331 The Past Of King Augustus Part Two (1/1)

”How should I put this. I am not from this world and my original race was not a Celestial either… My original name was Naito Shigeru before I took on the name Augustus Alastine...”

King Augustus came from a race of time travelers from another dimension. There on the world called Earth in the land of Japan, he was called Naito Shigeru. ”Wait! Dad, you came from Japan?”

”Yes, Though not the same world you came from and the people of Earth where I came from were very powerful. Beyond what you could ever imagine.” His Earth had created a type of nanobot that rewrote the human DNA. It turned all humans into immortals and made them so powerful that even the Creators could not defeat them. This was a world of humans who should never have been able to achieve such a feat. Because they had invented time travel they were able to boost their advancement by millions of years. This was all created in the country of Japan. The government ordered people to go back in time before the west ever had contact with Japan and take it over. From there they educated the people and developed the land. Slowly they began to bring in new technologies advancing the lives of all Japanese.

After a few years, Japan became the only superpower in the world and advanced outward taking over other lands until finally, Japan ruled over the entire world. No one in the future at the time noticed anything since it was done gradually and happened in the past making the world believe it was the natural course of things. Because they advanced civilization by thousands of years, humanity progressed at an astonishing rate. By the time they had finally reached the year where King Augustus was born, immortality was already the norm and the human race already stood above the creators.

One day King Augustus was to be sent out on a routine mission. But this time he was going to be using a new device that was recently created. It was supposed to allow them to go to different world's pasts. His goal was to leave an early mark of humanity on different worlds in hopes of gaining a further reach in space. A kind of conquer them before they are powerful enough to become a threat.

On this day though the weather outside was not good and lightning flashed across the sky. King Augustus was not worried about the weather as he did his normal routine checks before stepping into the new time transporter. But just before his body was about to break down into atoms and move back in time and transport to another planet lightning struck the building causing the device to go haywire.

He did not want to lose the place that he had just come to without even having a chance to actually enjoy the new sights. So he quickly joined the fight. Sadly, in the end, because the body was not as strong as his original body, he was forced to use every bit of magicule he had in it, only sparing four magi points. All the other magi points were dried up to the point that he could not even use them to take in magicules any more. No matter what he tried he could not get these points to work anymore. This really depressed King Augustus at the time. It took thousands of years before King Augustus decided to start his own kingdom. He used what little power he had left and acquired a large amount of land before taking on the name Augustus Alastine and taking up the role as King of the Kingdom of Alastine.

It was not until the Kingdom was flourishing that he met Cela, the one he would name queen of Alastine. Sadly when Philip was being born she had passed away due to labor complications. Although he had many concubines he did not care for them as much as he did for Cela.

”And then one fateful day I met you, Alicia. You could say I sensed your arrival. There was a strong kinship I felt from the soul that came to this world. And when I first laid eyes on you I already knew who you were exactly. Well, I knew the body you took over was not normal at least. I am not strong enough to tell whether one is a celestial any more. At first, you piqued my interest. But when I saw your struggle and realized that you were all alone in his world, I couldn't leave you be. As I spent time with you I felt a parental bond one that a father would have for his daughter. I wanted to give you a way of life to allow you to acquire your dreams. Luckily you accepted me and did not look down on me or hate me for my trickery. As my daughter though not blood related, you are no different than those who are bound to me by blood. I love you just as much or maybe even greater than them. As with all my children if it came down to it I would not hesitate one bit to sacrifice my life to save yours.”


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