Volume 4 Chapter 7 (2/2)

He seems to have learned many experiences from Master Zahato himself

And he proudly told the students back there a lot about that』(Lior)

『The students were delighted, I suppose…』(Cathy)

Perhaps the person himself has already passed away at that time So, the story of the person, who directly knows the hero,is…

In the story about Master Zahato, there's a fact that different from what the public know

Actually, when he was a soldier, he only had an average strength』(Lior)


But, everyone knows about the faes in crisis

He stole the sit of the inco…』(Cathy)

『It's creative It's such a fantasy that different from the reality』(Lior)

This fact h I wasn't ie in rae

Well, I wonder how is it related?

『And then, an incident occurred that Master Zahato becas, they were entrusted to stall the ene the enemy for a retreat In other words, they were abandoned

Without luck or skill, they would not be able to survive

『Although the corps of Zahato was destroyed, Zahato ed to survive

When Zahat was rescued by other troops, Zahat see as he ran out of Aura and was severely injured』(Lior)

『Oh, the story is connected』(Cathy)

『Well, well The people at that ti method, but they are not so…

Well, I don't know if they could understand it

Maybe they think that it's due to Zahato had overco』(Lior)


『But one of the students who heard the story froeneration realized one possibility』(Lior)

Lior-san's face became dark as he talked about this

Before I knew it, Lior-san's big dish was already eulped down his saliva

『You mean…』(Cathy)


The air becoulped down uess he was just young and reckless,

He er and closer to the person he admired

He tried to increase his Aura and broke his limit』(Lior)

『I can so, whatever we do, if we can stay alive, ill become versatile…』(Cathy)

『Hey hey, you are only seventeen, aren't you?』(Lior)


I have to deceive hirandfather said that!』(Cathy)

『Oh I see

Well, by chance, yes, by chance

That attempt was successful

He seems to had stayed in bed for a few days

But after that, it seems like his control of the aura has become much better

Unlike Master Zahato, he lacks the fundament of Aura

He couldn't understand hoorked with his lack of knowledge』(Lior)

Fuu~, that was dangerous

No, maybe he isn't suspect because this is the first time

『… After that, what happened?』(Cathy)

However, this story isn't well-known, there ed Lior-san to continue

『He boasted to other young students and proud of hoas strengthened

But they were talking about keeping it a secret fro other students in a sian to believe in that

And they did not particularly care about the reason Master Zahato didn't teach anyone that trick』(Lior)

Yes, they must feel bad

It's the best dojo in town, I wonder if they couldn't help but be competitive?

『At one ti students secretly practiced that ine that they would not end well already』(Cathy)

『There were only two people who survived a the ten people,

and there were multiple dead bodies in the dojo that time』(Lior)


『This is why this secret method is concealed by the information department

That case was hidden and the Zahato Dojo had also been closed』(Lior)

That's harsh…

But, wait…

『How does Lior-san know such an incident?』(Cathy)

『It's an abuse of power

I have forced the information department to disclose some confidential information about martial arts』(Lior)

『… …』(Cathy)

『What? Do you want to say so?』(Lior)

『Not really

Then Lior-san, that method, did you…?』(Cathy)

『Of course I did it, so you really said so in particular』(Cathy)

『There were things in coer than average

However, they are not as good as Neil』(Lior)

『That inning?』(Cathy)

Did he think about the success rate at first?

I do not know if he is unreasonable or not

『Well, he is strong enough to clear the first condition

The last thing to do is figuring out his limit point

Because there were many people died when they used their Aura passed their limit

It is necessary to stop before then』(Lior)

This e of

It's no doubt that theto succeed

Did the students, who survived in the dojo of Master Zahato, succeed sih, you should have talked to us about it』(Cathy)

Consider the result, I wonder if that was necessary, though

But because of that Finsan and Neil-san had a fight

『No, don't you see what I h』(Lior)

『Even you talked about hu』(Cathy)

『You, you are frankly annoying

I will return the story

There were three people survived and their Aura was strengthened

At some point, I considered if I should apply that practice ht be another incident like the one I talked about

It's high risk and also high return

I think you understand

Do not talk about it to anyone other than Neil and Fina』(Lior)


It's a dangerous practice method, but no htly

Even if we forbid them, there will be many people try to do it

Anyas that the reason why the dojo of Master Zahato collapsed?

Master Zahato hi cause…
