouths, but when I don’t want to use my own mouth, I’ll use these Predators. The taste won’t bother me as much, and I can still fill my stomach.”

“Uhm… From what you said, those mouths that I can’t see are linked to your stomach?”

Lapis asked somewhat hesitantly, and Gula nodded easily.

“That’s right.”

“Do you… eat humans?”

Hearing that question from Lapis, Gula folded her arms and tilted her head in puzzlement. Around them, attacked by invisible mouths, the men’s bodies were being gouging out bit by bit until they disappeared.

“But Lapis-chan, you do it too? You also eat animals’ meat, don’t you?”

“That, well…”

“For me, I don’t see any difference between animals’ meat and these guys’ meat, aside from the taste.”

Gula said and caught the remaining arm of a man, who had vanished while rushing at her, before it could fall to the ground. She held it by the wrist and took a bite at the shoulder part.

With blood smeared around her mouth, Gula chewed a couple of times, then immediately spit out the mix of blood and gnawed meat.

“Doesn’t taste nice. Good enough to fill the stomach though.”

“You’re the Evil God of Gluttony…”

Lapis muttered with tension. Gula threw the severed arm away and wiped her blood-stained mouth.

“That name is a bit too much now, isn’t it?”

Probably because they had gone crazy, the slaughtered men didn’t scream at all. And even when they had been killed, their bodies were immediately consumed by Gula’s Predators, leaving nothing behind. It was almost one-sided. And on the face of Gula, the one who was devouring them, was quite a happy, if not unpleasant smile.