347 The Fairy Race Part Two (1/1)

Alicia stopped in her tracks and turned around to see the same older looking female fairy hovering in the air flapping her wings. Sweat seemed to be rolling down her chin. ”Great Celestial I was wrong!”

”No, you are still wrong. You only chased after me because you realized I was of the celestial race. Let me tell you now that I am nothing more than a human from head to toe. I may be celestial blood wise but I grew up around humans and other races. I do not like it when someone is being racist to such a degree just because I look human. Humans are not all bad just like not all Fey are good. During the war of devils and gods, I heard that the fairy race except for a select few did not hesitate to run and hide and on top of that your race was almost wiped out. If your race had instead of running had helped with the war with your ability to confuse the senses that even I, a demi god got confused in, then the war would have been much much easier for the gods and other races who actually banned together to make the world a place where you are able to live today.

” Did you know the peaceful life you live now is all thanks to gods, humans, and other races with less magic power than the fairies? Your high and mighty act will get you nowhere. I was planning to have my daughter learn her heritage from other fairies so she could understand where she came from but now I changed my mind. You are not fit to teach my daughter anything.” Alicia did not mince words. After finishing what she had to say, Alicia turned around and grabbed Blake's hand before walking off ignoring the stupefied expression on the older looking fairies face. She looked at Alicia's retreating back to see Frey use her finger to pull her eye and stick her tongue out at her causing the older looking female fairy to wonder if she should laugh or cry. She was scolded head to toe and put in her place and to top it off she was mocked by the fairy princess.

Knowing she was in the wrong, the older looking fairy princess came to a realization. She waved her hand dispersing the confusion magic causing Alicia to turn her head and smile. ”If you wish to turn over a new leaf, take your people and come to Alastine and look for me. This token will allow you to see me.” Alicia then waved her hand creating a distortion in space sending a gold plated medallion through it. It reappeared in front of the older looking female fairy who had to use magic to lift it up. She stared at Alicia who waved her hand before disappearing from sight.

The older looking female fairy looked at the medallion and smiled. ”It seems we can still make amends... ” She gazed up at the spot Alicia and Blake once was and made a vow: ”From this day forth the fairy race will no longer look down on others and will integrate into the new world... It looks like I got a lot of planning to do.”

”Mmm… For now, I do not. But you saw her expression. That was not the expression of someone holding hate towards me. It was one who was hit with a huge realization that her ways were wrong. Since she is the fairy elder she will know what to do. By just releasing the confusion magic for us was a huge step in turning over a new leaf. I expect she will be going to Alastine soon. I will contact Royal Father later on and let him know that the fairy race might show up at some point and time and to treat them no differently than any other race.” Alicia explained.

”But didn't you say you would be there?” Blake was a bit confused.

”Hmmm? I only said to look for me, not that I would be there. I have brothers and sisters, plus Royal Father. I don't need to be there to accompany them. My brothers and sisters might all have a bit of celestial blood in them but they are basically humans. They did not gain the traits of a celestial, so this will be good practice for her and the other fairies to be on their best behavior. Otherwise, they will be subjected to the same laws as anyone else that enters Alastine.” Alicia wanted the fairies to realize the world is much bigger than they think and that just because a race might be a little weaker in some aspects they could be leagues ahead in other aspects.

”I see so in a way this will be training for them.” Blake now understood why Alicia was doing what she was doing.

”Yep! If things go well the fairies will most likely move to Alastine as well. I actually hope that they will.” Alicia patted the top of Frey's head. She was now sleeping soundly inside the pocket she had made behind her breastplate. She was doing all this for Frey.

As time went on Alicia finished up what she needed to do in the lands of the Fey and continued her journey as Alex. She ended up making quite the name for herself as Alex from saving towns to princesses of small kingdoms. Alicia was surprised to see so many countries. Each had their own traditions and cultures. Some that were quite interesting while others were very sickening. But it was not her place to get involved in countries like this. If she found a place to be against her morals she would just move onto the next without ever looking back.

Very quickly a year and a half passed. Alicia was now almost fifteen years old and had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Her actual looks made her look almost sixteen but her demeanor and actions made her seem very noble and of high birth. Although she still went about as Alex at night she would revert back to her normal appearance. Blake finally reached his final form of a handsome young man. It was the same look he had when he transformed into his godly mode.

Even Loeri seemed to have grown up a bit more and now looked like a young teen girl. Starla and the rest also blossomed into charming beauties. The reason all of them looked so stunning was the effects of their dual cultivation and this said stunning group of youths were now standing at the base of a pitch black mountain where the peak of this mountain was covered in dark black clouds that continually had lightning lighting up the sky creating intricate patterns throughout the clouds. ”Loeri you said you feel one of your kind here?”

”Mmm… It seems like a dragon or maybe even a clan of dragons live on this mountain. But there seems to be more than just my own kin here.” Loeri frowned, she could sense some other powerful presence here as well.

”The locals call this storm mountain due to the storm that is always present at its peak. I can also detect quite a few demonic beasts here and I think some that have actually taken human form. So be careful.” Alicia said as she pulled out her sword. Although she was not afraid of the demons here she still had to be on the side of caution since she had her friends and family with her. But there was one thing in this area that made Alicia nervous and that is the strong power she could sense somewhere on the mountain peak.


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