Part 19 (1/2)
Temba, the fourth and last of the group to leave the campsite, spoke up. ”I can climb that.”
Alfred turned to the pygmy in surprise. ”You really think so?”
Temba nodded, giving the chemist a grin. ”It is not so hard.”
”Could you climb up there and see if you can find a place where the ground dips?”
Temba shrugged and nodded. He moved straight up to the big, thick trunk and grabbed the twisted bark. The branches didn't begin for quite a ways up, but he found grooves and b.u.mps in the bark.
Brandon shone the light up the tree, hoping to give him a good view of where he was going.
”Be careful, Temba,” Sam called.
”Listen to her, please,” Alfred echoed. ”I'll feel terrible if you kill yourself because of me.”
Temba's voice echoed down. ”Don't worry. It is not hard.”
As he spoke, bark exploded under one of his feet and his whole body slipped. Sam took a helpless step forward as if she meant to catch him, but the agile man held on with his strong arms. He glanced down to see their worried looks and laughed.
Alfred, Sam, and Brandon waited at the base of the tree. It was not long before Temba's body disappeared into the shadowy upper branches. He climbed halfway up the tree, not bothering to get close to the canopy. Whatever he saw from that height seemed to be enough, because he reversed direction and climbed down.
A few minutes later, he hopped down, landing expertly between the roots. Brown chips of bark colored his white polo s.h.i.+rt.
”Well, did you see anything?” Alfred asked.
He nodded. ”The whole forest goes down over there.”
”Excellent work!”
”How far away is it?” Sam asked.
”Not far,” he replied. ”We can get there in no time at all.”
Brandon looked in the direction Temba indicated. It would take them straight away from the river and any landmarks that would lead them back to the campsite. ”Are you sure you can find it in the dark?”
”Of course,” the Mbuti replied with confidence.
”Please, let's head that way,” Alfred insisted anxiously.
”It will still be there in the morning,” Brandon argued.
”If you'd like to head back to camp, then by all means do so.”
Brandon looked to his wife. She knelt to tug a loose root free from the soil. The stick looked thick and strong, and she held it like a club. She smiled at him, an adventurous look in her eyes.
He said, ”All right. Why don't you lead the way. Temba?”
Temba walked quickly through the forest, his small bow draped across his back. Brandon kept the light pointed straight ahead. The white beam caused shadows to creep and dance across their vision. Sam and Alfred walked on either side of him.
They tripped on roots and branches. Except for Temba, who seemed to have an uncanny sense of where every obstacle would be, even in the darkness. As time went on, Brandon sensed that they were getting far away from camp. He wondered if the mercenaries would be able to hear their shouts from such a distance.
Temba stopped suddenly and gazed ahead into the darkness. As Brandon and the others moved up to join him, Brandon's light revealed a gradual slope in the jungle floor. The descent continued beyond the range of his light.
Alfred bent down, feeling the soil with his fingers. He pulled up some of the black dirt and held it in his palm. ”This is perfect,” he whispered. ”Cheers, Temba.”
”You think the flower can grow here?” Temba asked.
”It's possible. The environment is right so far. But we need to see what's at the bottom.”
Temba nodded and walked further. Brandon got ready to follow, but the Mbuti only made it three steps before freezing.
”Did you hear that?” Sam whispered.
A subtle sound rang in Brandon's ears. It was somewhere close by.
Temba spun around searching the forest, his arms out to the sides. Brandon pointed his flashlight into the darkness, watching the shadows dance between the leaves.
”We're not alone,” Alfred whispered.
Temba took a few steps back. ”We need to go back.”
Ike heard footsteps move up behind him. He half-expected to see Delani, until he remembered that the South African had already retired to his tent. One skill Delani possessed was to fall asleep on command. It made keeping watch cycles easier because Delani got the rest he needed so he could take the odd watch.
A feminine form appeared beside Ike, leaning up against the same tree he used as a resting post. He looked over to see Nessa smile weakly at him.
”You weren't in your tent,” she explained.
”Taking watch with Kuntolo. Didn't mean to disappoint you, luv.”
He gave her a smirk, which she returned. Her unusual candor made him grow wary.
”I wanted to talk to you.” Her brown eyes belied her nervousness.
”About what?”
She took a deep breath. ”About our conversation before.”
Ike nodded in understanding. ”I see.”
He turned to face her, leaning his shoulder against the trunk. The moisture from the wood soaked through his sleeve. Nessa turned similarly to face him. Although she had to look up, their faces were only inches apart.
”I'm not used to talking to people,” she admitted. ”About personal things.”
”I can tell,” he replied with a grin. ”Not that I blame you. You don't know me all that well after all.”
Nessa shrugged a shoulder. ”I shouldn't have pegged you like I did.”