189 Defence Of Alastine Part Two (1/2)
Alicia and her group started off towards the north. Along the way, Alicia with Annelia's and Blake's help was building a massive wall one hundred meters high. This of course was slowing down their progress but it would make for a huge obstacle for the Fernilia Kingdom.
As days passed and then days became weeks Alicia finally caught sight of the Fernilia army but to her surprise, she saw a mass of Alastine soldiers fighting against them. There were no knights just soldiers. But as she got closer, sitting high up on two dragonic horses, She spotted two familiar figures.
”Second sister look!” Prince Philip pointed at the massive wall coming towards them.
”It is most likely our little sister, only she would have the ability to pull off such a feat!” Princess Catherine gave a bright smile. Things here were looking dire since they had no mages or soldiers who were good at magic. They could only slowly retreat back as they did their best to slow the enemies' advance. ” Soldiers of Alastine Retreat!”
Alicia heard the call for retreat and quickly proceeded forward. The Fernilia Kingdom soldiers all scattered as Alicia barged through the Fernilia Kingdom's line with the huge wall made of earth. Due to the strange situation that they were seeing the Fernilia army was not able to react to the sudden intrusion in the battle and ended up having their soldiers split in half.
She quickly passed them and went about three kilometers before she slowed her pace until she finally came to a stop. ”Blake, can you continue building the wall? I need to speak with my brother and sister”
”No problem, I will see you in a little while.” Blake replied.
Alicia smiled and hugged Blake before giving him a small peck on the cheek as she said: ”I will try to hurry. Rose, Loeri, stay with him and guard him while he is working. Starla, Annelia, come with me.”
Blake gave a nod and began working on the wall again. Rose and Loeri followed after him as Alicia turned and headed back towards Prince Philip and Princess Catherine with Starla and Annelia.
It didn't take long for them to return back. As soon as Alicia arrived at Princess Catherine's side, Princess Catherine immediately hugged Alicia and started to cry. ”Big Sister Catherine, everything will be fine. But where did these soldiers come from?”
Seeing how Princess Catherine was not going to be able to answer Prince Philip answered for her. ”First Sister and Third Brother organized the remaining soldiers in the capital and recruited citizens that were willing to help defend the kingdom. We gathered over two million which we split between the north and here in the east. First Sister and Third Brother led her army to the north while Second sister and I led ours to defend the east. Father is still fighting in the west against the empire. It seems the South is under control?”
”Yes, Sir Dalton is overseeing the border defense. But why did Third Brother go with First Sister if they are both older than the two of you?” Alicia asked, she did not understand why the two oldest went together when they should have split. She had yet to meet the two of them since they were always at the academy and had yet to come home since she had been staying at the castle.