Part 6 (1/2)
”Purty, ain't he?”
”If you ain't good he'll get you,” said Gale, a trifle cynically, at which Lee chuckled
”I reckon there's several of us in caood,” said he ”Has he tried to git anybody yet?”
”No, but he's liable to What would happen if he did? Suppose, for instance, he went after you--or me?”
The one-eyed man snorted derisively ”It ain't wuth considerin'!”
”Why not?” insisted Gale, guardedly ”Maybe I've got a record--you don't know”
”If you have, don't tell me nothin' about it,” hastily observed Lee
”I'm a God-fearin' citizen myself, leanin' ever towards peace and quietudes, but what's past is dead and gone, and I'd hate to see a lispin' child like that blue-and-yeller party try to reezureck it”
”He's got the American arin a hundred He aienerate Lee, but his wrinkles changed and deepened as he leaned across the counter confidentially
”You say the word, John, and I'll take so to help me, and we'll transfer this ive the wink”
”Pshaw! I' as they play around and drill and toot that horn, and don't bother anybody, I allow they're not in the way”
”All right! It's up to you However, if I happen to leap down on this pay streak before it sees oin' to put my friends in first and fore!”
He thrust his ars of a new pair of blue overalls that forled the burden comfortably into place between his shoulders, and slouched out past Doret, to whoiven Necia's e to Poleon, the Lieutenant took up his business with the trader It concerned the purchase of certain supplies that had been omitted from the military outfit, and when this was concluded he referred to the encounter of thatin that manner,” he said, ”for I don't I want to ith you, and I want to be friends with you”
”I' policeman more than I do, but it's a part ofman
”I reckon you simply aim to keep peace, eh? You ain't lookin' for nobody in particular?”
”Of course not--outside of certain notorious criminals who have escaped justice and worked north”
”Then there is a few that you want, eh?”
”Yes, certain old-timers The officers at every post have descriptions of a few such, and if they shoill take them in and hold theot their names and descriptions, mebbe I could help you,”
said the trader, carelessly
”Thank you, I'll bring up the list and we'll go over it together You ood while”
”About ten years”