Part 31 (1/2)

”Well, you see, I have no outside little friends, and so my friends live inside me. I make new ones now and then, when the old ones get dull, but I like the old ones best myself.”

At that moment a step sounded on the stairs; the child's face lit up with a look which made her beautiful.

”That's father!” she exclaimed, and starting up, hastened as fast as her crutch would permit to the door.

Waldron stooped to kiss tenderly the sweet, welcoming face held up to his, then he grasped Dr. Norman's hand.

”So, doctor, you are true,” he said with feeling. ”You do not promise and forget.”

”I am the slower to promise,” returned Dr. Norman. ”I have just been making acquaintance with your little maid.”

”My little Sophy!”

”Yes, father?”

Waldron pa.s.sed a caressing hand over the child's head.

”We two want to talk, dear, so you must go into your own little room.”

”Yes, father; but I will bid goodbye to this doctor first,” she said, with a quaint air, offering Dr. Norman a thin little hand.

As the door closed upon her Waldron remarked rather bitterly, ”You see I told the truth.”

”My dear fellow,” cried the doctor, ”I did not doubt you for a moment! I came this afternoon to tell you I have seen your father--he sent for me.

He is not well. He seems troubled more than his illness warrants. Can it be that under that callous manner he hides regret for the past?”

Philip sighed.

”You must be ever present to his memory,” went on the doctor. ”It might be possible to touch his feelings.”


”Through your child--nay, hear me out. No harm shall come to her; I would not propose it did I believe such a thing possible.”

”But it might mean separation. No, doctor, let us struggle along--she at least is happy.”

”For the present, yes, but for how long? She will not always remain a child. Have you had a good medical opinion in regard to her lameness?”

”The best I could afford at the time.”


”It was unfavourable to trying any remedy; but that was not long after her mother's death.”

”May I examine her?”

Waldron's glad eagerness was eloquent of thanks.

When Dr. Norman left those upper rooms there was a light long absent on Philip's face as he drew his lame child within his arms.

[Sidenote: Sophy takes a Drive]