Part 1 (1/2)

War from the Inside.

by Frederick L.


This narrative was originally written without the least idea of publication, but to gratify the oft-repeated requests of my children.

During the work, the ubiquitous newspaper reporter learned of it, and persuaded me to permit its publication in a local paper, where it appeared in weekly instalments. Since then the demand that I should put it in more permanent form has been so persistent and wide-spread, that I have been constrained to comply, and have carefully revised and in part rewritten it. I have endeavored to confine myself to my own observations, experiences, and impressions, giving the inner life of the soldier as we experienced it. It was my good fortune to be a.s.sociated with one of the best bodies of men who took part in the great Civil War; to share in their hards.h.i.+ps and their achievements. For this I am profoundly grateful. Their story is my own. If these splendid gray-headed ”boys”--those who have not yet pa.s.sed the mortal firing-line--shall find some pleasure in again tramping over that glorious route, and recalling the historic scenes, and if the younger generation shall gather inspiration for a like patriotic dedication to country and to liberty, I shall be more than paid for my imperfect work. In conclusion, I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Major James W. Oakford, son of our intrepid colonel, who was the first of the regiment to fall, and to Mr. Lewis B. Stillwell, son of that brave and splendid officer, Captain Richard Stillwell, Company K, who was wounded and disabled at Fredericksburg, for constant encouragement in the preparation of the work and for a.s.sistance in its publication.

SCRANTON, PA., April 5, 1904.



I was appointed adjutant of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, by our great war Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, at the solicitation of Colonel Richard A. Oakford, commanding the regiment, my commission dating the 22d day of August, 1862. I reported for duty to Colonel Oakford at Camp Whipple, where the regiment was then encamped, on the 3d day of September, 1862. This was immediately following the disasters of ”Chantilly” and ”Second Bull Run,” and as I pa.s.sed through Was.h.i.+ngton to Camp Whipple, I found the greatest excitement prevailing because of these reverses, and a general apprehension for the safety of the capital in consequence. The wildest rumors were abroad concerning the approach of the victorious rebel troops, and an alarm amounting almost to a panic existed. Being without a horse or other means of transportation, I was obliged to make my way, valise in hand, on foot from Was.h.i.+ngton over the ”long bridge” across the Potomac, to Camp Whipple, some two miles up the river nearly opposite Georgetown. From the wild rumors floating about Was.h.i.+ngton, I did not know but I should be captured bag and baggage before reaching camp. Undertaking this trip under those circ.u.mstances, I think, required almost as much nerve as ”real work” did later on.

Getting beyond the long bridge there were abundant evidences of the reported disasters. Straggling troops, army wagons, etc., were pouring in from the ”front” in great disorder. I reached camp about three o'clock P.M. and found Colonel Oakford out with the regiment on battalion drill. An hour later I reported to his office (tent) as ready for duty. The colonel had been a lifelong personal friend, and I was received, as I expected, most cordially. I was a.s.signed quarters, and a copy of the daily routine orders of camp was placed in my hands, and my attention specially called to the fact that the next ”order of business”

was ”dress parade” at six o'clock. I inquired the cause of this special notice to me, and was informed that I was expected to officiate as adjutant of the regiment at that ceremony. I pleaded with the colonel to be allowed a day or so in camp to see how things were done before undertaking such difficult and important duties; that I knew absolutely nothing about any part of military service; had never served a day in any kind of military work, except in a country fire company; had never seen a dress parade of a full regiment in my life, and knew nothing whatever about the duties of an adjutant.

My pleadings were all in vain. The only reply I received was a copy of the ”Army Regulations,” with the remark that I had two hours in which to study up and master the details of dress parade, and that I could not learn my duties any easier nor better than by actual practice; that my condition was no different from that of my fellow officers; that we were all there in a camp of instruction learning our duties, and there was not a moment to lose. I then began to realize something of the magnitude of the task which lay before me. To do difficult things, without knowing how; that is, to learn how in the doing, was the universal task of the Union volunteer officer. I took up my ”Army Regulations” and attacked the ceremony of dress parade as a life and death matter. Before my two hours were ended, I could repeat every sentence of the ceremony verbatim, and felt that I had mastered the thing, and was not going to my execution in undertaking my duties as adjutant. Alas for the frailty of memory; it failed me at the crucial moment, and I made a miserable spectacle of myself before a thousand officers and men, many of them old friends and acquaintances, all of whom, it seemed to me, were specially a.s.sembled on that occasion to witness my debut, and see me get ”balled up.” They were not disappointed. Things tactically impossible were freely done during that ceremony. Looking back now upon that scene, from the long distance of forty years, I see a green country boy undertaking to handle one thousand men in the always difficult ceremony of a dress parade. (I once heard Governor Hartranft, who attained the rank of a major-general during the war, remark, as he witnessed this ceremony, that he had seen thousands of such parades, and among them all, only one that he considered absolutely faultless.) I wonder now that we got through it at all. Think of standing to give your first command at the right of a line of men five hundred abreast, that is, nearly one thousand feet in length, and trying to make the men farthest away hear your small, unused, and untrained voice. I now can fully forgive my failure. The officers and men were considerate of me, however, and, knowing what was to be done, went through with it after a fas.h.i.+on in spite of my blunders.

The regiment was one of the ”nine months'” quota; it had been in the service barely two weeks at this time. It was made up of two companies, I and K, from Scranton (Captains James Archbald, Company I, and Richard Stillwell, Company K), Company A, Danville, Pa.; B, Factoryville; C, Wellsboro and vicinity; E, Bloomsburg; F and G, Mauch Chunk, and H, Catawissa. It numbered, officers and men, about one thousand. Its field officers were Colonel Richard A. Oakford, Scranton; Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent M. Wilc.o.x, Scranton; Major Charles Albright, Mauch Chunk; staff, Frederick L. Hitchc.o.c.k, first lieutenant and adjutant, Scranton; Clinton W. Neal, first lieutenant and quartermaster, Bloomsburg; Rev.

Schoonmaker, first lieutenant and chaplain, Scranton.

The transition from home life to that of an army in the field can only be appreciated from a stand-point of actual experience. From a well-ordered, well-cooked meal, served at a comfortable table with the accessories of home, howsoever humble, to a ”catch as catch can” way of getting ”grub,” eating what, and when and where, you are fortunate enough to get to eat; and from a good, comfortable bed, comfortably housed in a comfortable home, to a blanket ”shake down” under the beautiful sky, mark some of the features of this transition.

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. MARTIN M. BROBST CO. H]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. WARNER H. CARNOCHAN CO. D]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. GEO. W. WILHELM CO. F]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. SMITH W. INGHAM CO. B]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. CHAS. M'DOUGAL CO. C]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. RICHARD STILLWELL CO. K]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. JAMES ARCHBALD, JR. CO. I]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. CHARLES C. NORRIS CO. A]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. JACOB D. LACIAR CO. F]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. JACOB B. FLOYD CO. K]

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPT. ROBERT A. ABBOTT CO. G]