Part 5 (1/2)

She walked around the ma.s.sive base of the great machine, carrying a bowl filled with a fragrant brown liquid. She stopped at sight of Larry, and uttered a little cry. The bowl fell from her hands, and the fragrant liquid splashed out on the ground. Her brown eyes went wide with delighted surprise; then a look of pain came into them.

”Larry, Larry!” she cried. ”Why did you come?”

”To get you,” he answered, trying to speak as lightly as he could.

”And the best way I knew to find you was to let one of the monsters bring me. Cheer up!” But even to himself, his voice had a tone of discouragement.

She smiled wanly. ”I don't see anything to be cheerful about.” Her small face was set and a little white. ”Dr. Whiting is going to be smashed under the hammer of this dreadful machine, whenever the steam is up. Then it is my turn. And yours. That's nothing to laugh about.”

”But we aren't smashed yet!” Larry insisted.

”By the way, what was that in the bowl?” he went on, glancing down. ”I forgot to bring lunch.” He grinned.

She looked down, startled.

”Oh. Dr. Whiting's soup. Poor fellow, I'm afraid he'll never awake to eat it. There's plenty more. Come around here.”

She picked up the bowl and led him around the base of the machine; then she filled the bowl again with the fragrant, red-brown liquid, from a tall urn of green metal. Larry took the dish eagerly and gulped down the rather insipid and tasteless food.

”And the monsters wors.h.i.+p this old steam hammer?” he inquired, when his hunger was appeased.

”Yes. I think the thing is worked by steam generated by volcanic heat.

Anyhow, there isn't any boiler, and the steam pipe comes up out of the ground. You can see that. So it runs on, without any attention--though I guess the heat is dying down, since it is several days between blows of the hammer.

”And I guess the monsters have forgotten how they used to rule machines. They seem to have depended upon machines, even giving up their own bodies for mechanical ones, until the machine rules them.

”And when this old hammer kept pounding on through the ages, using volcanic steam, I guess they got to considering it alive. They began to regard it as a sort of G.o.d. And when they got the idea of giving it sacrifices, it was natural enough to place the victims under the hammer.”

They went back to Dr. Whiting who was chained across the anvil. He was still breathing, but unconscious. He had been injured in a struggle with the monsters, and his body was much emaciated. Agnes explained that he had been a prisoner in the pen for many months of the time of this world, waiting his turn to die; she said that the monsters had just completed the extermination of another race upon the Pygmy Planet, and were just turning to the greater world for victims.

Larry noticed that the great hammer was slowly rising in its guides, as the pressure of the steam from the planet's interior increased. In a few hours--just at sunset--it reached the top of its stroke.

The air above the pen was suddenly filled with glittering swarms of the green-winged monsters, sweeping slowly about, in measured flight, with strange order in their They had come to witness the sacrifice!

With an explosive rush of steam, the hammer came down!

The ground trembled beneath the terrific blow; the roaring of escaping steam and the crash of the impact were almost deafening. A heavy white cloud shrouded the corroded green machine.

When the hammer slowly lifted, only a red smear was left....

Agnes had shrunk, trembling, against Larry's shoulder. He had put his arms about her and was holding her almost fiercely.

”My turn next,” she whispered. ”And don't try to fight them. It will only make them hurt you!”

”I can't let them take you, Agnes!” Larry cried, in an agonized tone.

And the words seemed to leap out, of themselves, ”Because I love you!”