313 Interplanetary War Part Two (1/1)
”Shoot you? Of course not! But I must ask, why is it that you can survive in outer space without any space suit?” The older man with a scar on his face asked. He did his best to smile but because his face was always stern it seemed his smile was not the most pleasant thing to see.
”Captain Gibbs, you will scare her more with your smile than we will with our guns.” One of the soldiers said. This caused Captain Gibbs's smile to freeze. He turned his gaze on to the soldier who spoke and glared at him. But this only served to make the rest of the soldiers laugh out loud as they lowered their guns.
”You lot!” Captain Gibbs felt a little embarrassed, he didn't expect his crew to turn against him so quickly!
Alicia who was amused watching the comradery in front of her smiled inwardly while on the outside she tilted her head and looked at the captain with a confused look as she answered his question. ”Can't you?”
”Us? No. How can we survive in the vacuum of space? We would freeze instantly!” Captain Gibbs was even more interested in the girl now. He knew the girl was a bit strange. She was scared when a bunch of small pistols was trained on her but while she was outside plasma beams were flying all over the place and were much more dangerous than these weapons these soldiers carried but she was smiling and waving at them through the window.
”Oh? So why is it all sparkly outside? Are you guys playing a game?” Alicia asked, still acting as if she was just a curious little girl from outer space.
”Haha… Unfortunately, I wish this was so... But it is not what you think little lady. We are at war with an invading army who is bent on taking over every planet in this solar system. They have already taken over five of the twenty planets in this solar system. ” Captain Gibbs showed a forced smile, he could tell the situation was not good.
”Oh? So the people out there want your planet is what you are saying?” Alicia asked. This was something that she could easily relate to. Invaders will stop at nothing to get what they want. She had been through so many wars now that she could easily be considered a veteran when it came to wars.
”Hmmm… Then… If you would like I can help.” Alicia replied. She had a very strong dislike for people who invade other worlds or countries. All it did was bring harm to both sides. It was filled with death and tragedy for the common folk. She never understood why people were so greedy that they wanted nothing more than to take from others.
Alicia's simple little statement caused everyone to stare dumbfoundedly at Alicia. Her aura had suddenly changed from a frightened little girl to that of a supreme being. Every soldier there felt cold sweat building up on their back as they looked into Alicia's golden eyes that looked down upon them as if she was god herself. Captain Gibbs felt the sweat on his forehead drip down. He pinched his cheek to see if he was dreaming or not. Because the little girl in front of him started to give off a faint golden light. When he thought about how the little girl was surviving out in space with no space suit on, looking completely healthy, he realized they had mistaken this little girl as just an average everyday little girl! After his brain spun around it seemed as if he had suddenly figured something out. 'This girl was truly powerful!'
”Do you truly mean that? Can you really help us?” Putting his pride aside he couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth. He looked at Alicia as if she was the next messiah that was waiting for the go ahead to save his world.
”Mhm. I can help but I will not kill anyone, I will only break their ships. What you do after that is up to you.” Alicia stated firmly.
”If you can disable their ships the Macalnolia Empire will owe you a life debt.” Captain Gibbs knew it was a bit absurd of him to ask a young girl for assistance, but she was his last hope of changing the situation around. He just hoped he was not making a bad decision.
”Not an issue. I just don't like people who invade others for stupid reasons. I do not mind giving some help to a world, that truly treasures the place they come from.” Alicia decided to help these people because she could tell they were like how she was with Alastine. They would protect their home land no matter the cost.
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