291 The Weak Vs The Strong Part Two (1/1)

Everyone in the room went quiet. What Mei said made so much sense that it seemed that they would still have a chance at survival if they followed this little lady. When faced with such a powerful foe that could easily destroy the entire lower plane these old men put aside their prejudice and listened closely to what Mai had to say.

Even Grandpa Mu and Tang Guanting were interested in what Mei had planned out. Especially Grandpa Mu. ”Ali- Mei, what do you have planned?”

”Well first things first. We need to know what kind of detection system the Machine Empire has and how strong it is. They are not like celestials and cultivators who can extend their powers out to detect what is around them. Which is more of a heightened sense than an external force. But I am sure the technology that they have is advanced enough to at least penetrate the ground or solid objects. But in order to do this, they have to use different kinds of wavelengths from sound waves to light spectrums for their detection. Let's say they use infrared to detect heat signatures which is where I got my heat detection eye spell idea from. They would be able to see very clearly at night thanks to this type of technology. As an example.” Mei waved her hand and created a large disk in the air she then moved it around the room in front of everyone so they can look through it.

”As you can see, by looking through a specially crafted lens you can see different spectrums of light. If applied to a device that you can wear on your head you can walk around and see this spectrum of light.

” Now I am not saying this is how the enemy will detect us. This was more of an example than anything. They could have many many different ways to detect us. Although we are not sure of many different things, there is one thing I will stand by and that is we can win if we plan well in advance. As far as I can think of right now they would use three types of detection. Infrared, spiritual qi, and magicules. The last two will be their main form of detection. Because of this we will need to do three things, build deep underground bunkers to hide the young ones, their mothers, and the elderly. For both cultivators and mortals. We will not let mortals die in a war that has nothing to do with them.” Mei stated firmly.

”Hold on!” A middle aged man wearing a dragon robe cut in. ”All due respect Young Miss Mei but even use Mortals will be in on this fight. We might not be a match head on in terms of cultivation. But as you said if we use this guerilla warfare tactic as you called it, we have a chance to overcome the odds as we are indeed the weak of this world. There are millions of Mortals who I am sure would love to jump into this fight if it meant that they could actually win against the strong for once.”

”Why all the underground tunnels and fortresses?” The leader of the Ling Clan asked.

”The attack that wiped out this generations' heavens chosen came from the sky. But that is not the only reason. The Machine Empires weapons and movements will be restricted if forced underground. Unless they want to suicide they will not use heavy explosives underground and with how cultivators are able to manipulate the ground itself with ease, building new tunnels out of a collapsed tunnel is very easy. This will also allow us an easier fight. It will also allow us to be able to take their weapons with more ease once we do kill them. I would find it very funny if all of a sudden the weapons they were using to try to kill us, were suddenly being used to kill them. This will also boost the strengths of the mortals.” Mei figured if they could start collecting weapons they could use said weapons to help fight back or protect themselves and others.

”This plan is very good! How should we section out the work?” Tang Guanting finally spoke up. He was in awe at how well thought out this plan actually was.

”Well we will need to split work out like this, Pill refiners, array masters, and armament masters. All need to band together and begin working on making a surplus of goods. Each sect and clan will need to contribute to this cause as much as possible. Remember if we all die here, you will not have a younger generation to consume the pills you have in your rings. We will need another two groups as well one for harvesting and another for digging. I figure as long as we put our minds to it we can set up a huge network of tunnels underground easy. ”


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