195 Alicia’s Rage Part Two (1/2)
Alicia's body started to shine a golden light that slowly started to flicker with streaks of black. She gazed down at the Fernalia army and raised her hand to the sky. A large magic circle slowly began to form overhead spanning the sky. But that was not the only place a magic circle began to form.
The Farnelila Kingdom….
”Mother what's that!?” A little child pointed at the sky. Above them was a golden light with specks of black. Slowly but surely the golden light spread out forming an intricate magic circle.
The mother of the child looked up into the sky in horror when she saw this sight. She knew that there was only one country that would attack them with such grand magic. Alastine…. Her husband was none other than the king himself. She gazed over at her husband who had just walked in with a pale face. Tears dripped from her eyes. The two gazed at each other needing no words. They knew their time was coming to an end.
”I'm sorry I should have listened to you...” As the king held his wife and child the magic circle in the sky that span the entire Fernalia kingdom finished forming.
Light gathered in the middle of the magic circle continuously accumulating and expanding. When the ball of light had reached its max, beams of light shot out in all directions. Whatever they hit left nothing but molten lava. The entirety of the Fernalia kingdom and its millions of citizens on this day, the 34th day of the tenth month, in the year 1227834, the Fernalia kingdom was wiped off the face of Phantasia.
Alastine, Alicia's location…
Alicia looked down at the molten ground, her face showing no expression whatsoever. The celestial power within Alicia was fluctuating as more and more black streaks could be seen in the golden aura that was emanating out of her. Blake could sense something was wrong because normally Alicia would faint after using such large scale magic. He could also feel the rumble coming from behind him, he was not sure but he had an assumption that the Fernilia kingdom suffered the same fate as these soldiers.
”Alicia?” Blake called out to her.
Alicia heard her name and turned towards Blake. Blake saw the frosty look she was giving him. She raised her hand once again towards the sky, her power flowed out of her and started to head towards the north. Blake could see the more she used her power the more it would turn black. this caused him great alarm as he shouted out: ”Alicia stop! Any more and you could die!”