217 A Run In With Slavery (1/1)
In a small village not too far from the old border between Alastine and the Black Stone Empire. Alex was sitting in a small restaurant eating a meal. Alex's group really stood out since with one handsome young boy, a fairy, and a dragon girl all sitting at one table were not common things you would see every day. A fat man in fine silk clothes and gold jewelry adorned all over his body walked over to Alex's table.
”Young Man. How much will you sell your slaves to me for? I am willing to pay any price, just name it.” The fat man asked. He had a big wide grin on his face as he looked at Loeri.
Alex looked at the fat man, his eyes turning cold after hearing the fat man's words. Slavery was not allowed in Alastine and if this man was asking such a question meant that he was most likely someone who partakes in slave trafficking or had many slaves at his residence.
Alex quickly shot up from his seat and drew his sword pointing it at the fat man's throat. The whole restaurant quickly went silent. All they heard was Alex's cold voice as he said: ”Under the Alastine Kingdoms law, slave trafficking is illegal. If you are looking at the two girls next to me and asking if they are slaves just because they're not human you are very wrong. These girls are my family and you sir have crossed my bottom line. According to Alastine Law, you will be taken to the nearest guard station and reported for your crimes. If you resist I cannot promise I will not cut a leg off.”
The fat man gulped as he looked at the blade at his throat. But still, put on a grin. ”Young man you seem to be new around here. You see my father is the lord of this town so what I say is the true law. Since you are not willing to give up the two girls for money I can only say that you have missed your chance and will now have to give them over for free! Men capture the girls!”
A bunch of men got up and rushed towards Loeri and Frey. Loeri was still in the middle of stuffing her face while Frey was happily sitting at the edge of the table eating some Magicules. Alex only gave a light snort as he kicked the fat man away sending him flying into a wall. His body disappeared and reappeared in front of the man who was about to try to grab Frey.
Frey finally realizing something was wrong flew up and looked at the man who was currently being locked down by Alex. Frey's little cheeks puffed out as her anger rose up. She yelled out: ”Don't hurt my Mo-Father!” And as if like lightning Frey flew at the man who was not paying attention, drew her little fist back, and punched the man in the eye!
The man let out a howl of pain, waved his hand about to try to stop the incoming punches from the fairy, and staggered backward. Alex looked at the little fairy who was flying back and forth punching the man in each eye without remorse and let out a laugh. It was the first time he had seen Frey fight like this. But out of Alex's group, there was one person who was having flashbacks to that day. Loeri was shivering in fear watching Frey beat the man up. She remembered the day when she was beaten black and blue by the little fairy. ”He just had to go and provoke the little demon!” Loeri turned her fear into anger and turned around looking at the two men charging at her and dashed towards them. She jumped in the air and spun her body using her tail as a whip smacking both of the men in the head sending them flying backward.
All the onlookers looked on in amazement. The handsome young man and his group were all very strong! Even the fairy was beating a grown man down to the ground. After everyone had been subdued Alex walked over to the fat man who had just regained consciousness and was trying to sneak away and grabbed him by the collar.
”Are you really the son of the lord of this town?” Alex asked.
”Yes! Yes, I am! Why are you scared now?” The fat man still showed a bit of pride which Alex quickly squashed as he punched the fat man in the stomach.
”Don't act high and mighty when you are nothing but a criminal. I will bring you to your father and find out for sure if he is in on this slave trade. Because if he is, he will be joining you!” Alex then took out a bronze mirror to contact King Augustus.
Seeing the bronze mirror the fat man suddenly became drenched in sweat. He knew what this mirror was for and it would only contact one person in the entire kingdom! Alex explained the situation to King Augustus causing King Augustus to immediately appear at Alex's location.
King Augustus looked at Alex with a complicated expression and said: ”Good work young la-man, I will see to it that you gain merits for this discovery. You and your friends can run along. I will handle it from here.” After pausing for a second King Augustus suddenly pulled out a blank white mask. ”Here put this on. And remember if anyone offers you any candy do not take it!”
Alex took the mask and looked at King Augustus with a strange look. 'I am not a child! I know to not follow strangers or take candy from them!'
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