317 The Rogue Planet Part Three (1/1)
The two stepped slowly into the room. But frowned when they felt how sticky the floors were. The liquid filled tubes on the wall had decaying purple skinned people floating inside them. It was a grotesque sight and not something to see if you were easily squeamish. There were even skeletons laying on top of some of the tables with long dried blood staining the coarse metal. Because there was no oxygen, the metal did not rust even after all these years. Surgical tools rested on a small table on wheels next to the tables with the skeletons. There were not just one or two of these tables but more than twenty.
”What…? What were they doing here?” Alicia could not tell what exactly was going on but she could tell one thing and that the skeletons all looked different from the last.
”I have heard of this before… I read about a race once that said they went from world to world abducting its inhabitants to do research on them. They would then take their DNA and splice it into their own. As you can see from the tubes it seems they were all undergoing a DNA alteration. But something happened during the process leaving this castle a floating island in space. Or a rogue planet as we call them.” Grandpa Mu had only heard of this race from a few old scriptures from ancient times.
This race was shunned by many due to their atrocious acts. From what Grandpa Mu understood the race was wiped out by a more powerful race after the purple skinned people had tried to use the more powerful race's people for their experiments. That saying of you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew or you will end up choking was very true in this sense. The race did not like outsiders touching their people. They hunted down the purple skinned race to the very last one that the could find and even destroyed their home planet.
”So these people were trying to bring themselves to new heights by merging their DNA with other races? Such a thing might be possible but one wrong move would end up badly. ” Alicia looked at the tubes on the wall with the dead purpled skinned people and frowned. To become more powerful they even went to the extent of killing others and stealing their DNA.
”These people did not die from making a mistake. If I am not wrong they must have used a barrier of some kind to protect their home during the destruction of their world. But after so many years of floating through space, the barrier must have broken. The process of restructuring ones DNA is a long one. During the process of this their power source must have failed and exposed them to the vacuum of space. They used the tubes to infuse other's DNA into them to make themselves better but in the end, those same tubes became their graves.” Grandpa Mu felt the situation was somewhat funny. Karma would always find a way back to haunt you.
With Alicia's unwillingness to continue to explore the place Grandpa Mu and Alicia left the rogue planet and continued on their journey. This time they only traveled a week before they stopped once again. They found an unusual planet that rotated around another planet. It was as if the two acted as the other's moon. Now, this would not be so strange in the grand scheme of things when dealing with space. But what really made this unique was that one world had its landmass on fire while the other world had its landmass frozen over. This is what caught both Alicia's and Grandpa Mu's attention.
Alicia flew over to the fire world and entered its atmosphere. To her surprise, it was not hot at all, or at least she could not feel anything through the layer of spiritual qi on her body. Grandpa Mu stood beside her and was also wondering what was going on. But soon their answers came to light as they passed through a thick cloud layer.
In front of their eyes was not a landmass on fire but a large metropolis that covered the entire landmass. There was not a single spot that did not seem to have a building. In the skies were flying vehicles going to and fro. ”It seems we stumbled upon a slightly advanced civilization. But what is interesting is that they are not using crude means of power, they are using magic!”
Alicia's eyes grew wide. To see a civilization that combined magic and technology to such a state was very rare. They normally went one way or the other. So even if the world looked like the middle ages, in fact, they could do much more than any highly advanced civilization because they used magic. But when one takes magic and technology in hand you could wield even greater power! This was the reason why Alicia asked for the spaceships and stored the cars from those ruins. She wanted to advance Alastine to a state of higher technology so that they could become the biggest power on Phantasia and no one would ever think of trying to wage war against them again. This was the biggest plus side of having magic and technology combined!
”I must meet the people of this world! If I can get some of their scientists and some of their engineers from each technological sector to follow me back to Phantasia it would be a great help. Even if it was one of each, as long as they could help teach our scientists it would be enough to boost Alastine a few decades into the future!”
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