Part 25 (1/2)
Half an hour later we pa.s.sed a grating, then a spare studding-sail boom, then a couple of hen-coops close together; after which fragments of wreckage became increasingly frequent until we reached a spot where one of the _Daphne's_ boats was found floating with her stern torn out of her; several hatch-covers, the mizen topgallant-mast and sail, three dead sheep, a wash-deck tub, and other relics being in company; after which the wreckage suddenly ceased. We had evidently pa.s.sed over the spot where the _Daphne_ had gone down. And the brig was immediately hove-to and all the boats despatched upon a search expedition--unhappily a vain one, for not a sign of another survivor could be found, nor even a dead body to which we could give decent and Christian burial.
This melancholy fact at length indubitably established, Smellie gave the order to make sail, shaping a course for the Congo, whither we felt sure the _Black Venus_ had made the best of her way.
Crowding sail upon the _Virginia_ we made the pa.s.sage to the river's mouth in a trifle over five days, during the last three of which the wind was light and variable with us, anchoring in Banana Creek at two p.m. on the fifth day from that on which we had been picked up. The _Virginia_ having succeeded in completing her complement of officers and men at Sierra Leone, the half-dozen picked up with me had been acting as supernumeraries on board, whilst I had simply been Smellie's guest. I was very much gratified, therefore, when he invited me to go with him in the boat on a search expedition to ascertain, if possible, the whereabouts of the redoubtable _Black Venus_.
We started in the gig that same afternoon as soon as the s.h.i.+p was moored, Smellie being of opinion that we should find the object of our quest snugly moored within the creek below Don Manuel's house, where we had seen her on the eventful evening when we captured the _Josefa_; and this creek being situate at some distance up the river, it was necessary that we should make an early start in order to be back on board before the rising of the evening mists.
We reached the creek in due course without adventure, and began cautiously to ascend it. Mile after mile we made our way, landing at the extremity of every reach and carefully reconnoitring the succeeding one before entering it with the boat; but our search was in vain--we arrived at the head of the creek without finding a single trace of the brig, or indeed of any other vessel.
Being there, it was only natural that Smellie and I should feel a strong desire to see once more the kind host and gentle hostess who had so generously nursed and entertained us in the time of our sore need.
Leaving the boat at the head of the creek, therefore, in charge of the c.o.xswain, with instructions to the latter to fire a couple of muskets in rapid succession should our presence be required, or, in the event of that being inadvisable, to make the best of his way along the footpath and up to the house, we set out--the bright flush on Smellie's bronzed cheek, the joyous sparkle in his eyes, and the eager spring in his elastic footstep betraying plainly enough the pleasurable antic.i.p.ations which occupied his mind.
Traversing the path with rapid footsteps we soon reached the palisading which inclosed the garden, pa.s.sed through the gate, and found ourselves in sight of the house. There it stood just as we had last seen it, door and windows wide open, the muslin curtains at the windows waving idly in the fitful breeze, and the bamboo lounging-chairs--one of them overturned--under the verandah.
We stepped briskly out, warm work though we had found it breasting the hill, and pa.s.sed up the main avenue leading to the front door--Smellie keeping his eyes intently fixed upon the said front door, doubtless in the hope of seeing Dona Antonia emerge, and of enjoying her first glance of surprise and delight. I of course had no such inducement to look straight ahead, and my glances therefore wandered carelessly here and there to the right and left, noting the exquisite shapes and colours of the flowers and fruit and the luxuriant foliage and delightful shade of the trees.
Whilst thus engaged my wandering thoughts were suddenly arrested by the appearance of several large and heavy footprints in the sandy soil of the footpath; and whilst I was still idly wondering what visitors Don Manuel could have so recently had and from whence they could possibly have come, my eye lighted upon a single drop of blood; then another, then quite a little line of blood-drops. They were, however, only such as would result from a trifling cut or scratch; so I said nothing about it. A little further on, up the pathway, a tall th.o.r.n.y shrub thrust its branches somewhat obtrusively over the border of the path; and one of the twigs--a good stout one--was broken and hung to its parent branch by a sc.r.a.p of bark only. Curiosity prompted me to pause for a moment to examine the twig; and I then saw that one of the thorns was similarly broken, its point being stained with blood still scarcely dry. This solved the riddle. Someone pa.s.sing hastily had evidently been caught by the thorn and rather severely scratched. A few paces further on a shred of white muslin hung from another bush; and I began to fear that Dona Antonia had been the sufferer.
Beaching the house we walked unceremoniously in, delighted at the idea of the surprise we should give our friends. Proceeding to the parlour, or usual sitting-room, we found it empty, with, to our great surprise, the table and one or two chairs capsized, a torn scarf lying on the floor, and other evidences of a struggle of some sort. The sight brought us abruptly to a stand-still on the threshold--Smellie and I looking at each other inquiringly, as though each would ask the other what could be the meaning of it all. Then with a quick stride my companion pa.s.sed in before me, glanced round the room, and uttered a low exclamation of horror. I at once followed, glanced in the direction indicated by Smellie's outstretched finger, and there, behind the door, lay the body of poor Pedro, face downwards on the floor, a little pool of coagulating blood being just visible on the matting beneath his forehead.
Quickly stooping we turned him over on his back. He was quite dead, though not yet cold, the cause of death being clearly indicated by a small bullet-wound fair in the centre of his forehead.
My thoughts flew back in an instant to the night on which we last stood under that same roof, to the attempted abduction of Dona Antonia; and the conviction at once seized upon me that we were now looking upon another piece of Senor Madera's work.
The same thought evidently struck Smellie, for he turned to me and exclaimed breathlessly:
”Dona Antonia!--where can she be?”
And without waiting for an answer he dashed into the pa.s.sage and began calling loudly:
”Antonia! Antonia mia! where are you, darling! It is I--Harold.”
Then, receiving no answer, he shouted alternately for Don Manuel and old Madre Dolores.
This time he was more successful, for as he paused for breath we heard a voice far down the garden-path replying in Spanish, ”Hola! Hola! Who calls for me so loudly?”
And looking in that direction we saw Don Manuel sauntering up the path with his gun thrown carelessly over his shoulder and a well-filled bag of ”specimens” by his side.
We hastened out to meet him, and received a right joyous and hearty greeting, to which we hastily responded; and then poor Smellie in his anxiety blurted out:
”And where is Dona Antonia?”
”Is she not in the house?” asked Don Manuel.
”I cannot find her anywhere,” replied Smellie, ”and I greatly fear--”
then his natural caution returned to him and he checked himself. ”By the way,” he continued, ”have you seen anything of your friend Senor Madera lately.”
”No,” answered Don Manuel, ”he has never had the a.s.surance to appear here since the night on which he made his audacious attempt to abduct my daughter; but I noticed just now that his s.h.i.+p is in the creek below there, so I hastened home, deeming it only prudent to be on the spot whilst he favours us with his unwelcome proximity.”
”His s.h.i.+p in the creek!” exclaimed Smellie incredulously. ”Then she must have arrived within the last half-hour, for it is barely that since we pa.s.sed from the mouth to the head of the creek, and no s.h.i.+p was in it then.”