424 The Undead Invasion Part Three (1/2)

”Explain to me what is going on. I know this is not something you decided to do on a whim. Does this have something to do with the light that appeared over Phantom Solis?” Alicia asked. She was not going to condemn the undead if this was not something they had wished to do.

Nec'zar was no fool, he could see that Alicia was giving him a chance. So he did not hold anything back. ”It's because of that man. He showed up and threatened to feast on our souls if we did not comply.

”Like you said, that light that appeared in the skies above Phantom Solis had something to do with this. It was a man tearing through the void. It created a bright flash of light that filled the sky. When I sent people out to investigate they had their souls sucked out of their bodies. Before I could even make a move that same man appeared in my throne room sitting on my throne. He said he was from the death race the owners of this universe.” Nex'zar, who had yet to look Alicia into the eye, took a peek to see what her expression was like.

”I see... The death race… They moved really fast. Nec'zar, I can give you a way out if you would like, but if I do you will need to become my subordinate and be under Alastien rule. Are you willing?” Alicia decided it was best to keep an army this size alive since it can be a game changer if it was ever needed. With how things were panning out she felt that in the near future she would need to have such a massive army to fight what was to come. But she knew one thing for sure, she would face it all head on and protect her homeland.

”You can really save me and my people? We do not have to have our souls extinguished?” Nec'zar looked at Alicia as if she was his guiding light.

”Yes, but you have to agree to my terms.” Alicia answered. She had a planet in her space that was very warm that would suit the undead very well.

”I agree! My people and I will follow your command.” Nec'zar immediately agreed. He had hoped for this outcome, that was why he announced his destination ahead of time. It was part of his plan to alert Alastine. He knew they would be scouting out why the undead army was gathering at its borders.

”Mmm… Then I will send you there now… You can explain to your people what is going on when you arrive.” Alicia did not let Nec'zar ask any more questions before waving her hand causing every undead within the Kingdom of Profatilia to disappear in an instant.

But Alicia was not rejoicing about her easy victory. No, instead, she drew her sword and stared off into the horizon.

No more than a few seconds went by when a man in black robes appeared in the sky. ”Those useless trash! They couldn't even handle one person. ”

”Humph! You are nothing but trash like them! You dare claim this planet as yours!?” The man in black yelled.