263 Metal Armored Rhino Part Two (1/1)

Mei moved back away from the tree line. She had marked out a smaller clearing nearby that she planned to use for fighting. When the metal armored rhino finally reached the edge of the tree line Mei flicked another pebble at the bushes nearby making it turn around in that direction. Only then did she flick a second pebble at the metal armored rhino's body making it quickly turn around and rush towards her direction. She quickly moved back towards the clearing allowing the metal armored rhino to catch a glimpse of her shadow. When it did, it only snorted and sprinted forward at a faster speed.

Mei stopped in the small clearing and turned around. She waited for the metal armored rhino to come into the clearing. The metal armored rhino was truly enraged as it broke through the bushes and barreled towards Mei. Mei quickly dodged to the right and struck out with her sword.


Metal on metal sound was heard as sparks flew into the air as her sword clashed with the metal armored rhino's metal armor plates. The first clash ended with a tie as the two stared each other down only a few meters away from each other. Mei looked at the metal armored rhino all over and noticed that the small spaces between the armor where she could most likely pierce her sword through. The problem was that these spots were very narrow so she would need to be very precise in her strike.

The two, one human one metal armored rhino, clashed a few times until finally, Mei got her sword into the knee joint of the metal armored rhino causing it to lose balance and fall to the ground. With her prey partially immobilized she quickly went to work making sure it could no longer get up. Once it could not move any more Mei finally finished it off. This fight alone took her almost an hour so she sat down and rested a few minutes before going to work dismantling the corpse.

Almost fifteen hours later Mei had finally killed the last metal armored rhino she needed for the mission and could now head back to the sect. She was really tired so she decided to spend the night in her space after finding a small cave to use as cover.

It was not until the next morning that Mei found the cave she had used to hide her space in to be somewhat strange. She decided since she was not in much of a rush to go back to the sect that she would check out the cave. She walked slowly into the cave. The walls and ceiling of the cave were nothing but hardened mud and rocks with large roots holding it all together.

Mei made her way in to find that the cave was rather deep and that the cave's floor slanted down going further underground. She continued forward, so far lucky that there were no demonic beasts within. But what worried her was the slope of the cave floor was starting to become steeper the further she went in. The ground itself was also becoming slipperier as well.

”Maybe I shouldn't go any further. If I slip and fall all the way down to, who knows where this leads to, I could either end up seriously injured or in the jaws of some powerful demonic beast. ” Mei muttered to herself. She decided it would be best to turn around.

As she did and went to take a step forward she stepped on a moss covered rock that was very slippery causing her to lose her footing. As she tried to regain her balance her whole body teetered back and forth until finally she was no longer able to keep herself upright and fell down on her butt.

With a splat, the muddy floor soaked her rear end and her legs with mud. But it seemed the sudden jostling of the earth under her caused the rest of the slope made of mud to give way, sending her down the slope as if it was a slide. ”You gotta be kidding me!” Mei yelled as she tried to stay upright as she continued to slide down.

She slid for what seemed to be hours until she was finally sent flying off a ledge and into an underground river. Mei quickly swam over to the far side shore which was thankfully not mud but rock and pulled herself up on to the shore. Standing up and looking at where she was, her eyes widen as she looked down the direction the underground river was flowing in.

A way down the river was a large underground palace carved out of the rock wall. The carvings from what she could tell were very well done. But what got her attention the most was the area around the palace was covered in greenery. She could smell the rich aroma of herbs in the air even though she was still a ways away.

”Is this what Master Bai meant as a fruitatious encounter?” Mei asked herself as she walked down towards the Palace. She was very, very cautious just in case there were any traps. Every step she made she would toss a rock out to check the next place she was going to put her foot down was safe or not. When she thought of the adventure movies back on earth where secret ruins always had deadly traps she wanted to make sure she was not going to get caught up in any. The last thing she wanted was to trigger one of these traps and end up dead.


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