Part 33 (2/2)
”She actually made me laugh! What are you going to do with her?”
”Take her home.”
”Humph! I suppose I couldn't--couldn't----?”
”Buy her?”
”Good gracious, Mr. Waldron! We are in the twentieth century!”
”Pity, isn't it! But there are many ways of buying without paying cash.
See what you can do. She amuses me. I'll come down handsomely for her.”
”Well, you must let me think it over,” replied the doctor in his most serious manner, but he smiled as he shut the library door.
An evening shortly afterwards Dr. Norman again called on old Mr.
Waldron. He found his patient much better, and seated at his writing-table, from which he glanced up quite briskly to inquire--
”Well, have you brought our queer little friend again?”
”Not this time, but I have come to know if you will help me.”
”Got some interesting boy up your sleeve this time, have you?”
”No, only the same girl. I want to cure her lameness.”
”Is that possible?”
”I believe quite possible, but it will mean an operation and probably a slow recovery.”
”You don't want me to operate, I suppose?”
The doctor smiled. ”Only as friend and helper. I will do the deed myself.”
Old Mr. Waldron growled. ”Flaunting your good deeds to draw this badger, eh? Well, where do I come in?”
[Sidenote: Dr. Norman's Proposal]
”Let me bring the child here. Let her be cared for under your roof. Her father is poor--he cannot afford nurses and the paraphernalia of a sick-room.”
”So I am to turn my house into a hospital for the sick brat of n.o.body knows who--a likely tale! Why, I haven't even heard the father's name!”
”He is my friend, let that suffice.”
”It doesn't suffice!” roared the old man, working himself into a rage.
”I call it pretty cool that you should come here and foist your charity brats on me!”