356 Coming Of Age Ceremony Part One (1/1)

Red and pink flower petals fluttered across the entire capital of Alastine. Today was a celebration for all and a special day for Alicia. She had finally reached the age of fifteen on Phantasia. Although she was much older in actual fact, her body age was now fifteen. It was the day she would finally come of age. In a bedroom inside the castle, ten girls were busy helping Alicia get ready. These were her friends and family. Each one was taking this day very seriously and each had a task to do. From bathing to dressing, Alicia was forced to endure all kinds of hardships on this morning. Loeri and Frey stood off to the side keeping out of the way afraid they would get run over with how quickly everyone was moving about.

”Is all of this really necessary!?” Alicia complained as she felt another tight tug on her hair.

”Alicia you do not seem to realize the importance of this day. Many things are going to be announced today. Not only are you becoming an adult, but you will also be announced as the crown princess of Alastine the next heir to the throne, you will also be knighted, and have your wedding date announced! This is a day for celebration!” Blanche would not allow Alicia to not look the part. They had picked a red dress armor set with a white and blue flowing cape just for this occasion. To top it off they even added in a tiara to give her the finally majestic look. She looked noble and strong all at the same time. With her sword at her hip, she fit the perfect image of a royal knight of the highest standing.

When everything was set and Alicia had her armor and a bit of light makeup on, the girls wouldn't help but be in awe of how beautiful Alicia was. ”You know, if I was a man I would be fighting Blake for Alicia's hand in marriage.” Starla suddenly said, causing everyone to turn their gaze towards her and all nodding in agreeance. She was dashing and strong, as well as beautiful. It was enough to make anyone fall in love with her no matter what gender they were.

”Enough! No one is better than Blake!” Alicia suddenly announced. Causing the girls to giggle and Alicia's cheeks to turn red.

”So you decided to get married a month after your coming of age. I guess my little sister will be joining the ranks of adulthood before me.” Blanche teased.

”Big sister Blanche, I will not be joining those ranks any time soon. Although we are getting married officially, we will be holding off on the adult things for a few years. I am not ready for that kind of stuff yet...” Alicia explained as her face became redder and redder and her voice trailing off at the end. After a few seconds of pause, Alicia continued: ”Besides me, when are you planning to settle down Big Sister Blanche?”

”Actually Big Sister Blanche, you get offers all the time...” Catherine said suddenly.

”Huh!? Since when?” Blanche asked, she seemed to not have known about this at all.

”Royal Father never gave you the letters?” Catherine asked, a bit confused. She recalled many times when more than one letter would come in from some noble house.

”I haven't received anything!” Blanche was now just as confused as Catherine.

”Ummm… I think this might have to do more with Royal Father than Blanche. Blanche, you may not realize it yourself but you are very popular throughout the city just the same as Catherine is. You both helped so much during the war that your reputations as being noble and pure princesses who love their country so much that they rushed headfirst into battle standing on the front lines. You laid down your life to protect the people of Alastine, there is no way they would not love you. Not to mention you have the looks to back it up. You are very beautiful. But Royal Father has a big issue with us daughters. If he doesn't approve of the man, that man will never even get to see a strand of hair on your head, never mind come to propose marriage.” Alicia explained. Now that she remembered when she was in King Augustus's office one day, she noticed a stack of letters in the trash. Out of curiosity, she took a look to see what they were and they were indeed proposal letters.

”What!?” Blanche looked up her eyes wide. ”Royal Father is rejecting them all then? Why!?”

”From my experience, when Royal Father speaks to Blake, he seems to be overly protective when it comes to his daughters. The suitor has to meet his guidelines and not ours.” Alicia answered. She remembered a few times when he wanted to throw Blake out of the castle just for holding her hand. He was indeed a father after all.

Blanche slumped to the ground as she let out a whine: ”This is so unfair! Am I going to remain single forever!? Just because Royal Father does not like any man!?”

As Blanche said this, Catherine's face also paled as she thought: 'If Royal Father rejects all of Banche's proposals is he doing the same to mine?'

Catherine and Blanche, both came to a realization that their love lives were at a standstill all because of their overprotective father. They wondered if they would need to become nuns in the future.


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