338 The Council Meeting Part One (1/1)
A few hours later Alicia and her group along with Queen Angelina stood in front of a council of fifty elders. Each one was the representative of their race that helped rule the Nhoshara Kingdom. The two factions sat across from each other, some were even glaring at Alicia with hatred. She could tell that they must be the anti human faction.
Queen Angelina stood up high and looked at those below her and faintly smiled. ”I asked you all here for this emergency meeting to take a vote. For the well being and protection of the Fey in its entirety, I wish to form an Alliance with the Alastine Kingdom!”
”No! Out of the question! We, Fey, are not so weak that we need protection from some human race!”
”I agree as well. Humans are no different than those damn devils during the war between devils and gods! They are a stain on this planet and should all be killed!”
”I agree to this alliance. I think it's time to put down our prejudices and form alliances with our neighbors!”
”Here here! I also agree!”
The room of course was split into two as always. It was not until the arguing died down that one of the anti human council members shouted out. ”Where is Delic? Why is he not here!?”
Queen Angelina was about to say something when Alicia tapped her shoulder and stepped forward instead. ”Delic is being punished for the sins he committed. He destroyed property out of anger just because he was prejudiced against a human. So I made sure to punish him and allow the people of Nhoshara to deal with him. I am sure he has been stepped on a few times by now. I will release him from his punishment when I leave here. If I remember that is.”
”You! You, humans, are all evil! You release him this instant!” An elder yelled out in anger.
”I will not. He destroyed the property of the citizens of Nhoshara, what kind of leader does such a thing? On top of that, he wished to arrest your queen. If this is not a case of someone trying to seize power I do not know what is.” Alicia felt it was fine to like and dislike who you want but do not get innocent people involved in your disputes or bring your personal agenda into the mix just because you saw a chance to get what you want.
”Humph! She probably deserved it for bringing dirty humans into our glorious city!”
”Oh? So you also think a ruler who cares so much for her people that she is willing to form an alliance with another country who is offering more than they would receive? You people disgust me! Let me explain this now. If any of you dare reject this alliance I do not mind making you all kneel in front of me!” Alicia was mad. Not all humans were bad. Most humans had no problems with the Fey and it was a law that every person no matter their race was to be respected.
”Oh? A mere human dares to threaten us and how do you think you can even do that with so many of us here?”
”Listen here. First thing first I am not human, I am of the celestial race and cultivator race. In my group my fiance is of the gods race, my best friend and sworn sister Loeri is a dragon and my daughter is a fairy. I have four other friends who are humans. We all live in harmony. So that anti human crap you are spewing saying the Fey can't get along with humans is just plain stupid. My Kingdom, Alastine has alliances with both the dwarves and beastmen. Not to mention although we did annex Mytheth Lenora they are not suppressed and live their daily lives. These are things I have already talked with Queen Angelina about. This was the very reason why she asked me to come here today.
”My kingdom has cleared out the Tribal plains and is working to make it a neutral zone between the two countries. We wish for nothing more than to work together with the Fey. I have even offered to extend the shield that is surrounding Alastine to cover the lands of the Fey, truly protecting you from outside threats. We are even willing to establish free trade between the two kingdoms as well. In this alliance, the Fey gain a lot more than Alastine will. What will you do in the future if a calamity hits? What will you do if the devils begin moving again? I am sure you have all heard of the devil that appeared in Alastine. Not to mention the demon spawn. The devils are still out there and you can not just wish them away and think that if you forget about them they will do nothing to you.
”This world will soon plummet into another storm of chaos. Alastine wants to help and align ourselves with other nations in order to have a fighting force large enough to push back and beat the devils back from each country. But let me say this now. Alastine will not help other nations outside the alliance until we are sure Alastine and its allies are safe.”
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