Part 16 (1/2)
”And what if your Service had caught him?” Fiedler inquired.
”Oh, that's a different matter. I suppose they would either have interrogated him and then tried to exchange him for one of our own people in prison over here; or else they'd have given him a ticket.”
”What does that mean?”
”Got rid of him.”
”Liquidated him?” Fiedler was asking all the questions now, and the members of the Tribunal were writing diligently in the files before them.
”I don't know what they do. I've never been mixed up in that game.”
”Might they not have tried to recruit him as their agent?”
”Yes, but they didn't succeed.”
”How do you know that?”
”Oh, for G.o.d's sake, I've told you over and over again. I'm not a b.l.o.o.d.y performing seal! I was head of the Berlin Command for four years. If Mundt had been one of our people, I would have known. I couldn't have helped knowing.”
Fiedler seemed content with that answer, confident perhaps that the remainder of the Tribunal was not. He now turned his attention to Operation ”Rolling Stone,” took Leamas once again through the special security complexities governing the circulation of the file, the letters to the Stockholm and Helsinki banks and the one reply which Leamas had received. Addressing himself to the Tribunal, Fiedler commented: ”We had no reply from Helsinki. I do not know why. But let me recapitulate for you. Leamas deposited money at Stockholm on June fifteenth. Among the papers before you there is the facsimile of a letter from the Royal Scandinavian Bank addressed to Robert Lang. Robert Lang was the name Leamas used to open the Copenhagen deposit account. From that letter (it is the twelfth serial in your files) you will see that the entire sum--ten thousand dollars--was drawn by the cosignatory to the account one week later. I imagine,” Fiedler continued, indicating with his head the motionless figure of Mundt in the front row, ”that it is not disputed by the defendant that he was in Copenhagen on June twenty-first, nominally engaged on secret work on behalf of the Abteilung.” He paused and then continued: ”Leamas' visit to Helsinki--the second visit he made to deposit money--took place on about September twenty-fourth.” Raising his voice, he turned and looked directly at Mundt. ”On the third of October Comrade Mundt made a clandestine journey to Finland--once more allegedly in the interests of the Abteilung.”
There was silence. Fiedler turned slowly and addressed himself once more to the Tribunal. In a voice at once subdued and threatening he asked, ”Are you complaining that the evidence is circ.u.mstantial? Let me remind you of something more.” He turned to Leamas.
”Witness, during your activities in Berlin you became a.s.sociated with Karl Riemeck, formerly Secretary to the Praesidium of the Socialist Unity Party. What was the nature of that a.s.sociation?”
”He was my agent until he was shot by Mundt's men.”
”Quite so. He was shot by Mundt's men. One of several spies who were summarily liquidated by Comrade Mundt before they could be questioned. But before he was shot by Mundt's men he was an agent of the British Secret Service?”
Leamas nodded.
”Will you describe Riemeck's meeting with the man you call Control.”
”Control came over to Berlin from London to see Karl. Karl was one of the most productive agents we had, I think, and Control wanted to meet him.”
Fiedler put in: ”He was also one of the most trusted?”
”Yes, oh yes. London loved Karl, he could do no wrong. When Control came out I fixed it for Karl to come to my flat and the three of us dined together. I didn't like Karl's coming there really, but I couldn't tell Control that. It's hard to explain, but they get ideas in London, they're so cut off from it and I was frightened stiff they'd find some excuse for taking over Karl themselves--they're quite capable of it.”
”So you arranged for the three of you to meet,” Fiedler put in curtly. ”What happened?”
”Control asked me beforehand to see that he had a quarter of an hour alone with Karl, so during the evening I pretended to have, run out of Scotch. I left the flat and went over to de Jong's place. I had a couple of drinks there, borrowed a bottle and came back.”
”How did you find them?”
”What do you mean?”
”Were Control and Riemeck talking stifi? If so, what were they talking about?”
”They weren't talking at all when I came back.”
”Thank you. You may sit down.”
Leamas returned to his seat at the back of the room. Fiedler turned to the three members of the Tribunal and began: ”I want to talk first about the spy Riemeck, who was shot--Karl Riemeck. You have before you a list of all the information which Riemeck pa.s.sed to Alec Leamas in Berlin, so far as Leamas can recall it. It is a formidable record of treachery. Let me summarize it for you. Riemeck gave to his masters a detailed breakdown of the work and personalities of the whole Abteilung. He was able, if Leamas is to be believed, to describe the workings of our most secret sessions. As secretary to the Praesidium he gave minutes of its most secret proceedings.
”That was easy for him; he himself compiled the record of every meeting. But Riemeck's _access_ to the secret affairs of the Abteilung is a different matter. Who at the end of 1959 co-opted Riemeck onto the Committee for the Protection of the People, that vital subcommittee of the Praesidium which coordinates and discusses the affairs of our security organs? Who proposed that Riemeck should have the privilege of access to the files of the Abteilung? Who at every stage in Riemeck's career _since_ 1959 (the year Mundt returned from England, you remember) singled him out for posts of exceptional responsibility? I will tell you,” Fiedler proclaimed. ”The same man who was uniquely placed to s.h.i.+eld him in his espionage activities: Hans-Dieter Mundt. Let us recall how Riemeck contacted the Western Intelligence Agencies in Berlin-- how he sought out de Jong's car on a picnic and put the film inside it. Are you not amazed at Riemeck's foreknowledge? How could he have known where to find that car, and on that very day? Riemeck had no car himself, he could not have followed de Jong from his house in West Berlin. There was only one way he could have known--through the agency of our own Security Police, who reported de Jong's presence as a matter of routine as soon as the car pa.s.sed the Inter Sector checkpoint. That knowledge was available to Mundt, and Mundt made it available to Riemeck. _That_ is the case against Hans-Dieter Mundt--I tell you, Riemeck was his creature, the link between Mundt and his imperialist masters!”
Fiedler paused, then added quietly, ”Mundt--Riemeck--Leamas: that was the chain of command, and it is axiomatic of intelligence technique the whole world over that each link of the chain be kept, as far as possible, in ignorance of the others. Thus it is _right_ that Leamas should maintain he knows nothing to the detriment of Mundt: that is no more than the proof of good security by his masters in London.
”You have also been told how the whole case known as 'Rolling Stone,' was conducted under conditions of special secrecy, how Leamas knew in vague terms of an intelligence section under Peter Guillam which was supposedly concerned with economic conditions in our Republic--a section which surprisingly was on the distribution list of 'Rolling Stone.' Let me remind you that that same Peter Guillam was one of several British Security officers who were involved in the investigation of Mundt's activities while he was in England.”
The youngish man at the table lifted his pencil, and looking at Fiedler with his hard, cold eyes wide open he asked, ”Then why did Mundt liquidate Riemeck, if Riemeck was his agent?”
”He had no alternative. Riemeck was under suspicion. His mistress had betrayed him by boastful indiscretion. Mundt gave the order that he be shot on sight, got word to Riemeck to run, and the danger of betrayal was eliminated. Later, Mundt the woman.
”I want to speculate for a moment on Mundt's technique. After his return to Germany in 1959, British Intelligence played a waiting game. Mundt's willingness to cooperate with them had yet to be demonstrated, so they gave him instructions and waited, content to pay their money and hope for the best. At that time Mundt was not a senior functionary of our Service--nor of our Party--but he saw a good deal, and what he saw he began to report. He was, of course, communicating with his masters unaided. We must suppose that he was met in West Berlin, that on his short journeys abroad to Scandinavia and elsewhere he was contacted and interrogated. The British must have been wary to begin with--who would not be? They weighed what he gave them with painful care against what they already knew, but they feared that he would play a double game. But gradually they realized they had bit a gold mine. Mundt took to his treacherous work with the systematic efficiency for which he is renowned. At first--this is my guess, but it is based, Comrades, on long experience of this work and on the evidence of Leamas--for the first few months they did not dare to establish any kind of network which included Mundt. They let him be a lone wolf, they serviced him, paid and instructed him independently of their Berlin organization. They established in London, under Guillam (for it was he who recruited Mundt in England), a tiny undercover section whose function was not known even within the Service save to a select circle. They paid Mundt by a special system which they called Rolling Stone, and no doubt they treated the information he gave them with prodigious caution. Thus, you see, it is consistent with Leamas' protestations that the existence of Mundt was unknown to him although--as you will see--he not only paid him, but in the end _actually received from Riemeck and pa.s.sed to London the intelligence which Mundt obtained_.
”Toward the end of 1959, Mundt informed his London masters that he had found within the Praesidium a man who would act as intermediary between them and Mundt. That man was Karl Riemeck.
”How did Mundt find Riemeck? How did he dare to establish Riemeck's willingness to cooperate? You must remember Mundt's exceptional position: he had access to all the security files, could tap telephones, open letters, employ watchers; he could interrogate anyone with undisputed right, and had before him the detailed picture of their private life. Above all he could silence suspicion in a moment by turning against the people the very weapon”--Fiedler's voice was trembling with fury--”which was designed for their protection.” Returning effortlessly to his former rational style, he continued: ”You can see now what London did. Still keeping Mundt's ident.i.ty a close secret, they connived at Riemeck's enlistment and enabled indirect contact to be established between Mundt and the Berlin command. That is the significance of Riemeck's contact with de Jong and Leamas. _That_ is how you should interpret Leamas' evidence, _that_ is how you should measure Mundt's treachery.”
He turned and, looking Mundt full in the face, he shouted: ”There is your saboteur, terrorist! There is the man who has sold the people's rights!
”I have nearly finished. Only one more thing needs to be said. Mundt gained a reputation as a loyal and astute protector of the people, and he silenced forever those tongues that could betray his secret. Thus he killed in the name of the people to protect his fascist treachery and advance his own career within our Service. It is not possible to imagine a crime more terrible than this. That is why--in the end--having done what he could to protect Karl Riemeck from the suspicion which was gradually surrounding him, he gave the order that Riemeck be shot on sight. That is why he arranged for the of Riemeck's mistress. When you come to give your judgment to the Praesidium, do not shrink from recognizing the full b.e.s.t.i.a.lity of this man's crime. For Hans-Dieter Mundt, death is a judgment of mercy.”
* * 21 * The Witness
The President turned to the little man in the black suit sitting directly opposite Fiedler.
”Comrade Karden, you are speaking for Comrade Mundt. Do you wish to examine the witness Leamas?”
”Yes, yes, I should like to in one moment,” he replied, getting laboriously to his feet and pulling the ends of his gold-rimmed spectacles over his ears. He was a benign figure, a little rustic, and his hair was white.
”The contention of Comrade Mundt,” he began-- his mild voice was rather pleasantly modulated--”is that Leamas is lying; that Comrade Fiedler either by design or ill chance has been drawn into a plot to disrupt the Abteilung, and thus bring into disrepute the organs for the defense of our socialist state. We do not dispute that Karl Riemeck was a British spy-- there is evidence for that. But we dispute that Mundt was in league with him, or accepted money for betraying our Party. We say there is no objective evidence for this charge, that Comrade Fiedler is intoxicated by dreams of power and blinded to rational thought. We maintain that from the moment Leamas returned from Berlin to London he lived a part; that he simulated a swift decline into degeneracy, drunkenness and debt, that he a.s.saulted a tradesman in full public view and affected anti-American sentiments--all solely in order to attract the attention of the Abteilung. We believe that British Intelligence has deliberately spun around Comrade Mundt a mesh of circ.u.mstantial evidence-- the payment of money to foreign banks, its withdrawal to coincide with Mundt's presence in this or that country, the casual hearsay evidence from Peter Guillam, the secret meeting between Control and Riemeck at which matters were discussed that Leamas could not hear: these afl provided a spurious chain of evidence and Comrade Fiedler, on whose ambitions the British so accurately counted, accepted it; and thus he became party to a monstrous plot to destroy--to murder in fact, for Mundt now stands to lose his life--one of the most vigilant defenders of our Republic.
”Is it not consistent with their record of sabotage, subversion and human trafficking that the British should devise this desperate plot? What other course lies open to them now that the rampart has been built across Berlin and the flow of Western spies has been checked? We have fallen victim to their plot; at best Comrade Fiedler is guilty of a most serious error; at worst of conniving with imperialist spies to undermine the security of the worker state, and shed innocent blood.
”We also have a witness.” He nodded benignly at the court. ”Yes. We too have a witness. For do you really suppose that all this time Comrade Mundt has been in ignorance of Fiedler's fevered plotting? Do you really suppose that? For months he has been aware of the sickness in Fiedler's mind. It was Comrade Mundt himself who authorized the approach that was made to Leamas in England: do you think he would have taken such an insane risk if he were himself to be implicated?
”And when the reports of Leamas' first interrogation in The Hague reached the Praesidium, do you suppose Comrade Mundt threw his away unread? And when, after Leamas had arrived in our country and Fiedler embarked on his own interrogation, no further reports were forthcoming, do you suppose Comrade Mundt was then so obtuse that he did not know what Fiedler was hatching? When the first reports came in from Peters in The Hague, Mundt had only to look at the dates of Leamas' visits to Copenhagen and Helsinki to realize that the whole thing was a plant--a plant to discredit Mundt himself. Those dates did indeed coincide with Mundt's visits to Denmark and Finland: they were chosen by London for that very reason. Mundt had known of those 'earlier indications' as well as Fiedler--remember that. Mundt too was looking for a spy within the ranks of the Abteilung. . . .
”And so by the time Leamas arrived in Democratic Germany, Mundt was watching with fascination how Leamas nourished Fiedler's suspicions with hints and oblique indications--never overdone, you understand, never emphasized, but dropped here and there with perfidious subtlety. And by then the ground had been prepared--the man in the Lebanon, the miraculous scoop to which Fiedler referred, both seeming to confirm the presence of a highly placed spy within the Abteilung. . . .
”It was wonderfully well done. It could have turned--it could still-turn--the defeat which the British suffered through the loss of Karl Riemeck into a remarkable victory.