22 Devils And Gods (1/2)

Loeri stayed by Alicia's side until she finally woke up an hour later. Alicia's eyes slowly opened. She rubbed her head and looked over at Loeri. ”Loeri what happened?”

”You stupid human! How could you even try to eat a magic core!? You almost died!” Loeri yelled out, her little beady eyes welled up with tears. Loeri jumped into Alicia's lap and nuzzled her nose into Alicia's stomach.

Alicia smiled and hugged Loeri. They had only been together for a few days but it seemed that they had known each other their entire lives. ”I'm sorry Loeri, I did not know that would happen. Originally I thought I would not be able to bite into it. I will never do that again.”

”Humph! Better not...” Loeri flapped her little wings and flew up to the top of Alicia's head and found a comfortable spot to relax.

Alicia looked down at her now spotless clothes and skin. ”Loeri how did we get all clean?”

Loeri who was about to take a deep breath choked on air by Alicia's question. ”Ahem… It happened when the Magicules were going crazy after you passed out.”

”Oh… I could have sworn Master Berlin showed up...” Alicia's head was somewhat foggy all she remembered clearly was the pain that shot through her whole body and then fainting.

”N-No it was just me this entire time.” Loeri wished she could tell Alicia the truth about Berlin but she had already promised and Berlin also said she might be in danger if she knew.

After talking a bit longer the two went to find a place to stay for the night. They were able to find a small cave not too far off from where they fought the horned wind python. With Alicia's newfound speed with wind magic, she was a lot quicker than before as she traversed the forest. When Alicia first entered the cave she was surprised to see that it went back fairly deep. She used detection magic to inspect the inside of the cave. She did not detect any demonic beasts inside but she did seem to pick up on something else.

”Loeri are you able to sense what is deep within this cave? I am picking something up but it does not seem to be a demonic beast.” Alicia asked.

”No, I do not sense anything dangerous. We can go check it out and see.” Lorie replied.