Part 6 (1/2)
[Footnote bbb: Loving the Lord means living according to His commandments, nos. 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645.]
[Footnote ccc: Loving the neighbour consists in doing what is good, just, and right, in every work and in every function, from the affection of what is good, just, and right, nos. 8120, 8121, 8123, 10310, 10336. A life of love towards the neighbour is a life according to the Lord's precepts, no. 3249.]
170. The spirits with whom I had now spoken were from the northern part of their earth. I was afterwards led to others who were on the western part. These also, wis.h.i.+ng to examine who and what I was; immediately said that there was nothing in me but evil, thinking that thus I might be deterred from approaching nearer. I apperceived that this was their manner of accosting all who come to them. But it was given me to reply that I well knew it to be so, and that in them likewise there was nothing but evil, by reason that every one is born into evil, and therefore whatever comes from man, spirit, or angel, as from what is his own, or from his proprium, is nothing but evil; inasmuch as all the good that is in every one, is from the Lord.
Hence they apperceived that I was in the truth, and I was admitted to converse with them. They then showed me their idea concerning evil in man, and concerning good from the Lord, how they are separated from each other. They placed one near the other, almost contiguous, but still distinct, yet as if bound in an inexpressible manner, so that the good led the evil, and restrained it, insomuch that it was not allowed to act at pleasure; and that thus the good bent the evil in whatever direction it desired, without the evil knowing anything of it. In this manner they exhibited the dominion of good over evil, and at the same time a state of freedom. They then asked how the Lord appeared amongst the angels from our Earth. I said that He appeared in the sun as a Man, encompa.s.sed therein with a fiery solar [sphere], from which the angels in the heavens derive all light; and that the heat which proceeds thence is the Divine Good, and that the light which proceeds thence is the Divine Truth, both from the Divine Love, which is the fiery [sphere] appearing around the Lord in that sun; but that that sun only appears to the angels in heaven, and not to the spirits who are beneath, since the latter are more remote from the reception of the good of love and of the truth of faith, than the angels who are in the heavens (see above, no. 40). It was given them thus to inquire concerning the Lord, and concerning His appearance before the angels from our Earth, because it pleased the Lord then to become present among them, and to reduce into order the things which had been disturbed there by the evil spirits of whom they complained.
The reason also why I was led thither, was in order that I might be an eye-witness of these things.
171. There was then seen a dark cloud towards the east descending from on high, which in its descent appeared by degrees full of light and in the human form. At length this [human form] appeared in a flaming radiance, encompa.s.sed with small stars of the same colour. Thus the Lord presented Himself before the spirits with whom I was conversing.
At His presence all the spirits who were there were instantly gathered together from every side; and when they were come, they were separated, the good from the evil, the good to the right and the evil to the left, and this in an instant as of their own accord. Those on the right were arranged in order according to the quality of the good, and those on the left according to the quality of the evil, with them: they who were good remained to form among themselves a heavenly society; but the evil were cast into the Afterwards I saw that that flaming radiance descended to the lower parts of the earth there to a considerable depth, and then it appeared at one time in a flaming [l.u.s.tre] verging to luminosity, at another time in a luminosity verging into obscurity, and at another in obscurity: and I was told by the angels that that appearance is according to the reception of truth from good, and of falsity from evil, with those who inhabit the lower parts of that earth, and that the flaming radiance itself was subject to no such variations. They also said, that the lower parts of that earth were inhabited both by the good and by the evil; but that they were thoroughly separated, to the end that the evil might be ruled by the Lord through the good. They added, that the good are by turns elevated thence into heaven by the Lord, and that others succeed in their place, and so on perpetually. In that descent, the good were separated from the evil in like manner, and all things were reduced to order; for the evil, by various arts and cunning contrivances, had intruded themselves into the dwellings of the good there, and had infested them; and this was the cause of the present visitation. That cloud, which in descending appeared by degrees full of light and in the human form, and afterwards as a flaming radiance, was an angelic society, in whose midst the Lord was. From this it was given me to know what is meant by the Lord's words in the Gospels, where, speaking of the Last Judgment, He says, ”_That He would come with the angels in the clouds of heaven, with glory and power_” [(Matt. xxiv. 30; Mark xiii. 26; Luke xxi. 27)].
172. After this were seen some monkish spirits, those, namely, who have already been spoken of as having been travelling monks or missionaries in the world; and there was also seen a crowd of spirits who were from that earth, most of them evil, whom they had drawn over to their side, and led astray. These were seen on the eastern quarter of that earth, from whence they had driven away the good, who betook themselves to the northern side of the earth, and of whom we have spoken above. That crowd, together with their seducers, were collected together to the number of some thousands, and were separated; the evil of that crowd were cast into the It was also given me to speak with one spirit who was a monk, and to ask him what he did there.
He replied that he taught them concerning the Lord. I asked, what besides. He said, concerning heaven and h.e.l.l. I asked, what further.
He said, concerning faith in all that he should say. I asked again, if he taught anything else. He said, concerning the power of remitting sins, and of opening and shutting heaven. He was then examined as to what he knew concerning the Lord, the truths of faith, the remission of sins, man's salvation, and heaven and h.e.l.l; and it was discovered that he knew scarcely anything, that he was in obscurity and falsity concerning all and each of these subjects, and that he was possessed solely by the l.u.s.t of acquiring gain and dominion, which he had contracted in the world and brought with him from thence. He was therefore told that as he had, prompted by that l.u.s.t, travelled thus far, and as he was such in regard to doctrine, he could not but deprive the spirits of that earth of heavenly light, and inflict on them the darkness of h.e.l.l, and thus cause h.e.l.l, and not the Lord, to have dominion with them. Moreover, he was cunning in seducing, but stupid as to the things relating to heaven. As he was of such a character, he was afterwards cast into h.e.l.l. Thus the spirits of that earth were freed of them.
173. The spirits of that earth, amongst other things, also said that those strangers, who, as has been said, were monkish spirits, used all their endeavours to persuade them to live together in society, and not separate and solitary. For spirits and angels dwell and live together just as they had done in the world. Those who have dwelt together collectively in the world, also dwell collectively together in the other life; and those who have dwelt separated into households and families, also dwell separated there. These spirits, whilst they had lived as men on their earth, had dwelt separated, every household and family, and thus every clan, apart, and therefore knew not what it was to dwell together in society. Wherefore, when it was told them that those strangers wanted to persuade them to this, in order that they might reign and rule over them, and that they could not otherwise subject them to themselves and make them slaves, they replied that they were totally ignorant what was meant by reigning and ruling. That they flee away at the bare idea of rule and domination, was manifest to me from this circ.u.mstance, that one of them, who accompanied us on the return journey, when I showed him the city in which I dwelt, at the first sight of it fled away, and was seen no more.