185 Battle of Romila Village Part One (1/1)

After having her seal removed Alicia was now able to feel more optimistic about the battle ahead. Her first goal was to recover the village of Romila. Romila was called a village but should actually be considered a small city with how it took up such a large area. On a normal day, it would be home to over one hundred thousand residents. And was positioned a few kilometers away from the border with the Beast Kingdom. You could all call this village the first line of defense against the Beast Kingdom. But sadly due to the appearance of the demonic plague the village fell quickly.

”Team one through six will come with me. Everyone else will be under Sir Dalton's command. You will be on defense. You will work alongside the mages to expand the barrier and reclaim more land!” Alicia gave out short orders, she was taking a group of five hundred to begin sweeping the village of demonic plagues and engage the beastmen.

She had already tested the whistle out that Princess Sola had given her, it worked just like Princess Sola said. Which made Alicia let out a sigh of relief. With plans formulating in her head, Alicia had her heat detection magic spread out within the area to see what the inside of the village looked like. She could tell that the village was overrun with demonic plagues and that there were at least around ten thousand beastmen held up inside.

It might seem like a bad idea to go in with only five hundred soldiers and knights. But this was the number that Alicia knew for sure she could keep alive and not lose a single person even if they were gravely wounded. This of course was as long as everything went according to plan. She was not dumb enough to expect things to work out as well as she thought if there was some kind of unforeseen event.

It was now an hour later and Alicia and her unit had pushed their way to the outskirts of the village. They had stayed relatively un-detected with only a few demonic plagues attacking them.

”Okay, I want one hundred of you to hold this position. The area is pretty clear and from what I can tell the main group of the demonic plagues are still gathering inside. We will secure each area of the village as we move forward.” Alicia knelt down onto one knee and drew an outline of the village with a stick in the dirt.

”The area we are at now is section one. I will have you break off in units of one hundred for defense as we capture each section. This is so we do not get flanked and have a spot to retreat to. If all goes according to plan we should all be able to leave here alive. But I need you to make sure you hold these points. There is no telling what the beastmen might have as a hidden card once they realize they are losing control of the village. Also...” Alicia paused and pulled out the wooden whistle.

”Search each beastman you kill and look for one of these. These are the key to our victory. If you are not sure if it is the same item grab it anyway. And lastly. Your lives are important, but our jobs are just as important since the lives of millions of Alastine people are in our hands. I will do everything I can to bring you home alive. But just me alone might not be enough. Keep an eye on your surroundings at all times and never let your guard down.” Alicia looked at everyone and did her best to give a warm smile.

”Does everyone understand their roles?” Alicia saw everyone nod before nodding back and standing back up. ”Then the back defense line, split apart from the group. The rest of us are going in. move it!”

Alicia watched as one hundred men split off and spread out into a circle as they guarded the entrance to the village. A mage stood in the middle and erected a barrier that covered a good sized area making the ground look lush with green again after the foul air was pushed away.

Alicia had brought five mages with her. Each one was to build a barrier and hold the area they were in while Alicia advanced forward. Because once they made it to section one It would be Blake and Alicia who charged into the main flock of beastmen.

The soldiers and knights she brought with her were some of the best at infiltration so they knew how to mask their presence very well. The second section of the village went without flaws as they quickly killed off any Demonic Plagues that were roaming around.

It was not until the third section of the village that they finally encountered their first beastmen. Unfortunately, it was not a one sided venture on Alicia's part because the beastman actually spotted them first and had already yelled out a signal for intruders.

”Prepare for battle, we will have incoming, both Demonic Plagues and Beastmen!” Alicia said as she charged forward and swung her sword at the beastman that sounded the alarm. That beastman did not expect to be killed so quickly. His eyes were open wide as he laid dead on the ground with Alicia standing over him, blood dripping from her sword. This marked the opening of the first major battle to reclaim Romila.

Very quickly the demonic plagues raced towards Alicia and her men. The mages that were with her already formed multiple barriers to allow a place for the soldiers and knights to fall back to. Blake was helping on the right flank while Alicia was on the left flank where the demonic plagues seemed to be concentrating. Every time a large group came she would use the wooden whistle which stopped the demonic plagues in their tracks allowing the soldiers and knights to step forward and slay them.

Seeing that things were not going as smoothly as they should, the beastmen who had been holding back charged forward in two groups. A few thousand went to Blake's side while another few thousand went to Alicia's side. Seeing the sudden charge Alicia quickly waved her hand, causing a large wall of earth to form and split the charge of the beastmen leaving a few hundred to be lambs to the slaughter as the knights and soldiers on her side charged forward. It was all in Alicia's plan to divide and conquer. She would split off small groups while keeping the large group out of the fight. ”Keep going! We are almost to section four!”


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