258 Meeting Xie Wen Again Part Two (1/1)

Xie Wen stared at Mei for a few moments before finally opening his mouth. ”Why did you kill her?”

”I believe you know why I killed her. Did your two friends there not tell you?” Mei said as she smiled at the two young men and nodded her head at them. They returned the nod in kind.

”They did but I want to hear it from your mouth!” Xie Wen's eyes were turning red. Mei did not know if he was on the verge of crying or if he was angry. The cold expression on his face and his quivering lip was making it hard to discern which was which.

”If you really want to hear it from my mouth then I will say it. I killed her because she tried to capture me and my cousin and on top of that she wanted the ten cultivators she brought with her to r*pe and kill us. I am sorry but once my cousin was taken hostage it was over. Talking was not going to rectify the situation. If you are here to seek revenge then I don't mind killing you as well. I hope it doesn't come down to that, but I will say this now. Those who threaten me or my family will be killed if they choose to act on their threats. Now if you will excuse me.” Mei finished her words and began to walk away.

Xie Wen looked at her retreating back before clenching his fist. He knew his sister was in the wrong and no matter how much he liked Mei he could not let his sister's death go unavenged. He could only do one thing in order to make up everything. To his sister and to himself. ”Wait!”

Mei paused her steps and turned around and looked at Xie Wen. ”What?”

”You and me, life or death arena. No tricks. A straight one on one match the loser dies.” Xie Wen answered.

”No! No life or death. Xie Wen I can tell you are an okay person deep down but you ruined your reputation in order to protect your sister. I commend you on that. That is something families do for each other. But you are also at fault for not teaching your baby sister right from wrong. You continued to let her do as he pleased. If it was not her that died that day, I would have been sullied and killed, left to feed the demonic beasts in the forest. I was nice enough to make sure nothing remained of their bodies. But if you insist on fighting me then we will do it in a normal battle arena.” Mei could understand Xie Wen's wish for revenge but she could also tell he did not really want to kill her. And she did not wish to kill him either if she did not need to.

Xie Wen looked at Mei with a complicated expression. His brow furrowed and unfurrowed over and over until he finally let out a sigh. ”We will do it your way. Win or lose, at least I tried to give my sister some peace. I know she was in the wrong. But she was still my baby sister. So in this fight, I will not hold back. But I will not kill you either. If I did I would be condoning my sister's actions. My two friends watched it all so they know what happened. They would never lie to me. I know my sister brought it all upon herself. But she is still my baby sister. Let's go, we will fight!”

”Mmm… Let's fight.” Mei said, nodding her head. Her face showed no expression whatsoever.

Word spread quickly and a crowd formed at the battle platform on the fifth peak. Mei stood without a sword in hand on top of the stage. She had already decided she would not use a sword in this fight.

An elder jumped on stage and looked at the two. Xie Wen was standing at the other end of the stage. He too did not have a sword in his hand. Since Mei did not draw her sword he decided he would not either. ”This is a friendly match. Your cultivations are very far apart so I expect you to hold back!” The elder looked at the two but as he finished his sentence his gaze lingered on Xie Wen. When he saw them both nod to show they understood what he just said the elder then jumped off the stage. ”You may begin!”

Xie Wen did not waste any time as she disappeared from where he stood and appeared in front of Mei. He raised his fist and shot it out with all he had at Mei's face. But to his surprise, Mei only looked up at him with a smile as his fist landed on her face causing her to tumble across the stage. Mei had decided to let him land one blow to make up for her killing his sister. But she would only allow one blow.

Mei's action confused Xie Wen he looked over at Mei who was slowly getting up and shaking her dazed head. ”Why? Why didn't you block or dodge!?”

”That punch was for what I did. I know it can not make up for a life but I hope that it will at least allow some of your anger to subside. But I will only allow the one punch!” Mei said as she spat out a mouth full of blood. Luckily none of her teeth were knocked out with that punch. She could already feel her right cheek beginning to swell so she quickly cast ice magic on her face to freeze the area. Otherwise, it could hinder her battle.


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