149 A Time With Family (1/2)

Alicia sat around the campfire that King Augustus made. They were celebrating everyone passing the squires exam. Frey was basically glued to Alicia. Refusing to even leave her side for even a second. This of course was to be expected. Ever since she was born she had never left Alicia's side for such a long time. Alicia did not mind her clinginess either. In fact, she missed this warmth she got from Frey. Although she was small, the little fairy had a huge heart that warmed Alicia from head to toe.

Food was being roasted on the fire as King Augustus put his skills to work. This was all to Princess Catherine's amazement. She had never seen this side of her father before. Not able to hold back her curiosity she leaned over to Alicia who was next to her and asked: ”Alicia, did Royal Father always cook for you when you were training?”

”Yeah, Royal Father's cooking is very good. ” Alicia answered nodding her head.

”Just don't let Alicia cook or you might end up with some kind of weird organism on your plate.” Loeri who had a hunk of meat in her hand butted in with her own remarks.

”Humph! From now on you cook then. You got two hands now.” Alicia snorted before turning her head away from Loeri.

”Ahh… Well… I think my cooking might be worse.” Loeri honestly said as she rubbed her nose. She was a dragon, what the hell did she know about cooking?

”Haha, you two act just like sisters.” Princess Catherine found Alicia and Loeri's banter rather amusing.

”That reminds me where are Nora, Jade, and Jasmine?” Alicia asked as she looked around. She did not see, hide, or hair of her new younger sisters.

”They are working on something. They will be back out in a bit.” The one to answer was Starla.

Alicia happily talked with her newfound friends and family. Before she knew it her world had expanded so much since coming to this world. She met Berlin (Her Father), Loeri, Frey, Rose, Claire, Starla, Princess Catherine, Nora, Jade, and Jasmine, among a few others. Most importantly she met Blake, the boy she was now engaged to marry later in life.

Although there are times when she looks back on her past life wondering how her parents, friends, and other family members are doing. She does not ever wish to go back. She is content here with this new family of hers. She does not know what the future may hold but she knows one thing. Her path in life will never change. She will become a knight that protects this kingdom's King, its people, and its lands. Princess or not she would still protect her new homeland that has given her so much in such a short period of time.

The fire in front of her crackles as Alicia watches everyone around her with a warm smile on her face. These are the smiles she now wishes to protect more than anything. ”Alicia you seem happy.” Blake who had two meat skewers in his hands sits down next to Alicia handing her one of the skewers.

”Mhm! Surrounded by all the people in this world that I love, how can I not be happy.” Alicia stated before taking a big bite of meat.

”Oh? Everyone you love huh? Does this love include me?” Blakes words make her almost choke on the pieces of meat in her mouth.