441 Blockade Part One (1/2)

”I see… Handle it as normal. We have already split our fleet up into groups with each of my closest friends leading a squadron. The area the Heaven Falls Sect has taken over is very large. This may take more time than I thought.” Alicia waved her hand dismissing the soldier as she looked at the map they had been slowly piecing together.

As time went on a few skirmishes had taken place with Alicia's overwhelming victory, but these were all small scale and they had not met the main army for the Heaven Falls Sect. In order to completely stamp out the enemy she had to split her fleet into small squads led by Blake, Starla, Annelia, Rose, Loeri, and Claire. Although it spread their forces thin it was the only way to handle things at this time. The Heaven Falls Sect ruled over many planets. Which included many solar systems and this was only this small pocket of the universe. This made Alicia fully aware of just how big the universe actually was.

Everything she saw was just a small cluster in a large galaxy. Just looking into the sky's beyond she knew that the universe was vast. The so called inner worlds were just the worlds closer to the center of the galaxy they resided in. Each galaxy had millions of solar systems. The number of planets reached into the billions.

”The universe is truly too big...” Alicia said as she looked up out the window in front of her.

”Mother?” Frey who had been perched on Alicia's shoulder the entire time looked up questioningly at Alicia.

”Frey in the future we will be traveling to many places. Of course, this is far into the future but it will still happen. So Frey must become stronger. The battles to come may be a lot tougher than what we have ever been in. That is if Frey plans to venture out with Mother.” Alicia said as she continued to gaze out at the stars.

”Frey will stay with Mother and become stronger. Frey will protect Mother in the future!” Frey pumped her little fist into the air causing Alicia to smile.

”Then Mother will be counting on you then.” Alicia patted Frey's head gently.

Time continued on and Alicia had annexed every planet she came across under the Heaven Falls Sect's rule. She freed their people and allowed them to begin anew. She had no plans to rule over these people. She felt every planet deserved to be self ruled.

”Alright everyone into formation! And try to get a count on the enemy and how powerful they are. Do not engage until they engage you. Spend time finding out information. We don't want to end up surrounded when we are already spread thin.” Alicia sent out her orders as she zoomed in on the planet.

Although she was pretty sure she could easily get rid of this army of cultivators, this was also the first real battle for her army as well. She wanted them to get as much practice in as they could fighting together as a squad.