Part 35 (1/2)

He moved as if to leave the room.

”Stay!” came a peremptory command. ”I--I have forgiven you long ago, my son; only pride and self-will stood in the way. For her sake, Philip!”

And the old man stretched a trembling hand across the child.

[Sidenote: Some true dog-stories for all who love dogs.]

Dogs We Have Known



Some years ago I was the guest of my friends Colonel and Mrs. Hamilton.

Besides myself, there was a large Christmas party of friends and children staying in the house. One evening in the drawing-room we all joined in the children's play.

”What would you say,” interposed Mr. Hillary, one of the guests, and he addressed the children, ”if we were all in turn to tell you stories of all the dogs we have known?”

A little buzz of applause met this proposal, and our hostess, being pressed to tell the first tale, began by saying, ”Well, then, I will tell you how I found my little terrier 'Snap.'”

”One day, about two years ago, I was driving into Charleston, which, as you know, is about two miles off. A little distance from the park gates I noticed that my pony carriage was followed by a little white dog--or at least by a little dog that had once been white. It ran along through the black mud of the roads, but nothing seemed to discourage it. On it came, keeping up some ten yards behind my carriage.

”At first I thought we only happened both of us to be going in the same direction, and that it was merely hurrying home; but I was soon undeceived, for to my surprise the little dog followed me first into one shop and then into another.

”Finally I got out again and went into the last. On returning to the ponies I was astonished to find that the poor little wanderer had jumped into the carriage, and ensconced herself comfortably amongst the cus.h.i.+ons.”

”'The brute won't let me take it out,' said d.i.c.k, my diminutive groom; 'it growls if I only touch it, something terrible.'

”'Oh, leave it, then,' I replied, and Snap, as I afterwards christened her, drove back with me, sitting up proudly by my side.

”The next day I went out for a long ride. Without any encouragement on my part, the little terrier insisted upon following my horse. I think we must have gone over a distance of some twenty-four miles, through woods, over fields, and along the high-roads, but never once had I to call or whistle to bring her to my side. My little friend was always just behind me.

”'She be determined to earn herself a good home,' said our old coachman, when I returned in the afternoon and he saw the little dog still following faithfully behind me. I asked him to catch and feed her, but Snap would not trust herself to his care. She showed her teeth and growled furiously when he approached her.

”'More temper than dawg,' murmured our old retainer as he relinquished his pursuit of her. 'c.u.m, la.s.sie, I'll do thee no harm;' but the terrier was not to be caught by his blandishments, and I had to catch her myself and feed her. To me she came at once, looking at me with her earnest, wistful eyes, and placing complete trust in me immediately.

”One of my friends says, 'Snap is redeemed by her many vices.' What made her confidence in me from the very first most remarkable was her general dislike to all strangers. She hates nearly every one. 'Snap spakes to us all about place,' is said of her by our old gardener.

”Obviously, I am sorry to say, her former master must have been opposed to law and order, for of all human beings she most hates policemen!

[Sidenote: Only Just in Time!]

”She also entertains a strong dislike to ministers of all denominations.

Last year when a high dignitary of the Church came to call upon me, imagine my dismay when I saw during our interview Snap, with evil designs, crawling under the furniture to nip his lords.h.i.+p's legs. I was only just in time to prevent the catastrophe!