Chapter 486: Pay Back Part Three (1/2)

After almost thirty years of travel Yin Li and Alicia came upon a certain system that seemed to be much different than the rest. ”What is wrong with this place?”

”There seems to be a war going on here. Even space here itself has been filled with gas that causes corrosion. Put up a barrier around you or it will corrode your skin. Although there is nothing more than the science behind it, it is powerful enough to even hurt those of the creator realm if they are not protected. Which is very surprising. ” Yin Li answered.

”Who would poison their own system?” Alicia could not understand why anyone would do such a thing.

”I am not sure but we should check it out. If this begins to float around the universe then it may have negative side effects to other systems.” Yin Li was more worried about the life form on other planets.

During their travels so far, Alicia had noticed that Yin Li was very quick in trying to stop certain things. Like they came to one system where a race called the Termacians which were a humanoid race that was known for their slave trade that would go to underdeveloped worlds and take all the women no matter the age leaving only men behind. This then cut off any chance for the underdeveloped world had of progressing since they would no longer be able to continue their race.

Then there was an interstellar war that threatened to wipe out three neutral planets that had nothing to do with the war when one race decided to detonate the system's sun in order to wipe out their foe even if it meant taking themselves out with them.

There were many other incidents but this came to tell Alicia that Yin Li was actually a good person at heart. ”So what should we do here?”

”We need to find where the source of this is coming from then destroy it. And then I will create a vacuum and suck the remaining gas into this system's sun to burn up.” Yin Li replied.

”Sounds like a plan. You begin with the vacuum. I will search for its source.” Alicia did not mind helping when things were meant to save lives. Yin Li gave Alicia a grateful look before the two split up.

Alicia flew through the solar system checking out each planet she went by until she came to an area that was dense in poisonous gas. Within this dense gas field was a small planet that looked like it had already succumbed to the poison. ”So from here huh?”

Alicia descended down to the planet but surprisingly as she made her way through the dense poison clouds in the upper atmosphere she saw an entire world before that seemed to be safe from any poison. ”How is this possible?”

The world itself seemed to be fairly advanced much more so than that of Earth at least. This world seemed to take the combination of science and nature, creating a whole new range of how things could be done. She watched in marvel as biotechnology at its finest was being used. ”This place is very strange. It seems very peaceful but why would they go through the trouble of creating a poisonous atmosphere?”