Part 55 (2/2)

[Sidenote: Dorothy played a highly important part at a critical period in the life of her father. She begins in disgrace and ends in triumph.]

Dorothy's Day



”My costume!” said Dorothy Graham, jumping up from the breakfast-table.

”You need not smash _all_ the china!” observed d.i.c.k.

”The parcels post never comes so early,” murmured Dorothy's mother. ”How impulsive that child is!”

In a few minutes Dorothy came back with a crestfallen air and laid a brown, uninteresting-looking envelope by her mother's plate.

”I might have known he never comes so early, except with letters,” she remarked, sitting down again.

”Of course you might,” said d.i.c.k, clearing the bacon dish, ”but you never know anything worth knowing.”

”Don't tease her,” said Mrs. Graham kindly; ”it is not often she gets a new frock.”

”A _costume_,” corrected d.i.c.k, imitating Dorothy's voice. ”A _real_ tailor one--made in Bond Street!”

Mr. Graham rustled his newspaper, and d.i.c.k succ.u.mbed.

”Why, Dorothy!” Mrs. Graham was looking at her letter. ”Dear me!” She ran her eyes quickly through its contents. ”I'm afraid that costume won't come to-day. They've had a fire.”

[Sidenote: A Fire in Bond Street]

”'Prescott's, Bond Street,'” said Mr. Graham, reading from a paragraph in the morning paper. ”Here it is: 'A fire occurred yesterday afternoon in the ladies' tailoring department. The stock-room was gutted, but fortunately the a.s.sistants escaped without injury.'”

Dorothy, with a very long face, was reading over her mother's shoulder:

”In consequence of a fire in the tailoring department Messrs. Prescott beg to inform their customers that some delay will be caused in getting out this week's orders. Business will, however, be continued as usual, and it will greatly facilitate matters if ladies having costumes now in hand will repeat the order by wire or telephone to avoid mistakes.”

”It's very smart of them to have got that notice here so soon,” said Mr.


”Mother,” said Dorothy, swallowing very hard, ”do you think it is burnt?

After being fitted and all!”

”It is a disappointment,” said her mother kindly, ”but they'll make you another.”

”It's a _shame_!” burst out Dorothy, with very hot cheeks. ”These sort of things always happen to _me_! Can't we go to Chelmsford and get one ready-made?”

”That's a girl all over!” exclaimed d.i.c.k. ”Now the man's down, let's kick him!”
