Part 35 (1/2)

The Barrier Rex Beach 24500K 2022-07-20

”You are very kind,” said the girl ”I can't thank you enough” She was clothed in her siain the sun-colored half-breed girl with the wide, dark eyes and the twin braids of crow-black hair

”You didn't run into anybody, eh?”

She shook her head Then he led her out into the darkness, and they sturavelly water's edge, where rows of clu at their painters The up-river stea

Stark's lohistle was answered a hundred yards below, and they searched out a darker blot that proved to be aready?” he inquired, at which the shadow grunted unintelligibly So, holding Necia by the arm, Stark helped her back to a seat in the stern

”This h,” he said ”You can trust hiht”

The oarsman clambered in and adjusted his sweeps, then Stark laid a hand on the prow and shoved the light boat out into the current, calling softly:

”Good-bye, and good-luck”

”Good-bye, Mr Stark Thank you ever so irl replied, too numb and worn out to say much, or to notice or care whither she was bound or as her boat too swiftly to reason or fear for herself any hts of the little ca, she set her face forward, and, adjusting the cushi+ons to her co shadow of her boatlooled about her, invisible but all-pervading, irresistible, monstrous, only the ceaseless,the silence

Stark did not return to his cabin, but went back instead to his saloon, where he saw Poleon Doret still sprawling with elbows on the table, his hat pulled low above his sullen face The owner of the place passed behind the bar and poured hilass of whiskey, which he tossed off, then, without a look to right or left, went out and doards the barracks A light behind the drawn curtains of the officer's house told that hiswhich he heard the occupantabout and another door close in the rear

When he was allowed entrance at last he found the young lasses on the table

For at the sound of his voice Gale had whispered to Burrell, ”Keep him out!” and the Lieutenant had decided to refuse his late visitor ad the trader in the bedroom at the rear It was only natural, he reasoned, that Gale should dislike to face a ained his composure

”Go in there and wait till I see what he wants,” he had said, and, shutting the oldhis ill-ti brusquely the cause of it

Before answering, Stark entered and closed the door behind hiuess it can wait till ot to be done to-night, right now! You represent the law, or at least you've taken every occasion to so declare yourself, and to ure; so now I've co as I'o by the law” His eyes hty pro such affairs You seeht of this whole coive you sonored the taunt, and said, quietly: ”It's a little late for polite conversation Coot a criminal for you”

”What kind?”


”You've had a killing in your place, eh?”

”No, I've just made a discovery I found it all out by accident, too--pure accident By Heaven! You can't tellour affairs Why, this felon has lived here a us all this tinized him”

”Well, well! Go on!” snapped Burrell, ihly respected party He's a glorious example to this whole river”

The officer started Could it be? he wondered Could knowledge of this affair have reached this man? He was uncomfortably aware of that presence in the back room, but he had to know the truth