Part 19 (1/2)
said Miss Prawl, in a hushed voice, 'is the greatest reward that I can bestow on any girl or boy. It is given only for some very great deed: for some deed which shall show that the girl or boy is either very brave or very kind, or both. Although I have seen a great many fine girls and boys, it has never happened that I felt that the right time had come to give any one a purple star. But perhaps this will be purple-star year.'
Theodora listened with a great dawning wors.h.i.+p in her eyes. How exciting it was of Miss Prawl to set up such an impossibly high standard! And how altogether interesting Miss Prawl was, too! Her eyes seemed much given to dancing and twinkling; her voice was sweet and pleasant, being especially persuasive when she said 'boy' or 'girl'; and her smile was a blended maternal-siren affair which n.o.body of either s.e.x had ever been able to resist. Miss Prawl made one feel a little ashamed, as if one had never before appreciated what a privilege and a responsibility it was to be a boy or a girl. The new teacher's dress was a soft, pretty brown, dainty and fresh. Yes, Theodora resolved that she must attain the purple star, and thus forever become famous.
Just as she had arrived at this engrossing decision, the hall door opened, and Mr. Wadsmore, the adored, portly, strode energetically in, leading a new boy. This person, this upstart, this unidentified stranger, this perfect n.o.body of a new boy faced the critical, penetrating eyes of the a.s.sembled cla.s.s with an almost superhuman ease.
'Miss Prawl, this young man is Charley Starr,' said Mr. Wadsmore. 'Can you make a place for him?'
Beside Theodora there was an empty seat, the only one in the room. As it was on the 'girls' side,' the male aspirants for education with difficulty smothered their roars of laughter at the idea of a boy's sitting, debased, among the girls. Observing this ill-concealed hilarity, Miss Prawl at once led Charley to the empty seat beside Theodora.
'If you'll sit here to-day, Charley, I will rearrange the seating to-morrow,' she said.
As Charley sank into the place a.s.signed, Theodora blushed painfully.
Being nearest to the unwelcome masculine stranger embarra.s.sed her frightfully. Her hand flew up into the air.
'MayIgwoutandgettadrink?' she asked.
'Yes, Theodora,' replied Miss Prawl evenly.
She had heard of Theodora's continuous and unquenchable thirst, and had been advised by no less a person than Mr. Wadsmore that the best course was to allow Theodora to drink as much and as often as she wished.
After a copious raid on the water-cooler, Theodora returned, feeling a little bloated, but much more composed and natural.
'Five minutes for whispering,' announced Miss Prawl, at eleven o'clock.
A deafening hubbub immediately arose.
'Say,' began Charley Starr to Theodora, from behind his desk cover, 'how do you like _her_?' He nodded toward Miss Prawl, and winked.
Theodora was unwilling to indulge in the intimacies of gossip on so slight an acquaintance.
'Where'd you come from, anyway?' she icily inquired.
'Skipped up from the Fourth Grade.'
'You did!' Hauteur was drowned in awe.
'You bet. It's the second time I've skipped in this school, too.'
Theodora studied Charley with detached, incipient dislike. Charley must be very bright indeed to have skipped two She herself, with all her brains, had never arrived at the pinnacle of skipping. And she had so much wanted to feel the importance of marching into chapel with the cla.s.s next higher up, and of smiling back at her old mates with condescending tolerance. Theodora did not know that she might have skipped several times, but for the fact that her parents, who believed in the slow unfolding of her almost too brilliant mind, had begged to have her kept back.
All unconscious of this parental duplicity, Theodora was having some very uncomfortable minutes. If Charley Starr had skipped two, it looked as if the impossible were true--that there actually existed on the earth a person who was brighter than she. It could not be, and yet, and yet--Charley looked disturbingly intelligent. But there, of course he had not studied last year's subjects in detail, so he could not possibly compete with her. And when she received the purple star, she would be entirely safe. Star--why, the new boy's name was Star.
'Is your name spelled plain _S-t-a-r_?' she asked.
'_S-t-a-double r_,' replied Charley. 'I'm Charles Augustus Starr, Junior,' he said, in a bragging tone.
Theodora gave a shriek of delight, and punched the girl in front of her.
'Say, Laura, the new boy's father is Coal-Cart Starr!' she cried.
Laura immediately shrieked, too, and so did all the other girls when they heard the news. Bewildered at so much noise, Miss Prawl rang the bell, and asked Theodora, who seemed to be a sort of cheer-leader, to look up the word 'whisper' in the large dictionary, and write the definition on the blackboard.