205 Dishing Out Punishments Part One (1/1)
Alicia knew it was now time to begin. This time she would not bring an army with her, there was no need. This time it would only be Blake and her. The army would stay in the capital and protect it just in case.
It was unknown when Blake appeared but he stood next to Alicia and grasped her hand into his. Alicia adjusted her fingers to interlock her's with his and looked up at him with a smile. ”Blake, thank you for being with me this entire time. Your support has allowed me to make it through all this.”
”Akari, I am and will always be by your side, until the day we turn to dust.” Blake said warmly, pulling Alicia into a hug.
”I know. But I still felt I should say thank you. Now let's end this, so Alastine can once again prosper as it did before.”
Blake nodded his head and held Alicia's waist as he floated up into the air and flew towards the Blackstone Empire and Mytheth Lenora encampment. It only took five minutes to reach their destination, they hovered in the air above the encampment looking down at it. ”Humans and elves of the Blackstone empire and Mytheth Lenora! You have caused much damage to my kingdom! You have killed and enslaved the people of my kingdom and have committed other atrocities. ”
Alicia's eyes turned cold when she saw women with lifeless eyes being led around naked in chains. With a wave of her hand these women disappeared from their chains and reappeared in the air around them. She then quickly sent them all into her space where she had already notified Starla and the rest of the incoming visitors. Alicia knew these women would be traumatized most likely for the rest of their life after enduring such things being done to them.
After scanning and making sure no other Alastine citizen was in the encampment. Her cold gaze landed on a man who came out of the biggest tent with a fierce look in his eyes. ”Who are you!?”
”Then one who will bring down judgment on those who invade my lands. And my decision is that you will all suffer a fate worse than death!” Alicia waved her yet again creating a barrier around the entire encampment. She then created a magic circle that made the air gradually grow hotter and hotter and also amplified the sun's rays as time went one. The barrier she had created was just as strong as the one around the capital so there was no chance of them breaking through it. And since it was a half-sphere shaped barrier that even blocked the escape from digging under it only allowing the not dig a few centimeters before hitting the barrier. The soldiers inside were not going to have a good death.
This was Alicia's punishment for the atrocities they had committed during their invasion of Alastine. A fitting end for these men who deserved worse than death. Alicia had effectively made a living purgatory.
”You are getting better at your magic.” Blake praised. Her barriers were stronger than ever now.
”I seem to have tapped into some of my Celestial powers when we raised the capital. It's only a sliver but it strengthened my magic by almost a hundredfold. My eyes have also become darker as a result.” Alicia explained. Blake, of course, noticed these changes in Alicia since he always had his eyes on her but did not say anything. He felt it was best to wait until she said something herself.
”We will head to Mytheth Lenora first. I want to save Royal Father first and then deal with both the elves and the empire.”
”I am not sure the elves will submit.” Blake let out a sigh as he said this. The elves were a highly prideful race and thought that they stood above all those that were below them due to their magic proficiency.
”Then if they don't I will annex the entire country. They invaded Alastine they should be prepared for the repercussions that follow and if they are not too bad. That just means their pride was too high and thought lowly of the enemy. Such an underestimation will cause their downfall. We will not hurt the innocent but we will take out anyone who dares to attack us.” Alicia wrapped her arms around Blake's waist signaling it was time to leave. Although secretly she knew she could fly on her own now she still liked being carried by Blake like this. His body warmth gave her a sense of security and kept her mind clear.
Because they were only two people they were able to fly right into Mytheth Lenora and head towards its capital undetected. Alicia was amazed at the landscape of this country because it was filled with sporadic trees, some so large their tops could not be seen through the clouds. Each tree was a city of its own with many elves living in them. The land around them was highly fertile so many farms could be seen around each tree. In the middle of this country rest the biggest tree of them all, this tree was where the capital of Mytheth Lenora resided.
The elves' pride in their ability in magic made them very unguarded. They felt that no one would try to attack them due to their magic abilities. But on this day their pride will cause the downfall of the Kingdom of elves. Alicia and Blake hovered over the castle. She searched each floor with her detection magic until she found what looked to be the ruler of Mytheth Lenora. ”I think I found him bringing us there now!”
Inside the castle, the elven king was in his study going over a bunch of documents when he felt the Magicules in the air fluctuate in front of him. ”Who's there!?”
”No one much, just a person who came to dish out some much needed punishments on a fool king!”
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